[IC] Evilhalfling's Dark Sun

Steve Gorak

Kel would have gathered any clothes and combustible materials from the corpses to use as makeshift torches. He would have searched them too for anything else that could be useful. And yes, if the climb down is precarious, he would have proposed to go down before the rest, as his power would still be active.

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The kreen were used to using body-parts of various creatures to fashion tools (including their own, why waste?) so Chtckh felt nothing as he removed the arms of the slave's corpse to use the bone for the shaft of a torch, quckly carving away whatever was left of the meat. He took some of the salvaged cloth from Kel and wrapped one end of the bone, tight enough that it would not easily fall off, but loose enough to let the air get at it, and lit his torch on the smoldering remains of the burning body.

OOC: Short Rest 2nd Wind & SupDice return; HD: 1D10+2 = [2]+2 = 4 Hit Dice remaining 2/3. HP 24/28

Varsk watches the hole impatiently. No one had entered the courtyard since their arrival. He takes sometime to check the other buildings before returning to where the others slipped under ground. He waits unconsciously forming a green shimmering blade in his hand and then letting it disappear. After several more minutes Varsk gets tired of waiting and drops into the hole gong to see what is taking his companions so long.


Kel's question is met with shrugs and head shakes, the others aren't expecting any enemies pursuing them,
and other friends may come in time.

Varsk arrives and finds a small chamber with several dead bodies, and a larger room with his two companions and a strange human sitting around. The new human is probably from Urik as well as dialect and some of his clothes clearly state. Varsk wears the same grey uniform as Blaze & Plool.

After an hour, and some tasty cooked rodents your all feeling recovered.
If your going deeper underground, the passage is narrow and twisty.

I'm assuming a marching order of
Blaze, Plool, Chtckh, Kel and Varsk.

but if you want a different order or want to head for the surface instead, let me know.
did anyone take the priest's bird symbol? it might be worth a dozen ceramic coins.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Blaze simmers down as he realizes the human means no immediate harm. As a former gladiator, the genasi is quite used to impromptu alliances that may or may not last, and he introduces himself with a smile.

"I'm Blaze," he says with a small nod. "Sorry if I burned any of you," he takes in all of his companions. "Heat of the moment."

He grins at his own joke, and sits down to take a rest, a small flame dancing on his arms illuminating the area around him.

The kreen were used to using body-parts of various creatures to fashion tools (including their own, why waste?) so Chtckh felt nothing as he removed the arms of the slave's corpse to use the bone for the shaft of a torch, quckly carving away whatever was left of the meat.

Blaze looks at the thri kreen with a look of mild disgust. He's seen the practice before in arenas, but he'd always assumed it was a way to shock and please the crowd. Watching the efficient carving up of a dead body far removed from a crowded fighting arena is somehow abhorrant to the genasi, but he keeps his mouth shut.

After an hour, and some tasty cooked rodents your all feeling recovered.
If your going deeper underground, the passage is narrow and twisty.

I'm assuming a marching order of
Blaze, Plool, Chtckh, Kel and Varsk.

but if you want a different order or want to head for the surface instead, let me know.
did anyone take the priest's bird symbol? it might be worth a dozen ceramic coins.

"Let's move on," Blaze says as he gets up and holds up the flame that has illuminated him for the last few hours in front of him. His other hand is on his bone club, at rest by his side but quickly up to defend himself.

OOC: Marching order seems fine to me. I haven't been injured so no HD rolling for me.

Blaze is not taking any bird symbol. Maybe he's still thinking that everything will be provided to him like when he was still a slave, and maybe he's a bit superstitious about (un)holy symbols, but either way he's not taking it.

Steve Gorak

As the group rests, Kel offers to psionically clean anybody that is interested and make the food more savoury (prestigitation).

He doesn’t talk much. When prompted, he’ll admit that he’s from Urik, and that he is lost here in Raam.

OOC: marching order works for me


Chtckh'Chtckh nodded and waved his antennae, both greeting the newcomer Kel and accepting the offer of a psychic cleaning. He considered it a great honour and bowed when it was done. He was happy to have a tekchakak with the group. It comforted him, in spite of he not trusting any of his dra companions completely.

(Most Kreen packs (tek) had at least one psionicist (chakak). Dra are mammal-folk.)


Possibly a Idiot.
"Better tasting food?" Plool's ears perk at the thought, and he offers up a rodent as an experiment.

After stuffing his face in order to better experience the umami, he turns to follow Blaze. "So, which way is the other exit?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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