[IC] Evilhalfling's Dark Sun


Possibly a Idiot.
“'Darkest earth?'” Plool apprehensively quoted the dead man, while watching the corpse before him being melded back into one lump of flesh by the dirt itself. “I think” he reasoned “we have to get these... things... away from this ground!”

Plool's body moves instinctively as he formulates a plan. Peeling away from the rebuilt slave, he vaults over the boulder to pick up the dropped spear, then makes his way to the cliff edge.

“Oh please let this work.” He mutters, before taking a deep breath and shouting “OY! IS THIS IMPORTANT, ROT-BREATH?”
OOC: Using 1 Ki for Step of the Wind to disengage.
Moving to B-2, past the Dead guy to pick up the spear and taunt him with it.
Acrobatics: 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10

To clear the boulder.

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The two blows chip away at the undead priest. Bloodied, he stumbles when Blaze connects and the black shine around his hand fades away.

Then he stomps and the earth ripples out in a 10’ patch catching Chtckh, and knocking him down but Plool jumps in time to avoid the worst of it. But the area that they are both standing in is broken and cracked, making movement difficult. The priests shifts his feet slightly. The undead slave creeps up behind Blaze and batters at him uselessly.


Concentration checks to maintain spell – nope!
Dc 10, DC 7 : 1D20+2 = [8]+2 = 10
1D20+2 = [1]+2 = 3

url=CoyoteCode Dice Roller Save : Thrikreen +3, plool +5 : 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11
1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18
slave : 1D20+4 = [9]+4 = 13

Slave: -21 hp
Priest -24 hp (after resistance) @less than ½ hp
Plool 19/24 hp
Chtckh 17/28 hp – prone.


Possibly a Idiot.
“Well, that didn't work.” Plool grumbled. Plool looks back to Chick, and suggests “Lets bash him a few more times, then throw him off!” Before clambering back into the melee, looking to stick the dead-man with his own spear, and throwing in a few follow up kicks.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ignoring the zombie slave behind him, Blaze narrows his fiery eyes and grabs his club with both hands. The flame that was in his off hand dances along the length of bone as the genasi swings it at the undead priest with great ferocity.

OOC: Using Reckless Attack to grant myself advantage on my attacks. It also means that enemies have advantage on attacks versus me.

Blaze reckless attack with bone club:
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [7, 10]+4 = 14
1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3



Plool stabs the spear into the rocks, and while a lesser weapon would have broken, the iron weapon merely strikes sparks. The priest leaps to avoid the spear, shying away from it, and is caught by one kick which has almost no effect.
Chtckh’s sword fairs little better, delivering only a shallow cut to the deadman’s flesh.
Blazes club also leaves little impact.

The priest stomps and again the ground ripples around the halfling and the insectile warrior. But this time both can see it coming and leap to avoid the worst of the shrapnel. But Chtckh’s legs are sore and bleeding. The Priest points at Plool – “End Him!” and the dead slave moves around blaze to attack. The dead slave paws uselessly at him.

Unseen in the darkness, a human floats along the ceiling, pulling himself toward the struggling ex-slaves.

The halfling and the man with the flaming head are both dressed in simple but matching grey tunics. While the thri-kreen wears only a weapons harness. The trikreen and halfling are both wounded. The zombie slave is barely clinging to existence, but zombies sometimes keep fighting long after they should.
The other undead is clearly a priest, but the dead on Athals have highly individual powers and strengths.
The scene is lit by a burning corpse (C6) caught in an earlier blast of fire. The floating man feels a slight breath of air as he moves along the wall, perhaps another passage. (A’,-4)

Dex Save : Thrikreen +3, plool +5: 1D20+3 = [15]+3 = 18, 1D20+5 = [17]+5 = 22 5 damage from erupting earth.
Slam v Plool : 1D20+4 = [3]+4 = 7

Slave: -21 hp
Priest -29 hp (after resistance) @less than ½ hp
Plool 14/24 hp
Chtckh 13/28 hp



the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Enough!" yells Blaze, and a wave of heat rises from the former gladiator, scorching all around him.

At the same time, a dangerous look comes into the genasi's eyes, as he seems bigger and more threatening to all within his reach - which is everyone except for the mysterious floating man in the darkness.

With reckless abandon, Blaze starts clubbering the undead priest in front of him. He cannot seem to land a hit, which only increases his burning anger...

OOC: Entering Rage - which also means activating my Storm Aura. Everyone within 10 feet (which includes allies, sorry!) takes 2 fire damage. No save.

I thought entering Rage is an Action, but re-reading the PHB, I find that it's a Bonus Action! That means I also Attack. Recklessly, of course. :)

Blaze reckless attack in rage:
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [8, 9]+4 = 13
1D6+4 = [1]+4 = 5


Chtckh did not like fire. He clacked his mandibles in protest and scuttled away, risking an attack by the dead priest - though he held his obsidian sword ready to hack at the dead-thing's arm, should it reach for him. When he was safely at distance, he used his upper-arms again to fire his bow through the crowd, hoping to finish the thing off.

OOC: HP 11/28; Move to C1 (Provoking)
Reaction (only if DeadPriest melee attacks and misses): Repost (Maneuver):Sword: 1D20+5 = [2]+5 = 7 for 1D6+3 = [3]+3 = 6 & Superiority Die 1d8 = [6]=6
(What a waste.) SupDice 2 (or 3 if it doesn't happen)/4
Action: Bow: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14 for 1D8+3 = [3]+3 = 6
Let me know if any of that is unclear.

Voidrunner's Codex

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