[IC] Evilhalfling's Dark Sun


Possibly a Idiot.
Plool gets the wind knocked out of him by the blow. "OK... try not to get hit... this thing hurts..." He wheezes as he pulls out his cleaver.

Plool then assumes a defensive stance, using the cleaver as a shield, while probing the enemy with another kick.

OOC: Plool would take the spear back, but right now he has to fight defensively. If someone needs a weapon that might work better than stone or bone, go for it
Using One Ki to dodge with Patient Defense. 1 Ki left.
Attacking with an unarmed strike while holding the Battleaxe to trigger Agile Parry for +2 ac. 18 AC currently.
Unarmed Strike, to activate Agile Parry: 1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17
1D4+3 = [2]+3 = 5

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Incoming!" yells Blaze, hopefully warning his allies enough before a ferocious wordless cry erupts from his mouth. At the same time, a bright fire washes out from the genasi in all directions as he reaches within his elemental nature to find the battle focus he needs.

Stepping forward, the warrior now appearing larger than before, he attacks the stone creature with a ferocious attack that leaves his defences wide open...

OOC: Bonus Action: Entering Rage, which means all within 10 feet take 2 fire damage, no save.I think that's just the elemental and Varsk (sorry!).

Move: To C-5.

Action: Reckless Attack (advantage on attacks, but attacks on me have advantage too): Blaze reckless attack in rage:
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [20, 4]+4 = 24
1D6+4 = [6]+4 = 10

Critical! Extra damage: Blaze crit damage: 1D6 = [2] = 2

Varsk barely has time to move at Blazes warning before he is bathed in flames. He recoils at the heat that singes his hair. As the fire subsides Varsk pats out a small fire from his cloak. He shoots a furious glance at the genasi but turns back to the more immediate threat. He throws his remaining energy blade at the elemental. Varsk then move back away from the creature to avoid being hit by Blaze again. As he moves the green blades reappear in his hands.

OOC: Action: Thrown psychic blade attack w/damage and sneak attack: 1d20+5 21 1d6+3 6 2d6 3 So a total of 9 psychic damage with sneak attack.

Move: Move to D8.

Bonus: Resummon blades.


The elemental again ignores mockery. The axe and club find vulnerable spots in the elementals skin.
The psionic knife slips into the elementals body as well.
The elemental smashes the wall and the ground, not getting anywhere near the well-prepared halfling.

The spear is picked up and driven more purposefully at the elemental but slides off. The bars, gold mask and now the spear are flung by the random winds at the elemental, leading to more chips and dust being torn off. In passing the items also whirl by Chtckh, who is ready for them and dodges again. Instead, they crash against the bars breaking off pieces, but not yet creating a useful opening. The stone pieces join the whirlwind. There is now a serious amount of stuff in the air.

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Chtckh grew frustrated by the constant wind and the enormous elemental. He drew as many swords as he had, and he lunged at the creature with a barrage of attacks.



Possibly a Idiot.
"I suppose that's what they mean by 'Dumb as a rock?'" Plool mocks the creature as he dances off it's fists of the stone, using the extra height to spring up and kick it in what Plool assumes to be it's head before returning to the ground.

When his feet return to the floor, Plool resumes his defensive positioning.

OOC: This round is much the same as the last one. Plool is going heavy defensive while he can still buy time, it seems to be working for now.

AC=18, the creature has disadvantage.
Ki = 0

Unarmed Strike, to activate Agile Parry: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18
1D4+3 = [3]+3 = 6


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Now fully into his battle rage, Blaze once more lets the fire within emanate outwards, burning everyone within ten feet, before once again attacking with the bone club.

"Stop it!" he screams in Primordial as the creature once more tries to pound his ally.

OOC: Bonus action: Storm Aura; everyone within 10 feet takes 2 fire damage, no save.

Action: Reckless Attack (adv):
2D20.HIGH(1)+4 = [3, 17]+4 = 21
1D6+4 = [6]+4 = 10

Move: none

Steve Gorak

Kel is disappointed at his inability to affect the elemental. He switches toa different mental approach, and focuses his mind again.

OOC: cast Dissonant whispers, wis save dc 13 or 7 psychic damage and elemental mus immediately use its reaction , if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn’t move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save.
Note aoo woulD be triggered due to this movement

Flames lick in front of Varsk's face and he can feel the heat from the fire that emanate from Blaze. The heat is almost to much but then dies down, Varsk just ouside the radius of the flames. Varsk throws one of the blades rigght as the orange curtain subsides. He follows up the first blade with the second. The first blade strikes true but the second flies wide. Varsk stands his ground preparing to reform his psychic blades.

OOC: Action:Thrown psychic blade attack w/damage and sneak attack: 1d20+5 20 1d6+3 5 2d6 6. Total of 11 psychic damage.

Bonus: TWF Thrown psychic blade attack w/damage: 1d20+5 8 1d6 3

Movement: Standing my ground.


Now fully into his battle rage, Blaze once more lets the fire within emanate outwards, burning everyone within ten feet, before once again attacking with the bone club.

"Stop it!" he screams in Primordial as the creature once more tries to pound his ally.

Just before your turn, the elemental disappears into the floor.
you still have your actions.
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