[IC] Evilhalfling's Dark Sun

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initiative list :
Plool 15
Chtckh 14
Varsk 11
Kel 10
- elemental is forced to use its reaction to retreat ...
Blaze 8
Elemental 7
Cloud Ray 18

so only Blaze has his turn nullified. His attack roll & damage is now an aoo.

Steve Gorak

initiative list :
Plool 15
Chtckh 14
Varsk 11
Kel 10
- elemental is forced to use its reaction to retreat ...
Blaze 8
Elemental 7
Cloud Ray 18

so only Blaze has his turn nullified. His attack roll & damage is now an aoo.

OOC: note that if I am not mistaken, his retreat would have triggered attacks of opportunities from those that were next to him. That’s the whole point of the spell...


OOC: note that if I am not mistaken, his retreat would have triggered attacks of opportunities from those that were next to him. That’s the whole point of the spell...

by the time he disengages from Chkth he has full cover from the floor, I rolled one for Plool.
I dont want to post results of the whole round, because only blaze has full freedom to act before the critters act again.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: Yeah, I figured such may be the case due to my low init...

Blaze is about to attack the elemental when it just disappears.

"Yeah, flee!" he yells in Primordial, instinctively rushing after the creature and slamming his fist into the wall, once, twice, thrice... Then, panting, the rage leaves his body and the genasi cools down - literally.

OOC: Dropping out of Rage.


The elemental is pounded again and again. Chtckh’s first strikes serve to bring the creature to half its former health, and this time Kel’s psionic suggestion is met with approval the creature moves away from him and sinks into the floor at the same time, Plool’s axe bounces off its legs, Blazed club lands solidly on its head as it sinks away, breaking off another large piece. The now ragged-looking elemental vanishes into the floor at row 3

Before Chtckh moves or tries the bars again, he is buffed by flying debris, there are too many small pieces to dodge, the elemental is buffed more heavily and the bars are shattered as well by the force of the objects driven against it. The cloud ray tries to push through the shattered bars and the Thri-kreen, but fails to make any progress

The cloud ray moves forward and the storm around it rolls over Blaze, who is struck by chips and debris.

The mask and metal spear are still flying around and can be grabbed as standard actions, automatically if inside the winds, with an unarmed attack roll if outside.
The crumbling elemental does not return.

Instead, a passage appears in the left wall right beside Blaze. It is 7’ wide, 12’ tall. It extends 30’ straight through rock and earth, beyond which Blaze can see the entrance to a chamber in the shades of red provided by his Darkvision. A carpeted room with square stone table tall enough for him to rest his chin on, set with some kind of game board.

A booming but obviously female voice calls up it. Welcome visitors, it has been a while.” – and then she mutters something that sounds like rumbling rocks and grinding earth. Returning to Common she adds: Don’t be in a hurry to leave, I just need to finish picking out my earrings, then I will be right with you."

The muttering was in Terran, a dialect of Primordial, and was hard to hear over the winds. Blaze manages to catch something about Go, {something] walls [something something] the exit.

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Possibly a Idiot.
Plool stays tense for some time after the stone creature leaves, any creature that can move through the earth could retaliate at them from any angle.

After a bit of time, he relaxes, convinced the creature has gone to lick it's wounds (or whatever a rock would do for self-care)."At least the big one was more reasonable than the dead ones." He remarks, while grabbing at the spear from the air as it flies past.

The moving wall startles Plool more than a bit. At first convinced he had been duped by the stone creature, he sets up his guard again. The unexpected voice from beyond does little to convince the halfling that he should drop it. Such a big voice would imply a big person, and big people have big appetites.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that was the one who put this ray in the cage." Plool says as quietly as he can while the winds whip around. "Maybe she intends to do the same, or worse, to us?"

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