[IC] Return of the Runelords


Guest 11456

Michael exits the room to check on his niece. Teodor merely stays where he is and watches. Shendra heals Teea. Mei at last rejoins the group. Teea stays where she is. Teodor sees the debris storm begin to stop as he closes the door. End combat.

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"I do not know," Shendra says darkly. "There are spells that would allow one to perceive incorporeal spirits, but they are beyond my abilities." Looking to the two remaining doors the seer says, "Perhaps once we have taken a look at the rest of the house we can try again. I still have a feeling that there is something to that painting. Maybe one of us could grab it while the others attempt to deal with whoever that used to be." She moves to open the door, but then pauses to look back at Teea, her eyes betraying worry. "Stay behind your uncle and me, please?"

Deuce Traveler

Michael exits the room to check on his niece, yelling "Teea! Tell me you're ok? Everyone else, I don't think we can hurt this thing physically!" He ensures that he stands between the poltergeist effect and Teea as his niece returns to the party.

Reflex Save: 16
Will Save: 16


Guest 11456

Deciding to move on the next room, the group repositions to open the next door. Then Shendra opens the door. A simple desk sits along the north wall of this room. A few of the boards in the wall have come loose and fallen to the ground below. A moldy puddle fills the middle of the floor, and a wet stain spreads from a crack in the ceiling.

OOC: Map


Shendra is not sure she likes the cut of the moldy puddle's jib, considering everything else that has gone wrong in this house. "Everyone take a step back," she says, taking a step back herself before using her magical reach to grab hold of a piece of debris from the room which she proceeds to drop into the centre of the puddle.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We didn't grab that image from the last room. We should burn this wetness out and then proceed."


Teodor stands ready for trouble with his weapons in hand as Shendra experiments with the puddle. "This place it too much when it has us fearing even a puddle on the floor. All these ghosts and hauntings have me questioning everything I thought I knew. I think perhaps we should burn this place to the ground once we've found all we can here."


"The thing that gets you does not always announce itself as a threat," the oracle says ruefully with something between a flat joyless smile and a grimace. "I would not risk disposing of this place until the threat has been laid to rest. Sir Roderic is clearly still rather attached, and we would not want to have him take up primary residence in town because we burned down his house. No, we should leave that sort of decision to the authorities in town."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Yay, like they know anything." Teea looks at the grown-ups around her. "Are we doing anything to the puddle or not?"


Guest 11456

The piece of debris drops into the puddle and makes some ripples. The puddle appears to be quite shallow but that is about it. What next?

Voidrunner's Codex

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