D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich


Primus Con Save: 1D20+2 = [10]+2 = 12

Primus calls out, but quickly attunes his body to the cold, mitigating much of the damage he took.

(Reaction: Adaptive Shield (3 psi). When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to damage of that type—including the triggering damage— until the end of your next turn.

So Primus is temporarily resistant to Cold damage. 32 damage taken.)

Primus can't see the monster, but he knows the general direction. He doesn't usually like to use up his powers this quickly, but he figures either he takes it out, or it kills them all.

He screams and shoves an overwhelming psychic force at the direction of the monster, crashing in to any creature in front of him and around it!

(Action: Psychic Blast (6 psi). As an action, you unleash devastating psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 8d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Tis my most powerful ability. DC is 16 Int Save for half damage. Also, I heal 6 hp from using a psionic ability as a Bonus Action. Also, I'm going to angle it up towards the dragon, so hopefully it doesn't hit any of my friends!

Psychic Blast damage roll: 8D8 = [2, 6, 1, 7, 8, 1, 6, 3] = 34

Then Primus runs to the side, trying to find shelter from the next Icy Blast, if there is one. Or at least get away from his team mates so they don't all fall at once.

{AC: 16
HP: 27/59
PP: 33/44
Currently resistant to Cold)}

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Prickly Pear

And suddenly it was there, swooping in from the side where Sesto wouldn't have seen it unless he had heard the call from Oggsbruff. The dragon spewed out shards of ice in a cone of freezing air. Sesto managed to get his shield up and crunch down behind it, just in time, before the unbearable freezing air washed over him. The pain was beyond anything he had experienced in the past (edit: ) and then it all went black as he fell into unconsciousness.

After the last ice shard had hit the shield, he stood up and saw his five piles of frozen kobold meat. He felt nothing for these kobold that he gave some extra life to, albeit undead life. Might be for the better, he thought. There is something fundamentally wrong with creating this evil undead. Better not to be neckurmunched, as the trolls said!

OOC: Con save against dragons breath attack: 1d20+2 18
Hurray!!! He survived! 🥶😎 EDIT: No, he didn't. DC was 19!
Con Save for Spell Concentration DC16 (adv War Caster): 2d20k1+2 10, Sesto lost concentration.
Sesto AC18* HP 210/59 HD 8/8 PP15 SS 4/4 2/3 3/3 2/2 CD 2/2 (Light) (C:E.Ability)
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Prickly Pear

And suddenly it was there, swooping in from the side where Sesto wouldn't have seen it unless he had heard the call from Oggsbruff. The dragon spewed out shards of ice in a cone of freezing air. Sesto managed to get his shield up and crunch down behind it, just in time, before the unbearable freezing air washed over him. The pain was beyond anything he had experienced in the past.
After the last ice shard had hit the shield, he stood up and saw his five piles of frozen kobold meat. He felt nothing for these kobold that he gave some extra life to, albeit undead life. Might be for the better, he thought. There is something fundamentally wrong with creating this evil undead. Better not to be neckurmunched, as the trolls said!

OOC: Con save against dragons breath attack: 1d20+2 18
Adv roll for Con save against Dragon's breath weapon: 1d20+2 20
Hurray!!! He survived! 🥶😎
Con Save for Spell Concentration DC16 (adv War Caster): 2d20k1+2 10, Sesto lost concentration.
Sesto AC18* HP 21/59 HD 8/8 PP15 SS 4/4 2/3 3/3 2/2 CD 2/2 (Light) (C:E.Ability)


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn let a blast right in the middle of the dark shape... and for a moment he got a telepathic flash form Sooty. He knew exactly where to send his second shot.

OOC: the 5 rolled above will be for the non-crit, here is the follow up crit hit as discussed in the OOC thread

Crit on the dragon from eldrich blast: 2D10 = [9, 3] = 12

The second blast went it the fog. Its effect were unseen, but there was a satisfying sound of bone cracking. Kalorn smiled grimly and prepared to curse the thing, would it come in range.


As everyone had noticed, Lorenn was not really what one would call the standard intrepid adventurer. Well hidden behind the ice pillar and protected by his spells, he tried to peek around the corner to spot what was causing troubles to his friends but he regretted this idea immediately as an icy blast hit the frozen wall. "Ooookay..." he said taking cover again.

His hand touched the scroll of Gaseous form as he looked up toward the crack. Flying away was very tempting...
"You failed me for the last time. You are banished!" His father's voice echoed in his head... He had to prove him wrong.

"One thing left to do then... "Lorenn took a deep breath and jumped on his board. "Let's rock!" The wizard slid vertically against the wall and quickly reached the ceiling. Once up there, he crouched trying to hide among the cracks and stalactites. Perhaps the dragon will focus on ground targets, he thought as he entered into the fog.

OOC: Lorenn flying speed is 50ft. He moves twice. I'm not sure where the fog is but the idea is to go south following the wall along the ceiling to avoid the dragon if possible.
Bonus Action Stealth : 1D20+10 = [9]+10 = 19
HP: 54/54 HD: 3/3d8 - 5/5d6
AC: 17 (+3 Bladesong) (+5 Shield) (+2 Haste)
PP: 12
Bladesong: 2/2
Arcane Recovery: 1/1
Spell slots:
1st: 1/4
2nd: 2/3
3rd: 3/3
Active Spell: Mage Armor, Mirror Image
Horn of Valhalla: 1/1
Health Potions: 5/5
Antitoxine : 5/5
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Western Lair

As Sesto ducked behind his magical shield, which absorbed much of the magical energy that propelled the dragon's freezing breath, Primus psychically adapted his body to the cold wind. Moving up beside Sesto, Primus unleashed a fury of pyschic energy that the dracolich was wholly unprepared for. The dragon roared in pain and fury, and the entire ice-burg shook with its might.

(Not only was this felt by those in the Easter Lair as well, but the Ice-toads stopped their work as Queen Marfulb nodded grimly. The Ice-Hunters in their village above had by now noticed their 'guests' missing and were interrogating their shaman, Bonecarver, felt it too and they began to yell accusations at each other in horror. Innocent ice-hunter mothers hugged their children in terror and sorrow).

The dracolich smashed Oggsbruff in the head with its tail, and would have flown forward to eat Primus, but two bolts of eldritch energy struck it through the freezing cloud of dense fog. The dracolich had not expected to be struck so hard, so quickly, and it decided to circle around and clear its head. It back-beat its wings, causing cracking in the ice-shelf, and dispersing the worst of the freezing cloud. So powerful were its wing-beats that both Oggsbruff and the drowned troll that he was fighting, fell to the ground.

Above the dragon, hanging from a crack in the ice, Kalorn's familiar Sooty was buffeted by the winds, and the little bat tried to cram himself back into the crack to avoid the worst of it.

Then, the dracolich flew off into the darkness and mists of the lair.

During this time, from everyone's perspectives, Lorenn had disappeared into the mists.

Primus did 34 damage to IcyDeath & slid to (AV36)
(Primus should roll a dc11 Acrobatics check or fall prone - I think you want to attempt this)
Kalorn stayed & did 5 & 12 (EB) damage to IcyDeath
dashed (flying) to (U31) & hid (dc19)
(Sesto made his Breath Weapon Save)
IcyDeath did 15 (tail) & 17 (wing) damage to Oggsbruff & knocked prone,
& did 10 (wing) damage (resist) to Skragg1 & knocked prone,
& caused Locklafd to fail a Death Save
& Sooty must roll dc19 Dex Save (he can have advantage from hiding in a crack) or Die.
IcyDeath then flew to (AC36-AG39)
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GM: Encounter: Imani's Agents & Oggsbruff vs Old Icy Death in his Lair on Oyaviggaton

(BGs)IcyDeath (AC36AG39); Skragg1 (AJ34) Prone; Sk3 (BR35)
(PCs)Alhana (AS34); Kalorn (BC25) Cover; Lorenn (U31); Primus (AV36); Sesto (AW32);
(NPCs)Oggsbruff (AN31) Prone; Loklafd (BD18) Dying; Sooty (AO28);
(Undead)KoboldZombies (Destroyed);
Encounter: Mord & Ice Trolls vs Cult of the Dragon in East Lair of Oyaviggaton

(BGs)Skragg5 (CR47); Sk6 (CZ43);
(PCs)Mord (DC49); (NPCs)MordTroll1 (CQ49); MT2 (CZ41); Eko (CK45);
(Trolls)Sargloth (DA45); Ooga (CT47); Blurcho (CY46); Oodna (DB43); IT3 (CV50); IT4 (CY50)
Visibility (Dark & Foggy) Darkvision 60'=40' (120'=80'), Light (Sesto & Loklafd) 30'ra (15/15).
Terrain Difficult (Everywhere) (Crampons/Claws ignore) (Slide w/ dc11 Acrobatics).
Elevation 8' per colour (darker at bottom) (Down = 15' move; Up = 15' & dc15 Athletics)
(See OOC post#1034 for details)
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Alhana AC17 HP 0 to 28/68 HD 8/8 PP14*
Kalorn AC16(21)* HP 63/63 THP2/5 HD 8/8 PP15 WSS 1/2 EKSS 2/2
Lorenn AC17(20) HP 54/54 HD 8/8 PP14* SS 2/4 2/3 3/3 Song 2/2 (Mirror)
Mord AC14 HP 45/51 HD 8/8 PP11* SS 2/2
Primus AC12(16) HP 21/59 HD 8/8 PP19 Psi(6) 33/44
Sesto AC18* HP 21/59 HD 8/8 PP15 SS 4/4 2/3 3/3 2/2 CD 2/2 (Light)
Loklafd AC14 HP 0/58 HD 9/9 PP12 (Dying - 1 fail)
Eko AC11 HP 1/1 PP13*
Sooty AC12 HP 0 or 1/1 PP11*
Mordtroll1 AC12 HP 28/39 PP9*
Mordtroll2 AC12 HP 23/39 PP9*
KoboldZombies AC9 HP 0/13 PP8* (Destroyed)
Oggsbruff AC17 HP 54/105 PP13* (Prone)
Sargloth AC18 HP 84/84 PP12*
Oogabooga AC16 HP 48/84 PP12*
Blurcho AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Oodnadatta AC16 HP 83/84 PP12*
Ice Troll3 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Ice Troll4 AC16 HP 84/84 PP12* (Frightened)
Name * Damage Taken * (Notes)
Old Icy Death 51;
Dragonwing1 0;
Skragg1 22 (Prone); Sk2 0; Sk3 0; Sk4 0; Sk5 56; Sk6 30;
End Round Four; Begin Round Five
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Voidrunner's Codex

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