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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford

Vairar looks at the young human.
"I want you to survive, first and foremost. And you don't get that by charging away from the group or attacking orcs on sight when more subtle approach would be better. You say you're a scout. Well, why don't you behave like one, in and out before anyone knows you're there. And not like a raging barbarian."

Including the group in the rest
"I know I pushed for this expedition and I still think I was right to target them before they re-organize. We did some serious damage in forms of killing the ogres and those bull-riding champion. I hope. And in the portal room, we removed some red wizards from the equation too. So, do you think we could run around this encampment and see what's where? Maybe we wait while Tommi and Escella look around? I would attack the camp...if we had a wizard with a fireball, this would be over in no time. Since we don't, we need to plan the attack.

Is it now while they are distracted? I don't know. If I can get close enough I can blast several, but cannot take the whole group out of the picture. Do we have any way of containing them?"

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"I don't see a way for us to control the terrain without them noticing," Escella says. "Harassing them and trying to whittle them down is not the safest idea, certainly better than charging in, but I don't see any better plan. The real issue is stopping them from getting word to other camps we don't know about and receiving reenforcements."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I tink wud d'elf wanna say is 'go scout, unnotic'd', aye?"
Dornuk grumbles fingering his weapon
"We dun 'ave much time."
OOC: In case it wasn't clear, Dornuk is no longer NPC and I'm not running anymore monsters :)
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OOC: And apparently changed his name from Dornuk to Dormug! Really only a pronunciation correction, I suppose. Perhaps it sounds like "Dornuk" when spoken by an elf-lord, but "Dormug" in the accent of a half-orc!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: And apparently changed his name from Dornuk to Dormug! Really only a pronunciation correction, I suppose. Perhaps it sounds like "Dornuk" when spoken by an elf-lord, but "Dormug" in the accent of a half-orc!
Misremembering, I'm bad with names. Correcting...


Angis Honack
Floshin Estates
Round 0

Angis stood back as the elf took Tommi to task. He couldn’t fault Vairar for that, at least. The boy had a tendency to get out ahead of himself and into trouble.

“Aye. A guid scouting report wuild ‘elp us plan better,” the dwarf said. “But we dunnae need t’ risk anyone. We jus’ need t’ ask f’r some ‘elp.”

Angis moved away from the group a bit. He looked around in the trees and listened carefully as he dug into his pack for some of the food they’d brought from Floshin. He found a sheltered clearing and set the bread and meat out on the grass, then made a few bird calls.

OOC: Angis’ plan is to bring in a bird, probably a raven or crow, something mundane, not something likely to be noticed or shot at, befriend it/bribe it with food, cast Speak with Animals to have a conversation. He’ll ask about the orcs, how many, and where. If they still want more scouting or information, he’ll cast Beast Sense and the bird can fly around the area so Angis can see. I’m willing to RP this out, if you want. Just wanted to give the DM a heads up. Also, Forest is one of Natural Explorer terrains, FYI.


Mounted Crossbow: +6 2d6+Dex 100/400
Bolts: 55
Bolts used:

Marauding gnolls (Ardeep Forest, noble hunting party hostage)
Orcs in the north (Harpshield Castle)
Lizardfolk with steel weapons and armor (Rock Tower, Crom’s Hold)

Free Object Interaction:
Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Bonus Action:

Horde Breaker:

Reaction: Opportunity Attack

Hunter’s Mark, if applicable:

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Speed: 30
AC: 14/15 (dual wield)
HP: 58/58 HD: 5/6d10+2

Bolts: 50
Bolts used:
Handaxes: 2/2

1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark
2) 2/2 Pass Without Trace
Primal Awareness (cast each spell once per long rest): Speak with Animals, Beast Sense
4/4 Boon of the Elk. Can cast Knock four times (without the loud sound) as an Action. Until he uses the last one, non-good aligned Fey count among his Favoured Enemies.

Vairar - elven cleric
Tommi - human rogue urban bounty hunter
Dandin - halfling bard guild merchant
Angis Honack - dwarven ranger outlander merchant
Lionel - halfling rogue folk hero
Escella - Human sorcerer


It wasn't long before an opportunistic crow showed up. At first, it eyed Angis' food suspiciously. Then it swooped down and ate. When Angis spoke to it, it hopped back a few steps, then cocked its head to one side. It wasn't good at counting large numbers, but could communicate that there were three camps. One here in the gully, one in the ruins of the castle, and one on the north side of the hill, just inside the forest.

Each held "many" orcs - a number that Angis took to be around a score, give or take. The crow was able to relate to Angis that they also had various "smelly wolves" - trained animals that could be anything from the battle-pigs near here to actual wolves, the crow was unclear.

The crow also reported that it had seen in the castle, a giant that "smelled of death" - whether this was an ogre, or an actual giant, was impossible for the crow to say, but the way the crow described the death-smell made Angis concerned that it was probably undead.

Finally, the crow warned Angis that the western side of the hill was dangerous. It was difficult for the crow to explain why, other than that the area was home to "sneaky snakes" that would "eat you up" if you didn't "fly away fast". Better to avoid the place, warned the crow.


Orcs mostly preferred to operate in the evening and at night - though their vision was very good in the dark, complex signals would most likely be done with signal lights. Escella decided that the most likely method of communication for this camp to the castle during the day would be using signal flags combined with fires. It was a little over a half a mile uphill to the castle ruins. Any communication would depend on the diligence of the castle's look-outs. On the other hand, it was probable that the castle itself had a bell or gong to get the attention of the camps, before turning to flags or signal lights, depending on the time of day.

Voidrunner's Codex

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