D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Close them doors then, lass!" Helgrim replies grumpily, dropping his waraxe unceremoniously to the floor where it stays within easy reach. He proceeds to crouch low and grab his crossbow and load a bolt onto it.

"Som'un guard them stairs, too, lads. Don't wanna be su'prised by smelly hyenas or such."

Moving slightly to where the half-orc was only moments before, the old dwarven warrior tries to keep the pillar between him and the gnoll archer, and he gets up to aim his impressive crossbow at the entrance where Escella said more enemies are coming.

OOC: Switch to crossbow, ready to attack the gnolls coming in through the window, while moving to Z-35 to Gnoll 6 doesn't have a clear shot at him. (If it even survives this round.)

Helgrim AC19 HP 47/58 HD 3/6 PP11* SDdc15 2/5d8 2W 1/1 AS 1/1

HP: 32/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Init: +2
Spell Slots:
Arcane Ward: 0/16SavesPass Perc: 11 Pass Inv: 17 Pass Ins: 111st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] 2nd [ ] [ ] [ ] 3rd [ ] [ ] [ ]
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
STR: +0
CON: +1
INT: +7
WIS: +4
Arcana: 10
History: 7
Investigation: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch, Shape water,
Shocking grasp
Memorized Spells
Grease, Mage Armour, Prot. Evil, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Slow

Dr. Wells, ear to the lock, listens to the combat below, ready to act the moment he can open the door.



Both gnoll pikemen were down - the second dropped by Oh-six's lightning. As Tommi and the orb dashed across the room toward an archer, Lunn and Vairar took on the nearer archer. Injured by Lunn's axe and Vairar's pike, the Archer tried to make a dash for the stairs, but Vairar had imbued it with pulsing energy, which exploded under too much movement, and the archer burst into pieces of gnoll-meat.

Escella dashed into the room, having winged the gnoll who was climbing through the window. Helgrim called out to her while loading his crossbow, but she was already taking cover in the corner of the room, so Lionel took the job - he began to close the door, but a gnoll was there, hacking at him with an axe, while he used the heavy oak door for cover.

The other archer threw down his bow and pulled an axe off his belt. He swung it at Tommi, who took only a light scratch as he rolled away from the blade. Still grateful to Tommi for untying him from a tree, Grottur came over to help the lad, and scored a shallow axe-wound to the gnoll's shoulder before the slavering beast turned to confront him.

OOC: Tommi & Oh-six killed GG1; Lunn & Vairar killed GA5; Escella did 14 to GA2; Grottur did 3 to GA6. GA2 missed Lionel; GA6 did 3 (after UD) to Tommi.


GM: Encounter: Inside Phylund Lodge

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: Chairs; Visibility: Dim (Hearth); Cover: Table, Pillars
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Escella AC14 HP 24/33 HD 3/6 PP18 SSdc13 3/4 1/3 2/2 SP 5/5 C:ER
Helgrim AC19 HP 47/58 HD 3/6 PP11* SDdc15 2/5d8 2W 1/1 AS 1/1
Lionel AC16 HP 49/51 HD 6/6 PP14
Lunn AC18* HP 44/71 HD 3/6 PP14* RGdc15 1/3 MA 3/3 BM 3/3
Morgan AC12(15) HP 32/32 HD 6/6 PP11 PI17 SSdc15 0/4 0/3 0/3 AW 0/16
Tommi AC14 HP 30/39 HD 6/6 PP17
Vairar AC18*(20*) HP 45/45 HD 4/6 PP13* SSdc14 4/4 3/3 2/3
Oh-Six AC13(18) HP 22/22 HD 4/4 PP15(20)* SSdc13 1/3 fly60'
Grottur AC13 HP 16/19 PP13*
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Gnoll Huntmaster AC15 HP 0/55 (dead) PP13*
Gnoll Archers AC13 HP 22ea PP13*
-GA2 8/22; GA4 3/22; GA5 0/22; GA6 19/22;
Gnoll Pikemen AC13 HP 27ea PP12*
-GG1 0/27; GG2 dead
GM: End Round Two; Begin Round Three

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi can taste the foul breath of the gnoll before him, the stench of rotting meat oozing from the foul creature. Oh-six whistles, distracting the gnoll, and wIth the rusty short sword in his hand, he stabs.

The blade slides into the creature as it sees its life slipping away. "Run, you dog, run," Tommi dares the beast, as Gutter warms itself in his hand.

OOC: Oh-Six: Help.

Attack (w/advantage): 1d20+6=23 (hit) for 4d6+3=15 damage. (4 points left)

(reaction ready if needed)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Lionel, let them come! Leave the door!" Lunn calls out

OOC: waiting to see what Lionel does before moving to intercept (or remaining behind the barricade)

HP: 32/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Init: +2
Spell Slots:
Spell Save DC: 15
Arcane Ward: 0/16SavesPass Perc: 11 Pass Inv: 17 Pass Ins: 111st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] 2nd [ ] [ ] [ ] 3rd [ ] [ ] [ ]
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
STR: +0
CON: +1
INT: +7
WIS: +4
Arcana: 10
History: 7
Investigation: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch, Shape water,
Shocking grasp
Memorized Spells
Grease, Mage Armour, Prot. Evil, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Slow

Hearing the lock turn with a satisfying 'click', Dr. Wells opens the door a fraction of an inch....just enough to see what is going on in the next room.

Just checking the current layout of the enemies and getting ready to do something when people start coming up the stairs or the gnolls act.

It's Probably too early for the Ready Action.

Investigation to overhear gnolls planning/check layout of room: 1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18
(Dr. Wells understands Abyssal)

Stealth in case I have to remain undetected: 1D20+2 = [14]+2 = 16

My dice are on fire
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Voidrunner's Codex

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