D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford

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Helgrim led the charge into the new chamber, once a great hall. He leaped over the old oak feast table, now used as a barricade, and though he took a scratch from the gnoll's pike, he furiously hacked at the mangy brute. Inspired by the charge, Lunn followed, vaulting the table and finishing that gnoll off. Arrows rained down on them from the archers behind the pillars and another gnoll thrust a pike into Lunn's back as he rolled with the blow. Vairar thrust at a pikeman, but was blocked by the cover of the table.

Escella had shot one of the two gnolls who were passing by between the two buildings, which served to get their attention. One boosted the other up (the windows were high in the wall, built for light rather than defense) and he smashed at the already broken stained glass, to make room to get through. Escella moved southward to fire a bolt through the door at a big gnoll who was descending the stairs from above. That gnoll began to call out orders to the others in a garbled tongue, but was cut short by Tommi, Lionel, and Oh-Six, as the latter distracted while the others sent quarrel and stone to fell the brute.

OOC: Okay, let's get this game moving! Escella did 14 to GA4 (who WAS injured, at 17/22 - he was "off camera" when I posted the new round, so I missed him in the roller) & later, 16 to Huntmaster; Helgrim did 15 to GG2, who Lunn finished off. Vairar missed GG1 (cover from the table); Tommi did 20 & Lionel did 28 to Huntmaster, who went down without a turn (which is a good thing). Archers & Pikemen did 3 to Hellgrim& 16 to Lunn (8 if raging, I can never remember if he's raging or not). Grottur dashed around the table.
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GM: Encounter: Phylund Lodge Great Hall

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: Chairs; Visibility: Dim (Hearth); Cover: Table, Pillars
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells * (Notes)
Escella AC14 HP 24/33 HD 3/6 PP18 SSdc13 3/4 1/3 2/2 SP 5/5 C:ER
Helgrim AC19 HP 47/58 HD 3/6 PP11* SDdc15 2/5d8 2W 1/1 AS 1/1
Lionel AC16 HP 49/51 HD 6/6 PP14
Lunn AC18* HP 52/71 HD 3/6 PP14* RGdc15 1/3 MA 3/3 BM 3/3
Tommi AC14 HP 33/39 HD 6/6 PP17
Vairar AC18*(20*) HP 45/45 HD 4/6 PP13* SSdc14 4/4 3/3 2/3
Oh-Six AC13(18) HP 22/22 HD 4/4 PP15(20)* SSdc13 1/3 fly60'
Grottur AC13 HP 16/19 PP13*
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
Gnoll Huntmaster AC15 HP 0/55 PP13* (dead)
Gnoll Archers AC13 HP 22ea PP13*
-GA2 22/22; GA4 3/22; GA5 22/22; GA6 22/22;
Gnoll Pikemen AC13 HP 27ea PP12*
-GG1 27/27; GG2 0/27 (dead)
GM: End Round One; Begin Round Two


Doctor Wells was growing impatient. The arrogant young Red Wizard had returned him to imprisonment in the storage room at the top of the stairs, and he could hear the sounds of battle from below. He didn't know who was involved, but it seemed likely to be a rescue. Perhaps that old dwarf Helgrim had survived the caravan's assault after all, and had found allies. It was the most likely possibility.

He longed for his spellbook. He knew where it was - so close and yet so far - on the shelf in the Red Wizard's study, just across the landing. Unfortunately, this was past three to five slavering gnolls, worked to a frenzy by the prospect of battle.

Crashing and howling sounded under the locked door of the storeroom. It was only a matter of time.

OOC: Welcome @TaranTheWanderer as Dr Wells! A wizard/medic from Waterdeep who grew up in Daggerford and was returning home to check on his aging parents when the caravan was hit by gnolls. Post your turns and rescue him! (Or he can start working on rescuing himself!


HP: 32/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Init: +2
Spell Slots:
Arcane Ward: 0/16SavesPass Perc: 11 Pass Inv: 17 Pass Ins: 111st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] 2nd [ ] [ ] [ ] 3rd [ ] [ ] [ ]
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
STR: +0
CON: +1
INT: +7
WIS: +4
Arcana: 10
History: 7
Investigation: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch, Shape water,
Shocking grasp
Memorized Spells
Grease, Mage Armour, Prot. Evil, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Slow

Morgan had been lying on the floor, on the dirty old cot that had been given to him to make him 'feel more comfortable and at home'. He'd been lost in thought, puzzling over the discussions he'd had with his host, Thegger. They were illuminating and, while the necromantic arts were not his specialty, Morgan had a working knowledge of the theories involved. Morgan had been puzzling over ways to extend Theggar's hospitality - prove his usefulness to the Thayan Wizard - without actually helping him in his macabre experiment.

When the sounds of battle had echoed up the stairs, Morgan jumped up and ran to the door, listening. Perhaps his delaying tactics had finally paid off and, as he heard the gurgling death-cry of a gnoll, freedom was making its way closer.

He peered around the room. He had no weapons and no powerful valances to call upon but he'd been in this room for many days and had managed to squirrel away a few items he'd found. Whether or not they'd be of use to him was another matter.

What are the odds Dr. Wells found something to pick the lock or force the door open? My hope is to have access to an unlocked door by the time my rescuers make it to the stairs.

Investigation: 1d20+4=17

I'm also assuming I have no spells to call upon except cantrips?

PS - thanks for having me!
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Without access to his favorite implement (that, too was in Theggar's possession), Morgan had begun to gather as many things as he could find that would be useful as spell components. It had been easy enough to find a bit of spider's web, in the corner behind a box, but without reviewing the spell from his book, he wasn't sure if he could pull it off. His memory was very good, and in spite of the complexities of his wizardly practice, he could almost bring the arcane symbols to mind, even though they flitted about in his mind's eye, difficult to grasp.

His long practiced cantrips were fresh in his mind, though. In addition, he had found behind a dusty box on a shelf, a desiccated old rat, and its legs' long-bones just might work to push the pins in the store-room's old lock, which thankfully was in the style of a through-hole. He peeked out this hole, but all he could make out was the stair's rail, dimly lit.

HP: 32/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Init: +2
Spell Slots:
Arcane Ward: 0/16SavesPass Perc: 11 Pass Inv: 17 Pass Ins: 111st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] 2nd [ ] [ ] [ ] 3rd [ ] [ ] [ ]
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
STR: +0
CON: +1
INT: +7
WIS: +4
Arcana: 10
History: 7
Investigation: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch, Shape water,
Shocking grasp
Memorized Spells
Grease, Mage Armour, Prot. Evil, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Slow

Pulling the rat apart was a dirty task but, at this point, Dr. Wells was filthy and he didn't care. His pants were dirty from days sitting on the floor of his prison and his once-white shirt sported two holes in shoulder, accented with blood stains. His thick, dark hair was a shaggy mess and his normally clean-shaven face was sporting a short, dark beard.

Since his medical training had started in his late teens and now, in his early thirties, his years of research had made him accustomed to working with cadavres. Taking the most useful bones, he knelt beside the lock and started picking away at the tumblers in the lock, using the noise to cover the sound of his work.

I rolled twice in case I needed to roll at disadvantage, otherwise take first roll.
First roll was 21
Second roll was 11
Pick locks: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21
1D20+2 = [9]+2 = 11

I also just figured out the roll includes an embedded link to copy/paste. nice!
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi watches the large gnoll stumble and fall at the bottom of the stairs, and he drops the third of his stones into his sling. The pikeman right in front of him is the closest threat, and so with an underhanded swing he tosses off the bullet, which catches the pikeman in the side of the head.

He then sprints to close to melee distance with the archer at the back of the room, hoping to prevent him getting a shot off at one of his allies. He doesn't remember drawing gutter from his hip, but its there when he arrives in front of the archer.

He moves fast, but Oh-Six is faster, hovering around the feet of the gnoll a moment later. Tommi hadn't seen is strike the pikeman, but nonetheless, it appeared the pikeman was on the ground, its savage fur still smoking.

OOC: Tommi
Action: Attack the Pikeman: 1d20+7=17 (hit) for 4d6+4=20 magical bludgeoning damage.
Move and Bonus Dash: to AG 34 (drawing Gutter, the sling remains in his other hand)

Oh Six
Move to AA37
Action: Shocking Grasp. 1d20+5=17 (hit) for 1d8=7 lightning damage [[killing it?!]]
Continue move, following Tommi, to AF 35.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lunn uses the attack from the priest across the barrier to come from the flank of the creature. It helps that the gnoll is holding very long weapon and thus cannot defend effectively.

The damage his axe does is significant. Yet, it wouldn't be crippling, he holds back innate rage of his people fighting in a more controlled manner...it wouldn't be if the gnoll was at full strength. But Tommi's stone did enough damage so Lunn hacked the creature apart and closed in on the remaining archer.

"Come on, elf, over the wall!"

OOC: poor first roll :(

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