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D&D 5E (IC) Scourge of Daggerford

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
As the stairs clear, Tommi makes his way up and finally sees the large hulking gnoll, its jaws slavering, surrounded by his friends. He takes a quick assessment of the situation as he recharges his stones. He makes it to the top, and turns, and as Oh-Six goes whizzing past him, towards the gnoll, Tommi releases a stone.

It catches the creature in the centre of his eye socket. Everyone in the room can hear the skull crack.

OOC: Move 15' to CA38. (15' left)
Bonus: cast magic stone.

Oh-Six is moving up and along the E-W axis to BT37, offering Help.

Attack: 1d20+7 (with adv=27, crit!), for total damage of 24+4d6=37 magical bludgeoning.

2 stones left, round 1/10.

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Just as the front-liners were beginning to wonder where their artillery backup had gone, Escella and Tommi ascended the stairs and ended the life of the last of the active gnolls (the only one remaining had positively cocooned himself in Morgan's webbing).

OOC: Fight's over for now, actually. You have a moment to breathe.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Morgan! You need to be careful." Tommi expressed his concern. "Everybody, this is Morgan, um, Doctor Wells. He's a friend of my mom's. Is everyone okay?" He notices the gnoll in the web. "What's that? Should I kill it?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Lunn still in the throes of his rage doesn't stop, simply turns and charges directly for the creature in the webs.

He crashes into sticky substance which promptly sticks and holds him. Luckily...or unluckily for the gnoll...he is close enough so fresh blood paints the white strands.

@FitzTheRuke rolls added

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Lunn charged into the web and hacked at the gnoll there. The gnoll was terribly injured by his blows, but the webs were also cut, making the gnoll just free enough that it snapped its jaws at the half-orc, clamping on to one of his arms and digging in his sharp teeth.

OOC: Lunn did 18 to Gn1 (I think? For some reason I have trouble reading @Neurotic's dice-roller's posts. I find them confusing.) The gnoll crit-bit (with Disadvantage! WHAAA!?) Lunn for 10 (so 5).


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Sorry about the format, my work policies prohibit the rest of the rollers (and I guess this one will be blocked too, once I use it one-too-many-times)

In effect:
Lunn rolled DEX save not to be restrained by the webs...since he is (save 8),
I'm guessing he doesn't get advantage on the attack and thus misses one swing and does only 7 damage.
If advantage for the attack applies, he does 18 damage.

I'll roll so that there is a single roll for each link - may be easier to read.

HP: 25/32
AC: 12/15(Mage Armour)
Init: +2
Spell Slots:
Spell Save DC: 15
Arcane Ward: 0/16SavesPass Perc: 11 Pass Inv: 17 Pass Ins: 111st[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] 2nd [X] [ ] [ ] 3rd [ ] [ ] [ ]
STR: 10+0
DEX: 14 + 2
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 18+4
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
STR: +0
CON: +1
INT: +7
WIS: +4
Arcana: 10
History: 7
Investigation: 7
Medicine: 4
Persuasion: 4
Religion: 7
Control Flames, Chill touch, Shape water,
Shocking grasp
Memorized Spells
Grease, Mage Armour, Prot. Evil, Shield
2nd Arcane Lock, Invisibility, Web
3rd Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Slow

"Morgan! You need to be careful." Tommi expressed his concern. "Everybody, this is Morgan, um, Doctor Wells. He's a friend of my mom's. Is everyone okay?" He notices the gnoll in the web. "What's that? Should I kill it?"
"I've conjured the webs but you should stay clear of...."

Morgan crooks an eyebrow in surprise when the Lunn sprints head-long into the webs.

"You said there's a Thayan wizard?" Escella says. "Where are they?"

"Yes, indeed, in that room. He has my books and we have a temporary truce. I only know a sliver of his motives for being here and his involvement with the gnolls. Maybe we should help your friend, here." He indicates to Lunn, "And then we can speak with the wizard. I'll dispel the webs immediately after everyone shoots: ready your weapons!"

He summons another ghostly hand and sends it towards the entangled gnoll.

I will let everyone get a round of missile shots (everyone is at advantage to hit) before I release the gnoll - assuming the gnoll doesn't use it's action to try to escape or fails to escape.

I'll summon another chill touch.

Chill touch: 2D20+7 = [3]+7=10; [10]+7 = 17
2D8 = [2, 1] = 3 damage
OMG, I can't roll damage. Obviously, Dr. Wells doesn't like the idea of hurting people.
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Prickly Pear

Lionel is also surprised by Lunn's decision to entangle himself in the net. Still, the gnolls are vicious creatures and this one is no different. Those snapping jaws seem to be particularly nasty.
Lionel takes aim and fires his crossbow at the entangled gnoll. The gnoll slumps with a gurgle.

Lionel starts to reload the crossbow, but he thinks he want be ready for the big assault. ...just wait a second, he whimpers, almost there...


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