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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
As they take off, the wind of their course flinging her pointed hood right off her bald head, the nameless one ratchets a control on the edge of its vocoder.

jumble drone muble hum "What happened, Jihahna Darut?" she inquires in a much lower volume than usual.

OOC: Do we need to do just one(1) of those things, GK, or is it more like a skill contest/accumulating successes kind of thing?
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Jihahna stopped fiddling with her blaster rifle at the Gands very reasonable question. She wished in some way that she had the time to construct a lie, but she was so washed out in that moment, she just didn't feel up to it. Her guard currently down, she responds in honesty.

"Before I worked for the Cartels, I used to get bad feelings as a child that would often follow with a corresponding bad event in my life; sometimes I got good feelings too before something would happen. When my father died, killed by a greedy Twi'Lek male in an armed robbery, I was 20 miles away. Well, I was just a kid at the time, 8 years old."

Jihahna shifts her position in her seat, getting a little more comfortable. "I was out playing in our moisture farms, happy as a child can be and then suddenly it hit me. I was scared, no terrified for my father, then just before I passed out, my mother running out to check on me, I felt a terrible burning sensation in my left shoulder, then my stomach, then my head, the same places my father was shot. I passed out and woke up three hours later to find my mother in tears. She didn't tell me until much later those eerie details."

She looks down at her feet this time. "At that point I made a decision to shut my feelings away, focus on my work and really push not to let these things affect me. I became a merc for the cartel there and with that a thug and hired killer. It was the best i could hope to do if i wanted to eventually find my fathers killer... I didn't just find him later on... I.... Well. He's dead now..."

Jihahna sighs in guilt and shame before continuing. "Anyway, the thing that convinced me to leave the Cartels was this defiant old man... He was standing in the way of this mark of mine.... A human male, turned out he was a... Moisture farmer with a family. That's when this feeling rushed back and hit me like a frigate."

She looks back up at the Gand once again, "I ran away, decided to leave the cartel, but one way or another, they didn't like me leaving, so they got a professional bounty hunter onto me. Not their best hunter, but not their worst either. He favoured the use of explosives and flamethrowers to kill his marks. Well he got only half of me, hence these prosthetics, but I killed him".

With one more sigh, Jihahna changes her tone of voice to a more conclusive tone. "As it turns out though, I survived, though i was declared dead at the scene, I woke up in the morgue and who should I see but the defiant old man from before. He ran the morgue there, so he helped create a false cadaver of me for disposal and botched the autopsy report. Those feelings, i've always called them my GUT feelings, like instinct, have been getting stronger ever since. Since coming to THIS planet in particular the've been uncontrollable. I'll be glad to put it behind me to be honest".


First Post
Reks listens to the story intently and nods his head at the mention of these feelings. After Jihanna finishes speaking he says "It would appear you possess that which you seem to fear so much".

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand orients on Jihahna early on, pulling up its legs unto the seat and perhaps coincidentally covering part of Jihahna's lap with her poncho. The contact between them is surprisingly warm.

Then he listens as well, very sparingly clicking or clacking at the right points.

It sits silently at the end, listening to any reply she might make to the tattooed Jedi.... mumble jumble drone low-whirr "What did the bad feeling say this time?" she inquires afterwards with a gesture back towards the landing pad they're leaving farther and farther behind.


Jihahna listened to the Jedi's words intently. She did not look up. She did not want to acknowledge the possibility of what he just said, but she had heard enough about the force to know he might be right.

She turned her head in his direction and held his gaze for a moment before she spoke. "What does that even mean? If what you're saying is true, I can't live my life like this! Being thrown around like a rag doll by some cosmic power beyond my control? I'm obviously not Jedi material! I'm an ex-mercenary! Why the hell would the force even bother with me?"

She raises her hands in frustration before turning to the Gand's question. It was surprising how comfortable she felt around it, maybe it was the calm and methodical way it had conducted itself so far? She didn't know. When Jihahna answered, she took her time and tried to choose her words carefully.

"Well... I felt.... Cold... Clammy and I just... There was a bad, bad something out towards the mountains. Old.... It, had been sleeping and was waking up? I got the feeling I did NOT want it to wake up. If it wakes up, bad things will happen".

Jihahna shrugged, "Or maybe i'm completely wrong. Maybe it's just stress and anxiety? Post traumatic stress from my injuries. This is my first job since then right? Maybe?" She looks this time to the two Jedi in the hope they might agree with her.


First Post
Reks shrugs in response "It is hard to say what the force wants from any of us. Don't worry too much, for the force resides in all of us to some degree, just some of us are special enough to feel it, besides, you're much too old to be thrust into council training now" he says with a wink and a smile.


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Kacela takes a deep breath and nods at that.

"Knowledge of the Force is not control of the Force. Not even the Jedi claim to control it. But yes, Jedi training usually begins young. It is...unfortunate that you were not discovered. That said, there are things you can learn to help guide and control your feelings, and shield you somewhat from the temptations of the Dark Side."
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Forged Fury

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Cal was mostly lost in the environment, simply happy to be free from the confines of the spaceship. New planets meant new flora and fauna. He was much more focused on their surroundings than any discussions occurring inside the landspeeder. He really wished they had been provided with a speeder bike so he could get out into the depths of the place with greater ease.


First Post
As the team talk, they also started looking around and reaching out... with the Force... to try and located the best place where the Kwi might be hold up. Kacela searches her feelings and understanding of the Force and starts driving somewhat southwest and away from the direction of where the mercenaries went. The others makes some suggestions here and there but mostly they seem to be following the young Jedi's trail...

After an hour the landspeed comes to a clearing in the jungle. The canape of trees above is only broken here and there, allowing in a bit of extra light, but the ground opens up fairly wide and clear here and the team can see that a number of small streams leads down into a fairly good size pool of water. There are six large reptilian like creatures watering and grazing in the clearing. One lifts its head and looks over at the landspeed with what might be mild curiosity. This Gand's records say that the miners have called this creatures bolma a mostly docile, grazing animal.

Kacela has a 'good' feeling about this clearing... the Kwi should be close by...

Voidrunner's Codex

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