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[IC] The Hunters (of Aundair's Sorrow) [Closed]

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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Catch-up Material

I will try to get some maps other pertinent info posted to get you caught up since the server's death!

Quick Summary
We jumped into the game with both of you being hired by a local constable from Marketplace to hunt down three of the remaining 7 Wolves who had attempted to kill at local noble and his family. You found yourself on the trail tracking them through the abandoned and destroyed Village of Thraesor at night, which is on the outskirts of the Eldritch Grove. Three tracks enter the village and 2 leave. Boarhide picked up a locket that he found there hidden amongst the vines of a building.

You searched around a little bit, find the tracks, and follow them into the forest to the cave. You enter the cave and beat down pretty much all of agressive inhabitants except for the Boarhide-cowed guards and Dreamlily Workers who escaped when the 3 Wolves attacked.

You defeated the 2 wolves with Garrith somehow escaping. Boarhide took Tullia's unconscious body outside to rest. He went inside to find what food, water, and healing possible. He came back with a few potions, two of which seemed to work as healing potions bringing Tullia conscious.

After a while Tullia gets up and searches the Cave coming back with a Map and encoded Ledgers. After gathering home everything you construct a thingy to transport your loot and bodies to the forest edge to your horses and venture forth to Market place - the Constable Shae Fierstram.

Description of the Cave
[sblock] This is not as descriptive or indepth as the original post, but here it is.
Entrace Area
The entrance area has a single fire place set into the far wall and a single square table in the center of the room. A weapon rack is found on the left side. There is a sturdy door on the right side and three bodies here: Two gaurds and one caster type.

Dreamlilly Workshop

The workshop is littered with tables full of beakers, chemicals and boiling substances. It looks very much like a mad wizard's tower. There were 3 Tenders and an Overseer present as well as 3 gaurds. There is also ventilation shaft leading out of the roof on the far side.

You found 12 packages os Dreamlily here.

Dreamlily Tender Barracks

This chamber has stairs that go steeply down to the chamber floor setting the Barracks about 8 feet lower than the Workshop.

There are only personal effects to be found here. Aftrer a you searched then entire are you found some scattered loose change with clothes and personal effects.

Guard Barracks
This chamber has stairs that go steeply down to the chamber floor setting the Barracks about 8 feet lower than the Workshop.

There are only personal effects to be found here. After you search the are you will find some scattered loose change with clothes and personal effects.

There are weapon racks here that hold 5 short spears, 2 long swords, 2 short swords and 5 wooded shields. There were several gaurds here attempting to get ready for battle as Boarhide jumped in beheading the closest one. The rest surrendered and later ran.


This large chamber has crates of mostly nonperishable and some perishable food, weapons (short words, short spears, light crossbows, long swords, studded leather, heavy wooden shields and quivers of quarrels), water , ale, various alchemical supplies, dark uniforms, and religious texts, and various personal supplies.

There is a secret mechanical elevator that goes to the surface to allow for bringing supplies down. The elevator is has not been recently used as you can tell from slight layer of dust on it.

Kitchen and Common Area

This area appears to be a small kitchen with a large and very worn table that sits about 10 people and enough food stuffs for day to day living nothing too elegant, just plain bread, cheese, a little bit of fish and some dried meats. There is a cask of water and ale as well.

Priests' Barracks

This chamber has stairs that go steeply down to the chamber floor setting theses living quarters about 8 feet lower than the Workshop.

There are only personal effects to be found here. After searched it you found some loose change with clothes and personal effects in 3 chests. You found a small box with 3 potions.

This spartan room is dominated by a statue of a large emaciated and almost skeletal bipedal wolf that is almost 6.5 feet at its shoulders. Its head is turned slightly to the side and up in a howl. There is a smaller communal bed with 3 chests around it and 4 small towels meant for kneeling while praying.

Chamber of the Wolves

Here is the not so lavish chambers of the Seven Wolves. This chamber is large with a large communal bed, a sturdy table, book shelves and maps pinned up on the walls. There are bones of eaten animals strewn about with other scraps of food, and strangely enough a single potted tree growing here. There are 7 chests about with the personal effects of each of the wolves. One area is set aside most likely for Garrith and his work.

The map is of Aundair and Passage, Marketplace, and Arcanix are marked with a grey spot. Ghalt and Larunor, have a green spot on them, and there is a white spot in the Dusk Wood to the north.

The tree is a not so common tree called Wrath Leaf that is found in the Duskwood and the Chanthwood as well. Wrath Leaf is a common ingredient that is used to process many poisons or other alchemical substances working well as base.

On his desk you also found an encoded ledger.

Cave Encounter: Map of the Cave area
7 Wolf Map - The map found in the Wolve's Cave


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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Tullia's Last post

Tullia followed Boarhide's example and walked beside her own horse. She urged him to not set too quickly a pace, however. The horses would work hard with all that they are carrying.

"I don't know, Boarhide. I think we made the right decision heading back for the Constable. Perhaps she can give us more insight. Of course, she may have connections in the other towns. Perhaps while we review the information with her and make preperations for the next stage of our journey she can send a messenger to the other towns and see if they report similar patterns. I do think that we might catch our quarry best by finding the ones that hired our quarry - and working backwards. After all, with all the dreamlily and everything else that was found, we certainly know that what we invaded was probably some type of lab making something."
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Boarhide's Last post

Boarhide is silent for a long time, as he usually is. But obviously he had been thinking on this subject.

"I agree that we need to return to the constable. We need make sure you are fully healed as well. But how will we find who hired the Wolves?

I think that the map may hold a key for us. I do not read well. But might not the map and the different colors indicate the location of other labs. Or even the location of past victims and the location of the next victims? If indeed it did, we would do well to hurry onto those locations to protect the people and perhaps lay a trap for Garrick."
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Continuing to Marketplace...

Grey ominous clouds transform to a dark angry and roiling mass as you travel quickly towards Marketplace with your fallen False Wolves and evidence of a greater Dreamlily operation. A cool wind whips up billowing your cloaks and whipping through your hair. The scent of the rain is carried on the wind and it blows hard against you, and the tension of the coming rain is palpable. The steadfast gaze of the blackened clouds above watches you hungrily, patiently and knowingly, wanting to devour you in the rain that it is holding hostage literaly over your heads. Playing with you. Toying with you Teasing you. When will it rain....

The dark and angry sky blots out whatever ambient light that would normally work its way through the clouds and you are surrounded by a muted darkness. The wind has calmed down to a gentle cool breeze as you go, and the temperature seems to be falling noticeably The hours pass as the your travel forth towards Marketplace to see the Constable. You find yourself towards the end of your journey at several miles outside of the city and you are not quite sure if you will beat the coming storm, and the calm seems to have started.

Your horses seem a little bit sullen and they show you that they expect the coming rain as they trod along pulling your cargo with ease through the muted darkness. They know the rain is coming and it dampens their spirits as they contentedly please their masters. You look forward towards your destination not being able to see more that 10 yards in front of you clearly hoping to be able to see an end to this journey when...

The rain plunges down hard and loud almost as if it was magically summoned as an attack on you. You can feel the pressure from the wave of rain as it first hits you and then as you adjust to the pressure of the rain you straighten up a little. The rainfall is loud and thick. The large drops are cool to the touch and so is the calm air. A constant droning cacophony of rain gifted to you by the angry clouds above.

The rain does not let up at all as you trudge towards Marketplace through the muddy soup that is the trail upon which you travel. In fact there are moments where the clouds seem to rain harder possibly hoping that the extra effort will slow you down or put an end to your nuisant journey through their territory.

As you get considerably closer to Marketplace thunder rumbles in the clouds as they seem to be angred by your unrelenting progress. Thunder rumbles more and more as you get closer. Louder and louder the clouds deeply rumble in protest to your path. Lightening flashes in the distance once... twice.. *CRACK* lightening strikes so near that you can smell the ozone and feel the pressure wave from the strike. You find that you can make out the walls of Marketplace in the distance.

Thoughts of the Seven Wolves, Dreamlily, dotted maps and encoded ledgers all weigh heavily on your mind as the walls of Marketplace come closer into view.

[OOC: As mentioned in the OOC thread could you guys send me the last post or 2 that I made as well as the complete desription of the Cave complex? Pretty please!! Thanks!]
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
The loud and large rain drops fall and fall seeming to not even notice that you are there. You draw closer to the gates of Marketplace which can be seen as an indistinct structures through the rain at this distance, but due to your familiarity with the region they are easy to identify as the end of this part of the journey.

You arrive at the gates and through the rain you see two very wet, displeased, and well armored human guards wielding glaives. Once both of you get close enough they nod to you and motion you through. They take a passing look at your cargo and point to the nearest guard post where Constable Fierstram most likely is present.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Tullia gives Boarhide a simple glance and returns the expressions of the guards. "Bad day to be assigned this kind of duty, chaps. You've got my sympathy. Is it always this bad weather this time of year or did the counstable send us out on an unlucky string of days? 'Cause I agree with your expressions, this weather has got to go."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
The guard on the left who motioned you though shrugs and smirks. "Yup. Been a bad couple of days." He smiles and then continues "My wife left me for my supervisor and went up North somewhere and took what little we had saved up. She sent the kids to her grandparents and told them I was going to sell them to Cult and framed me for a crime that the local gang is interested in reconciling."

"oh and she killed our dog and left it to bleed to death on our bed. Other than that the last few days have not been so bad. I actually think the rain has been the best part of the last few days."

His smile turns very quickly to a frown and then he goes back to staring out at the horizon and waves you though again. The other guard just shakes his head while looking of the gate area.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Tullia replies, "Hmmm. Sounds to me like you need a day off. And a new beginning. Surely by the fact that you are standing here on duty nobody believe that you committed the crime. I hope the rest shakes out alright in the end."

Tullia nods to Boarhide and says, "C'mon, let's go see the Counstable and get out of this rain."

Voidrunner's Codex

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