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[IC] The Hunters (of Aundair's Sorrow) [Closed]


Nonlethal Force said:
Tullia smiles at Boarhide's compliment. "Although while you may knock a whole tree over with an arrow from that bow, I no doubt can use mine to seperate its fruit from its branches. Together we make balance."

Tullia replies about the horse guard, "Well, I was not thinking child so much as teenager. One who has a few wits and at least some common sense about them. Ideally it might be someone who is ready to apprentice. I have no doubt I could teach them many things about tracking and you could teach them a warrior's instinct. As they worked for us in caring for our horses they would no doubt learn our skills."

Boarhide laughs again.
"I will gain ALL the fruit when the tree is on the ground!" he laughs.

"As for an apprentice, perhaps. Most of these village boys haven't anymore wits than the horses themselves, and they at least are easier to train. I have concerns about bringing a young man into the woods after us and then leaving him alone. If the right boy came along, perhaps from a farm, where they had some knowledge of the woods, they may survive following us"

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Nonlethal Force

First Post
"You will gain all the fruit ... but none next season, that's for sure!"

"Perhas we can inquire about some kind of apprentice hand the next town tat we stop in. Maybe we'll even have Garrick then and bringing him back to Marketplace. As for where to look, Boarhide, I am a bit torn in where to start. Here is what I am thinking - tell me what makes the most sense to you."

"We could check the Duskwod again, since that is where the plant grows. If we have destroyed his supply, he'll likely need more."

"There were the dots on the maps that looked like significant areas of sale - Arcanix being one and Passage being the other if I am remembering correctly. It could be that Garrick returned there to raise revenue before coming back out with newly hired staff."

"Or, we could go to the cities with the other dots - I remember Ghalt as having the most dots. Perhaps the places in which processing occurred. Garrick may have returned there to collect what he can so as to sell it, make a bit more money, and hope to restart."

"I don't know about you, but my instincts say to go for the last option. I doubt Garrick would return to the forest so quickly after being beaten. I doubt Garrick to run to his buyers like a wounded animal with his tale between his legs. Rather, I suppect Garrick to cut his losses, use what he's got already, and move on from there. What do oyu think?"
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Boarhide plods along for a bit, quiet and thinking for a time.

"A rabbit does not return to the burrow that has been dug up once by a coyote, so I think you are right in that he will not return to the forest. Likewise Garrick is a proud man, so he may not return to his buyers. Unless of course they owe him money, in which case that will be the first place he heads. But in the end, let us head to Ghalt. Even if Garrick is not there, the more of his burrows we dig up, the faster he will run. Once he is out of hiding places will will have him"

Nonlethal Force

First Post
"Very well, then," Tullia adds once they are out of the city. With a simple motion she mounts Maxillian and turns to Boarhide. "If we are heading to Ghalt and want to catch the rabbit in his burrow if we can, then I suggest we rideas quickly as the horses will allow. Let us set this personal hunt into motion."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Refreshed from a good nights sleep and a round or 7 of drinks, the Hunters, decided on their next course of action, head towards the town of Ghalt. The rain has stopped some time in the night, but the clouds are still grey and heavy with rain in the early morning light that occasionally peaks through the clouds. You both think that there is still some chance that it may rain again, but it should not be as bad as the previous night. The ground is wet and the road is muddied and puddled as your horses quickly take you too your next destination. The air is fresh with the morning and rain and the promise of a new day.

The road from Marketplace to Ghalt is about 8 hours long by horse and it skirts the Eldritch Grove in which your previous night's encouter took place. In the muted morning light the Grove looks less trechereous as it felt the night before. From the distance it looks like any other forest you may encounter throughout the 5 Nations - without the sudden drops, fallen trees, and dense undergrowth.

You follow the road for a few hours without incident in the peace and quite of the morning. As the road you travel come close to Tower Vigilant life seems to be found on the roads. In the distance you see several creatures that seem to be marching towards you from the direction of what would be Tower Vigilant. You see about 6 soldiers marching towards you.

[OOC: I assumed that you stayed the night with drinking and getting supplies, especially the Bow of Dooom! You had a long action filled and tiring few days. Howz that sound?

At this point I assume that your gold totals are correct with the wand and potions, bows and stuff? :) I am not keeping track.

Fenris, I noticed that you have not written down the locket that you acquired from the abandoned village. ;)

BTW, be prepare for a bit of Eberron-ness.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
[Sblock=The Hunters OOC]Timing sounds fine. No problems.

As far as gold, I took out 375 of my gold for the wand. I am assuming Fenris took out 375 for Boarhide's share. Assuming he di, then Tullia is up to date with the correct amount of gold and stuff.[/Sblock]

Before the soldiers draw too near, Tullia decides to make sure she and Boarhide are on the same page. "We'll talk to the soldiers, Boarhide. We should have nothing to fear from them, especially since we are doing the work of a Counstable of Marketplace. We might even be able to get a bit of helpful information from them about the goings and comings of people and crimes in the area. Something might just get us a lead."


Boarhides smile and cheerful demeanor at being out in the wilderness quickly sank upon seeing the soldiers. He still harbored some distrust of them from his captivity.

"I will let you talk to them. They never like the words I say." says Boarhide, though he keeps both hands on the pommel of his saddle.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Heavy, heavy metallic feet are marching in unison not-so-quickly towards you. Four metallic figures marching 2 x 2 lead by a single a human wearing a white tunic over what appears to be chain mail. The white tunic bears the emblem of House Deneith. At the back of these 5 is a single smaller human in average brown robes with a staff. They march together are after a few minutes of marching towards you they stop in unison about 10 feet away from you.

The four warforged have admantine armour which is the equivelant of admantine full plate (check the Juggernaught below - minus the spikes for a more specific example). They wield heavy steel shields and battle axes. They come to stop as if they were never moving before. The muted lights in their eyes slowly pulse blue in unison as they 'look' upon you with experssionless faces. These warforged are tall, almost a half head taller than Boarhide and must be massive with so much admantine in their bodies.

The lead human is tall and strong with blue eyes and short brown hair and no facial hair. Very clean cut. His jaw is strong and his eyes are quite attentive. He looks upon you trying to ascertain you intentions before you even speak. His chainmail is made of mithril and is shiny and well kept. He has a long sword and dagger on his side, as well as a darkwood bow strapped to his back. He carries himself with an air of confidence as well as a little bit of arrogance. On his neck you see a small tattoo which hides about 25% of itself below the collar of his armor. This is a Dragon Mark of the Sentinel.

The smaller human, fully behind the warforged, is about a full head shorter than Tullia. Appears slight of frame and has a little bit of a beer belly developing. Longer black hair and beady brown eyes look to you suspiciously from in between the warforged. His robes are simple and brown as is his staff.

The lead human says "Greetings travelers. I am Arrilon d'Deneith. I am in charge of monitoring the comings and goings of this road for our beloved Queen Aurala." He smiles affectionately as he continues "I bid you... What is your business along this road? Where are you going?"


Warforged are living construct that are playable as PC's at first level with no level adjustment. They were created by House d'Cannith during the Five Nations War. House d'Cannith sold thousands and thousands of these Warforged to all houses and countries to support thier war efforts. Following the Treaty of Thronehold the warforged were given freedom as any sentient being has. Not all countries bide by the this freedom the same way. The Warforged are basically tireless; not having to eat, sleep. or breath. Ever vigilant.

Sample Images: Work Crew, Standing, Warforged Juggernaught with Admantine body and armour spikes.

Dragon Marks are tatoos that the basic races develop that give the owner a spell like ability usable once a day (may be acquired as a feat]. Most Dragon Mark bearers belong to the Dragon Marked House that watches over the Dragon Mark in question. The Mark of the Sentinel is of House Denieth. There are 3 levels of Dragon Marks: Least, Lesser, Greater and Siberys. The more powerful the Dragon Mark the larger it is. Sample Image Mark of the Sentinel

Example Dragon Mark Powers: Mark of the Sentinel (Least) chose one of the following powers that are usable once per day Mage Armor, Protection from Arrows, Shield of Faith, or Shield Others.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Tullia smiles as the warforged come into view.

[Sblock=OOC]I am assuming with Tullia's pseudo-military background that warforged would not be a big surprise to her. If this is incorrect, let me know.[/Sblock]

Her eyes focus on the human, who she assumes to be the leader. Once she catches sight of the tatoo, her smile increases all the more.

"May the queen see a long and trouble free life now that the war is over and your services are so dilligently provided."

She takes a moment for the gratuity to sink in before continuing.

"We ourselves are working to ensure justice within the land. My friend here was so honored by the justice system as to be able to walk freely among the land even though he is from the more tribal cultures of the north. Honoring justice and fighting against those who would pervert the freedom of the land ... we are ourselves seeking a man named Garrick. My friend and I flushed him out of his dwelling a few days ago. His minion fled before us and were captured, but Garrick eluded our grasp. Perhaps you have heard of him or have had run ins with him or his minions and have word you could share with us?"

[Sblock=OOC]If needed, Gather Info: +5[/Sblock]

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