[IC] The Odd Job


GM: I was going to wait for the test of the rolls but they are kind of irrelevant given Asha's pass.

Asha awakes first gathering her surroundings she appears to be back in the forest with the strange yellow flagstones upon the ceiling where the shambling mound was fought before they found William's cabin. The mist in the area has gotten thicker making it difficult to see Asha's companions who are slumped against a tree it would appear that everyone just collapsed quickly Asha rouses her companions and just in time as she sees a large dog like figure prowling around the edge of her vision.
GM: init please 14 is the number up beat.

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Darrowhill/Azgalin’s cave
Round 0

Initiative: 1d20+2 22

Bonus Action:
Reaction: Shield or Absorb Elements (if needed), or Opportunity Attack


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 31/31 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 3/3d10+3
Saving Face (1/R)(+3)
Second Wind (1/R)
Action Surge (1/R)

Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Lightning Lure
L1 (2/2): Absorb Elements, Burning Hands, Shield
Weapon Bond: Greatsword, Bat’leth (magical)

Dagger of Venom
Dagger of Warning
+1 Leather Armor


GM: init groups
Group 1 Hrgach, Asha
Group 2 monster
Group 3 Ana, Galdar.

The large shadow at the edge of the mist appears to be canine in nature and 60 ft away from the group who are huddled around a tree. The landscape is dotted with dead trees that provide plenty of cover. Ranged attacks are at disadvantages due to the thick mist covering the area. Taking actions from group 1


Darrowhill/Azgalin’s cave
Round 0

Hrgach gripped his sword. He eyed the large canine shape in the mist. “Bloody hell. Back here again,” he muttered. Slowly he moved toward the creature, his greatsword ready as the mist swirled around him. He took a defensive stance, waiting to see what the creature would. do.

Action: Dodge
Move: Move 30’ toward the creature
Bonus Action:
Reaction: Shield or Absorb Elements (if needed), or Opportunity Attack


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 31/31 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 3/3d10+3
Saving Face (1/R)(+3)
Second Wind (1/R)
Action Surge (1/R)

Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Lightning Lure
L1 (2/2): Absorb Elements, Burning Hands, Shield
Weapon Bond: Greatsword, Bat’leth (magical)

Dagger of Venom
Dagger of Warning
+1 Leather Armor

Asha moves into cover behind the tree and watches the creature. She follows Hrgach's lead and watches to see what the thing will do before attacking. Asha starts to cast and holds the last words waiting for the creature to make a move to attack before finishing the incantation and releasing the spell.

OOC: Asha is going to move up into cover behind a tree then ready the cast a spell action. I will cast Frostbite on the thing if it moves to attack anyone. I will roll the damage now so you don't have to wait.
Target needs to make a Con Save or take [roll0] and have disadvantage on next weapon attack roll.

Also did we take a long rest? I know we said we did while in the dream but not sure if that actually happened.


GM: Yes the long rest applies still.

Asha and Hrgach take up defensive positions waiting for the beast to make its move.

The shadow of the beast seems to have its own agenda as it slinks away into the mist and trees, it was last seen circling the party to the left before it vanished.

GM: Next group Ana, Galdar.

Voidrunner's Codex

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