IC The Thirteenth Moon: Night of the Blood Moon

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"I still think we're missing something. They didn't pray here to confess their sins. They were trying to do something, like summon a demon maybe. We should find out what."

Brad looks at the books. He looks at On the Blood, flipping some pages.

He can't read book 2 or book 3, so glances inside then puts them down.

When he comes to the book in Orcish, he looks a little embarrassed, and puts it down like the others. Though tonight he is a half-orc as far as anyone can see, he never actually learned the language. I should take a class on that.

The scrolls in Elvish, on the other hand, he does read. "Looks like they were combining rituals. Why I don't know."


You have gathered much in the way of evidence. The cult is dispersed for the time being. You cannot be certain that the short elf will try to recruit more followers, but you have definitely set back his plans, whatever they may be.

Gathering the bodies and the living, you take them back to Warden Towers where you present the Night Officer with your report. The surly dwarf takes a short verbal statement and seems satisfied than things have been taken care of. He expects a written report presented in the morning by the officer in charge of the investigation (that would be Brad). You turn over whatever evidence you deem necessary for the case (you may return to investigate the evidence at any time), but chances are the surviving cultists will rot in their cells for weeks (if not longer) before receiving a hearing. The Night Officer says nothing if you choose to keep some of the cultists' personal belongings, such as their weapons and money for yourself. After all, the Night Officer was not paying you for this task. It's about the only thanks you get from him.

It is very early in the morning, about 4:00 AM according to the Artificer's Clock, by the time you return to the Golden Horn to check on Mandyran and your mysterious elf guest. When you arrive, you can see the House Jorasco healer is just putting away her things, she says she'll be back to check on him later in the morning, but for now he appears to be stable and is awake. As near as she can figure it out, he suffered an injury of magical nature. Someone inflicted a great wound upon him with necromantic magic, but that is all she was able to determine. Mandyran has put the elf up in a room for the night as an act of hospitality and invites you to come speak with him.

The elf's shirt has been removed and bandages cover the center of his chest. But the tattoo on his left breast is plain for all to see now.[sblock=Arcana/Nobility & Royalty/Bardic Knowledge DC 15]The tattoo is a dragonmark.[sblock=Arcana/Nobility & Royalty/Bardic Knowledge DC 20]The dragonmark is the Least Mark of Shadow.[sblock=Nobility & Royalty/Bardic Knowledge DC 25]The elves of both House Phiarlan, which runs the Entertainers and Artisans Guild, and House Thuranni carry the dragonmark of Shadow.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]"I suppose you want to know who it was who attacked me," the elf coughs a bit as he speaks. "It was trickery! I was lured into the alley under the false pretense of meeting an associate of mine for information. When my associate failed to show, I turned to leave and discovered a dark figure had leaped down from the wall above me, black energy crackling in his hand. He struck me hard with the dark magic and I could feel a great pain in my chest. Then, everything went black. I don't know how long I was unconscious, but as soon as I came to, I lumbered off in search of aid. It was at that point I arrived here."

"I must know. Did you catch my assailant?"


The 8th Evil Sage
Berrent, Human Rogue

Berrent turns over all of the evidence from the cultists except for the money, which he distributes out to the party at 3sp and 17cp per person. He makes a note of the cultists' names and addresses before leaving.

Back at the Golden Horn Berrent goes up to talk to the elf. "Well, I'm sure glad you're okay," he says. "It sounds like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it's hard to be sure whenever evil cultists are involved. Who were you going to meet in the ally, and what information were you going to get? Sometime tomorrow we should try to find them and make sure the cultists didn't get them, too. But don't worry about that now, you need your rest."


First Post
Dorius notes down the elf's statement.

"Good plan, Berrent." Turning to the elf, he says "Now, elf, you need to be straight with us if you want to continue receiving our help. I suggest you start by answering Berrent's questions as thoroughly as possible."

(Dorius plans to go over his notebook before bed, and to begin writing his first article for the Korranberg Chronicle, "New Year's Nightmare!", detailing the appearance of the blood moon and the cult activity in the tower.)
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Sul, 1st of Zarantyr, 998 YK

Back at the Golden Horn Berrent goes up to talk to the elf. "Well, I'm sure glad you're okay," he says. "It sounds like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it's hard to be sure whenever evil cultists are involved. Who were you going to meet in the ally, and what information were you going to get? Sometime tomorrow we should try to find them and make sure the cultists didn't get them, too. But don't worry about that now, you need your rest."
"Good plan, Berrent." Turning to the elf, he says "Now, elf, you need to be straight with us if you want to continue receiving our help. I suggest you start by answering Berrent's questions as thoroughly as possible."
Although you are in a private room, the elf looks around as if to make certain no one else is listening, then speaks, "Most certainly, my good Zil. You have all offered your assistance to me freely, but please understand that in my line of work, loose lips is a sure way to lose favor. I can tell you this much," he says with a bit of a cough, "I am a member of an organization known as the Serpentine Table. We deal in information. I had it on good authority that one of my contacts within the organization was going to meet me in that alley with some valuable intelligence. That is all I am at liberty to say. However, because you now know of me and my organization, I must have your word of honor that you will speak to no one of my involvement in this incident. You have my permission to write your story about the incident with the cultists so long as you leave me out of it."

"As a way of ensuring your loyalty, I would like to offer you employment with the Serpentine Table. We, my organization I should say, would be most interested in pursuing this matter of subterfuge to its logical end, if you understand my meaning. Seeing how you are already involved, it would be a most practical matter to enlist your assistance. A suitable reward for your efforts this night is also in order."

The elf rises and puts on his coat. "I will be leaving now; I am certain I can make my way to safety. I was only staying that I might speak with you. I will pay my respects to Mandyran on the way out. When you are ready to assist the Serpentine Table, come and ask for me at the House Phiarlan enclave in Dragon Towers. You may refer to me as Beige."

With that, the elf exits the room, leaving you the key. It has been a long night and you are all ready to turn in. Seeing how the room is apparently available for the night and you do not relish the idea of going out again so late on what has turned out to be a dangerous night, you find it prudent to stay here until morning.

When you awake, you find Mandyran has slid a sealed note under the door with Dorius' name on it.[sblock=Note for Dorius]Good Dorius,
I thank you for your efforts last night. A dashing bit of heroism if I do say so myself. I have heard a rumor just this morning you might be interested in. Come and speak with me when you have the time.
[/sblock]When dawn comes the next day, you feel as if the world has changed. The City of Towers goes about its noisy business as always, but the people have clearly changed their mood. As you move about the city, you hear many whispers about the events of the last evening.[sblock=Gather Information DC 5; 1 hour]The Watch garrison cells are full to the brim with miscreants and ne're do wells arrested for looting, burglary and even a string of murders![sblock=Gather Information DC 10; +1 hour]Several folks were found with slit throats in alleyways. I even heard a story about a fellow who was discovered in his room at The Drunken Dragon with his blood sucked dry![sblock=Gather Information DC 15; +1 hour]Most of the murders happened in and around the Graywall District in Middle Tavick's Landing. I tell you all those Karrns in one place; it's a rotten situation.[sblock=Gather Information DC 20; +1 hour]Unlocked Party Plot Hook: Speak to Denion at The Crystals of Denion about his missing daughter.
I was in Silvergate in Upper Tavick's Landing and heard that the daughter of Denion, the wealthy owner of The Crystals of Denion magic emporium, went missing. Seems she went to a party in Ocean View and never came home. I'm sure the Black Arch Garrison will be busy with this one for a while.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Vigil's Missive]When Vigil stops by the House Sivis message station, he has a letter waiting for him.

Good Vigil,
I would speak with you about an urgent matter. No doubt our enemies in the Blood of Vol have something to do with the events of last night. Seek me at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame in Sovereign Towers as soon as you can.
Brother Wayden
[/sblock][sblock=Plot Hooks]Party: Find and speak with Beige at the House Phiarlan enclave.

Dorius Mini Hook: Speak to Mandyran about the rumor.

Vigil Mini Hook: Find Brother Wayden at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame.

Note: You may choose to pursue any plot hooks you wish. Mini hooks for individual players can be handled on the side with one or two posts. As for party hooks, I will judge once the group has reached a consensus on which hook to follow or until you appoint a party leader. And yes, there is only one obvious party hook in this post. (hint, hint)[/sblock]
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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Alise drops the silver in her purse and as frightened by this life she's gotten herself wrapped up in she is intrigued by the quickness at which she made so much money. "This would have taken a week." she softly whispers to herself.

She observes the others bedding down, and decides that going out at this hour wouldn't be wise, she finds a corner slightly away from any of the men and has a fitful disrupted night of sleep interupted by nightmares of cultists, and the man throwing himself on his sword.


First Post
[sblock] Dorius plans to spend an hour this morning writing his article for the Chronicle. [MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION] would I send this via House Orien? [/sblock]

Dorius addresses anyone else who spent the night at the Golden Horn: "I plan to do a bit of investigative journalism in the city today, then I have a parcel to mail to back to Zilargo. After that, I plan to visit House Phiarlan to see what Beige's superiors might have to offer us."


Vigil sits quietly, watching the gentle rise and fall of the chests of the group. He ponders about breathing and what it must feel like. He has found that people breathe heavily when exerted and sometimes when aroused. Though he will never feel aroused, he does wonder what will happen once his time is expired. He has nothing to 'pass on' to the next generation... as far as Vigil is concerned, he is the sole progenitor of his line.

Pro-gen-i-tor. An amusing word.

Vigil makes a noise that COULD be construed as chuckling. Or choking.


Comes the morn.

Vigil receives his letter and upon reading it, announces, "Vigil must find one Brother Wayden at the Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame. Should any person wish to continue the Flame's good work, there will be discussion regarding Vol cultists. The company would be... welcome."

Voidrunner's Codex

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