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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Way of the Wicked


Armides Diat, human Inquisitor

Armides looks over at the one called the Red Glaive. He isn't sure that the violent man will be tractable enough to risk rescuing but Tiadora did say their patron requested the presence of all his cell-mates.

"One other thing," he says in a whisper. "Escape will be quite useless unless we have somewhere to hide. We can't take on the whole might of Talinguarde." He grins wolfishly. "Not yet anyway, and not without a bit of help. This veil proves we aren't the only ones who believe as we do. We have a patron and, according to the woman who left this, he wants to meet the group of us. She gave me directions to a place but we can't be diverted into a battle with the entire guard of the prison. Do you understand?" He looks at Vordahl particularly but also glances to the others. "At the least, it would be interesting to hear what this individual has to say and he may be able to help us take our vengeance."

Having given his warning Armides works on positioning the veil, removing the tools and working on the locks of his shackles (Disable Device 10).

. . Armides Diat . .

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Guest 11456

Armides pulls at the patch that resembles lock picks and as soon as it is pulled from the veil it becomes a set of masterwork thieves tools. He has some difficulty using the tools and is unsuccessful in his first attempt at picking the lock on the manacles binding his hands. A small click sound is made by the failed attempt. From the other side of the door you hear the guards.

“Was that a rat?”

Another voice quickly speaks in reply.

"Nah! You're just hearing things."

The first voice again.

"I guess you're right. I'm just a bit jumpy with these prisoners around."

[sblock=OOC]The lock DC is 20, it is a simple lock. The bonus for masterwork thieves tools is +2, but there is also a penalty of -2 to pick while your hands remain manacled.[/sblock]

Piston Honda

First Post
Listening to Armides, Vordahl seems slightly let down. He let out an approving but obviously disagreeing grunt before seeing the tools peel right from the cloth. He filled with anticipation, and looked once more upon the sword, trying to quell his aggression, but growing impatient hearing a click in Diat's shackles yet seeing nothing happen.


Armides Diat, human Inquisitor

Armides reconsiders his methods a moment then, holding firmly to the thieves tools so that he doesn't accidentally drop them, he passes the veil to Asseni.

"Take the symbol and pass it on to the others. I'll wait until everyone is armed with something before I try the lock again. If I alert the guard before I succeed hopefully one of you will be able to do something."

Once everyone has taken something from the veil Armides will go back to work on his shackles (Disable Device 20). He barely manages to stifle a crow of delight when the tumblers fall into place.

. . Armides Diat . .


Guest 11456

We will allow each of the other three a chance to grab something from the veil, should they wish to, before we move on.


First Post
With some difficulty, Silhouette manages to get the veil in a spot where she can peel the 'sack' off of the gossamer cloth. As the magic takes hold...or perhaps dissipates is more accurate...she pulls the drawstring holding the bag shut looser, and peeks inside to see what's within.

As a spellcaster, she was her own weapon...but it seemed likely to her that the sack was a clever way to get around the limited objects that could be placed on the veil. Who knew what would be in there?


Guest 11456

Silhouette pulls the patch that looks like a sack from the veil and it quickly grows into a sack. Pulling open the sack she can see clothes within. Perhaps, once you are free of your bindings, a fresh change of clothes awaits you.

Piston Honda

First Post
Vordahl’s hands tremble as he takes the veil.
A familiar urge begins to overtake him.
He feels his blood pumping faster as he looks at it.
Vordahl hastily grabs for the sword and
Removes the instrument of destruction from the cloth.​
His breathing continues to speed up. A fire lights in vacant eyes as he stares at the blade. Whatever he agreed to seemingly lost in thoughts of vengeance.


Guest 11456

Vordahl pulls at one of the two patches that look like some type of bladed weapon. Once removed the patch becomes a dagger. Not quite what he was expecting but still better any weapon rather then no weapon.

Walking Dad

First Post
Asseni, Tiefling Priest

Asseni takes his turn as the veil goes around, quickly taking the symbol from the midst... the potion also looks interesting, as the the short sword... nah, it will be another dagger. But what is the other thing in the middle? A shield? Assni curiously removes that, two, holding the symbol meanwhile with his tail, revealing that he is able to us it like an extra limb.

Voidrunner's Codex

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