D&D (2024) If short rest abilities become Prof # tiimes per day?

I quite like the idea of
Short / day = #Prof bonus ( or maybe 1+(Half Prof bonus)
Short rest = 5 minutes only.

1 + 2 = 3, therefore rounded down (rounded up) = 1 (2)
1 + 3 = 4, therefore = 2
1 + 4 = 5, therefore rounded down (rounded up) = 2 (3)
1 + 5 = 6, therefore = 3
1 + 6 = 7, therefore rounded down (rounded up) = 3 (4)

I'd go with rounded up.

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This is a game with random dice rolls. If things go pear shaped due to simple bad luck the party may have to blow their resources in order to survive.
Yes, obviously. Bad luck happens but not every time. Building a game where bad luck becomes irrelevant because you can always nova is poor design. Or, at least, makes random dice rolls irrelevant. The game isn't exciting if you can't lose.

Yes, obviously. Bad luck happens but not every time. Building a game where bad luck becomes irrelevant because you can always nova is poor design. Or, at least, makes random dice rolls irrelevant. The game isn't exciting if you can't lose.
I don't think a game where bad luck = you lose would be very popular.

The problem is, if you allow for bad luck not to leave you aboard the Kobayashi Maru without the cheat code, then you also allow the players to nova then rest.

One option, not really mentioned yet, is DM scorn for excessive resting/praise for continuing without resting.

Or, if you prefer something more crunchy, build it into an honour/reputation system.


Just to relate experience I play a Monk on a Westmarches server and with 3 encounters per short rest or no short rest it’s impossible to keep up with classes that can use Great Weapon Master, Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert and Polearm Master well because those abilities are just always on while my Ki runs out after one fight at level 5 if I’m trying to keep up with the contribution they’re making. Then I just become a squishy martial that can make an extra scimitar strength unarmed attack as a bonus action and move 10ft further. It is hard to convince long rest based classes to even take a short rest because they’re not sweating at that point cause they are fueling of this set of feats instead of their resource limited class abilities. The only hope is usually that there is a Warlock or someone with a Warlock dip since their spells are considered respectable enough to warrant a short rest. No one is stopping for flurry of blows to recharge.


Just to relate experience I play a Monk on a Westmarches server and with 3 encounters per short rest or no short rest it’s impossible to keep up with classes that can use Great Weapon Master, Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert and Polearm Master well because those abilities are just always on while my Ki runs out after one fight at level 5 if I’m trying to keep up with the contribution they’re making. Then I just become a squishy martial that can make an extra scimitar strength unarmed attack as a bonus action and move 10ft further. It is hard to convince long rest based classes to even take a short rest because they’re not sweating at that point cause they are fueling of this set of feats instead of their resource limited class abilities. The only hope is usually that there is a Warlock or someone with a Warlock dip since their spells are considered respectable enough to warrant a short rest. No one is stopping for flurry of blows to recharge.
that is not problem with short/long rest.

That is the problem that monk is THE worst class in 5E.

But, having a short rest after every combat would go a long way to raise the monk out of the F tier.


I don't, but I also don't like the present short rest system, because it makes short rests too hard to come by for classes that depend on them.

What I would really like would be a return to 4E-style short rests: Five minutes and done. But this would require a wholesale rewrite of the short-rest classes, who would otherwise be grossly overpowered (e.g., the 5th-level warlock who can now throw two fireballs every single combat). That's almost certainly out of scope for 5.5E.

"5-minute short rests, prof bonus times/day" is a bit of a hack, but it works well and doesn't require major changes to the rest of the system. My table uses essentially this house rule (except we use a flat 2/day instead of prof bonus), and it neatly and easily brought the short-resters up to par.
so just ignore the short rest system, plan your adventuring day around party resources. Though if the party is going to spend an actual whole day adventuring regularly you may have to pitch attunement and just let them use magic items. Especially for warriors and other classes without spells.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I see this all the time in 5e too though, with people using powers under the assumption that they'll get a short rest and then getting vetoed by party members without short rest recovery who don't want to stop. It's a point of party friction that didn't exist in 4e and becomes a potential issue in 5e without any compelling upside.

I'm not sure how it's an immersion issue. If your magic power regenerates in 5 minutes or an hour, is one magic power thing more believable than the other? Why it would be more immersive for the fighter to take an hour to recovery the ability to trip someone, versus a 5 minute breather?
I don't know, I guess maybe it isn't? I just could see someone feeling it's kind of arbitrary? But you're right, any length of time would be.


I don't care what the rules end up being because no matter what they are... I'm going to find a better way to run them for myself and will house rule the new system in.

Needing the books to print exactly the rules I want for every single thing is a bane to happiness. Go into every book with the assumption that you are going to make the rules your own is what opens everything up and you lose this anchor around your neck that constantly wants to drag you down.

Playing RAW is dumb in my opinion. It's a decision merely there to keep a person constantly unhappy.

HP? Exhaustion? How do you find those inadequate?
well I am not who you asked, a great example is attack rolls and cantrips.

If I am a hexblade blade warlock with 98hp, but I am half way through the day (I have already spent 3 of my 12HD, been healed alot) I am currently after a fight down 10 17hp... so I have 81pt of damage... and 10 of it I wont be able to get back with out a restoration (undead attack) and I am down 4pts of str (from 14 to 10) from a shadow... I am REALLY beat up... heck it might have been 5 hours since my last nights sleep and 2 hours since my last hour off... but we come across a locked door.

If I say "If I used eldritch blast 50 times on the door for 150d10+600 force damage can I just knock it down... 1) I have no negatives for being so hurt and tired to the attack or damage and 2) I am no more fatigue for having just spent 300 seconds strait (5 minutes) useing that abity. If instead I make 100 sword attacks with my cool magic special metal sword it is still 300 seconds (5 minutes) of constant swinging of my sword (or axe or hammer) but still I am at no negative (even the str damage doesn't matter I USE Cha to hit and damage) and it doesn't tire me at all.

now in my games we would RP the tired with something like "Wow really worked up a swet can I sit for a minute, get a drink" but really imagine you in real life with a slight injury swinging a weapon for 1 minute...

HP? Exhaustion? How do you find those inadequate?
because they do not really show fatigue or exhaustion without house rules.

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