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Illithid Paladin?! Say what?


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thanks Mr. Gnoll Pimp (btw, thats my favorite pic from d20 modern). I like that "Perhaps, as part of its code, it refrains from killing in order to feed."

I suppose his ring would be worth a whole lot more than 2.5k gps

Can you imagine the carnage that could be brought upon a land if a higher level Illithid Paladin lost that ring? Can you say Blackgaurd?

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Guilt Puppy

First Post
There's always "only eat the brains of evil-doers..." You know, the same people a Paladin would normally slay righteously. Hungry? More motivation to be ever-vigilant for the cause of good!

Of course, the ring is an even cleaner solution, but it lacks the flavor, you know? :)

Given Realms, I'd say that changing one's appearance wouldn't violate a Paladin's code... Magic is pretty everyday in that setting: Getting a wand of alter self wouldn't seem any more devious than learning a new language. Not to mention that it may well seem like "the right thing to do," compared to frightening the common folk.

Oh, and if I'm good-aligned, and see a squid-creature suck the brains out of anyone, even the frickin arch-villain, I'm going to shoot first, speak with dead later. It's really a challenge to interpret a creature that looks like that and kills like that as having good intentions... Just something to keep in mind, and possibly use to your advantage.


Mad Scientist
The problem is not that the Mind-flayer comes from an evil race...
No the problem is that Mind-flayers are/have:
a) an alien mindset, so you can't really understand them.
b) have almost god-like intelligence, so you can never know waht they can be planning...
c) Have tons of strange powers, so you can't count too much on your divinations, or your own eyes...
So really, the reaction of everyone, even evil persons when detecting a mind-flayer is "Defcon 1! throw the nukes"
Only drow could even take the risk of not killing them on sight.

William Ronald

I think this may be a difficult concept.

In addition to what abri has raised, food is a primary considertion.

The illithid feed on the brains of sentient beings. As I recall, other types of brains do not qualify as nutritition for mindflayers. I have trouble seeing how an illithid would move from viewing other sentients as cattle to beings whose rights must be protected. A ring of sustenance would help, but the illithid have a very unusual mindset.

I suppose that one could rule a ring of sustenance would be an appropriate substitute. However, how would such a character seek to find a reasonable alternative to sentient brains for his kin? (It's kin. I seem to remember illithid being hermaphroditic from the Illithiad by Bruce Cordell.) I suppose one possibility is to find some way to make a substitute food source. (Even if that worked, how would the illithid paladin get others of his kind to eat them. Also, I seem to recall from the Illithiad that at one stage the illithid tadpoles merge with a humanoid body and devour the mind and the personality. I think there is some sort of illithid legend of a host whose personality was not wholly consumed... who would be the ruin of the illithid. Hmm, maybe this MIGHT explain such a character.)

The amount of social prejudice such a character would face is extremely high. In fact, some people might want to believe a redeemed succubus is likelier than a redeemed illithid. (The succubus may once have been good -- a few eons back. Please check out Sepulchrave's story hour threads.) The illithid would likely be shot on sight if his disguise ever falters. Compared with the illithid, a drow PC has a much easier time of adventuring with good characters from the surface. An illithid paladin should have a hard time proving himself to others, and one heck of a background story.

Of course, if you can pull it off more power to you.


First Post
Illithids are one of the lowest and most vile forms of life in existence. They are parasites, and they feed off of other sentient beings brains in order to survive. I think this is one of the creatures that should be labeled as "Always Evil", because they cannot reasonably survive without preying on other sentient beings. A Ring Of Sustenance is not really a viable solution. What if the ring is destroyed? What if the Illithid goes into an Anti-Magic Zone? Etc, etc.

William Ronald

LuYangShih, you just summed up my doubts about such a character.

A vampire can theoretically feed off a little blood from a willing person or an animal. There have even been one or two good aligned vampires in the Forgotten Realms. (As well as such TV characters as Angel and Nick Knight in Forever Knight.)

I do not think an illithid has many alternatives to feeding on living sentient brains. (Hmm, any illithid experts out there. Anabstercorian?)


First Post
LuYangShih said:
Illithids are one of the lowest and most vile forms of life in existence. They are parasites, and they feed off of other sentient beings brains in order to survive. I think this is one of the creatures that should be labeled as "Always Evil", because they cannot reasonably survive without preying on other sentient beings. A Ring Of Sustenance is not really a viable solution. What if the ring is destroyed? What if the Illithid goes into an Anti-Magic Zone? Etc, etc.

Evil humanoids = nice snacks...

Sir Illithid Paladin "Yes friends, we hath smited the evil Orc Warlord and saved the princess! Now, if you excuse me, I recomend you all turn around. I'm hungry and our rapidly cooling evil overlord looks might tasty. It is not a pritty sight.."


First Post
Buy a hat of disguise and a ring of non detection, then tell everyone that your really a good paladin.
(try not to act real smart though otherwise they may work out that youre not really a paladin)

Later on that night tear their frontal lobes out and nick their stuff, theyre high levels so it should be some good stuff.

Hint: Eat the wizard and sorc first and leave the dribbly fighters until last.


First Post
Reread the first post. This is for an NPC, not a character.

Also keep in mind that a Paladin (under the core rules) is called into service from birth. Why a good god would choose an illithid is beyond me... but then again, it's a god, right? :p

Yes, the NPC would face prejudice from outsiders and its own kind. It would be considered unnatural or insane, and likely had to to flee or was banished as soon as its unique... habits were known.

Scavenging in the Underdark to stay alive would've been quite trying. The temptation to simply feed would've been maddening. I'd assume at some point, it had an encounter that was a revelation. It was no longer a matter of birthright, but one of choice. Perhaps the PCs will be that catalyst, or perhaps it already happened.

Either way, it'd make for a helluva unique NPC. :cool:

Is that really good hint? Wouldn`t the fighter brains be a good appetitizer? Or do you consider them as a dessert? :)

I think the fear and distrut for a Mind Flayer might be greater than before most other evil creatures (at least if they are not outsiders or red dragons), so a good disguise might really be in place - but most disguises can be penetrated by True Seeing, so experienced party members will probably know the true race of the paladin.

It might be best if the Paladin is introduced by someone the group trusts, a cleric of the same order or diety...
"I want to introduce you to one of our... unusual .. but nevertheless important members." (Even in this case the group might consider that the Illithid got control about the cleric. Maybe a Celestial is a better choice to introduce him)

If you throw him at them in the middle of a combat, it might end with a TPK - Total Paladin Kill...

And I think a Ring of Sustenance is a good way to explain why he no longer eats brains.
It is not likely to be stolen (we are speaking of a high level NPC here - and even if it is, he has good chances to retrieve it or just buy a new one ...), and Antimagic Fields do not last for days (and I don`t think Mind Flayers can eat brains of intelligent beings every day), unless he is trapped in a special Magic Dead Zone, that would cause problems to most types of character. (And being trapped at all might mean he has no access to brains - or an evil blackguard tries to "convert" him to his site, which would be an adventuring idea on its own)

Mustrum Ridcully
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