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Hopefully Lucas will do a plot outline and let some more capable hands do the scripts and directing.

Spielberg has, in the past, expressed interest in doing Star Wars, but I don't think he would do an entire trilogy ... no telling though!

Would I trust Spielberg with Star Wars? Personally I don't feel he is the right person for the job, but he would be better than George at least.

Actually, the rumors about a Live Action TV show are pretty much confirmed at this point. I don't remember where I saw it(somewhere on a while back) but its official word that its in the idea when its set or anything like that though.


First Post
I like the X-wing books - not so much for the plot (at least, not Stackpole's - but Aaron's work for me) - but for the characters and the subtle humour throughout the series. I recognize the flaws, but I think that the benefits far outstrip them.

Variety is the spice of life and all.

Speaker said:
I like the X-wing books - not so much for the plot (at least, not Stackpole's - but Aaron's work for me) - but for the characters and the subtle humour throughout the series. I recognize the flaws, but I think that the benefits far outstrip them.

Variety is the spice of life and all.
Yub yub, Commander

Aeris Winterood

First Post

Heck, for the best of the Star Wars go back in time. I think it should be made about the Knights of the Old Republic. Ulic Qel Droma and Exar Kun are bad a$$e$.... Would rock.. Much better than all the NJO crap.

Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
No matter what there are going to be Star Wars fans that hate it and Star Wars fans that love it. I say with that in mind George should do what he wants and have fun.

Psychotic Dreamer said:
No matter what there are going to be Star Wars fans that hate it and Star Wars fans that love it. I say with that in mind George should do what he wants and have fun.
Maybe so. I certainly haven't heard of any Star Wars fans that hate KOTOR, although I'm sure there must be some somewhere.


First Post
I hope he does the movies, he originally did plan on 9 movies total and I hope he fulfills his visions, whether or not he disrupts the knowledge of the EU books. I would vote first for the Thrawn trilogy, but the actors are too old, but seeing
Luke Skywalker fight a clone of himself
would be one of the coolest scenes I could envision.

I loved the NJO stuff, and I thought it very Star Wars. But those wouldn't make a movie because the entire series is just too long. The book Traitor was the best book in the entire series, except for Vector Prime and the last one (can't remember the name).

What would be cool is that he did a movie trilogy based on the KOTOR EU. I think that because of the video game and the fans that want source material from that time period, doing a trilogy of movies based on that would become very popular I think.

As for the tv show, I hadn't even known about that being in the works, but I would watch it. Can't get enough Star Wars, and the mini cartoons were pretty cool to watch (whenever I could remember what time they were on).

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