That's it really. I've got a list- last count 295 books (although that number may go up) and I've given myself 10 years to get through them. I've looked at a variety of websites (thanks to the fine people here at ENWorld) which tell me what order I should read the books, but... the bugger is getting hold of them so as often supply will dictate the order they get read.
I've bought the first 40 books on the list, so I'm committed.
My reasons- I've been DMing in the Forgotten Realms for I don't know how long (off and on- but a lot more since 5e started), and until this point I've never thought to do any background reading- of course I buy all the Wizards stuff, handbooks and modules et al (for most editions all the way back to AD&D) but I've never really paid attention to the geography, or the history- socio-political or economic, or any of it. Mainly because I've been just dying to DM and get to the action, and adept at making up my own little micro-settings within a variety of already mapped out worlds, but now I'm an old(er) git and with time on my hands and the inclination to find out more.
I'm not going to write reviews- they already exist elsewhere, there are also wonderful collections of online material for the Forgotten Realms- garnered from the novels and the myriad other sourcebooks- it would be pointless to attempt to duplicate any of this. So, feel free to ignore this thread- this is more just a reminder to me- read books, post here- keep going. That kind of thing, obviously the stigma and the shame if I don't make it to the end of the run will haunt me for the rest of my days. Nah! I'll survive, so- I'm giving it a go.
Cheers Goonalan
That's it really. I've got a list- last count 295 books (although that number may go up) and I've given myself 10 years to get through them. I've looked at a variety of websites (thanks to the fine people here at ENWorld) which tell me what order I should read the books, but... the bugger is getting hold of them so as often supply will dictate the order they get read.
I've bought the first 40 books on the list, so I'm committed.
My reasons- I've been DMing in the Forgotten Realms for I don't know how long (off and on- but a lot more since 5e started), and until this point I've never thought to do any background reading- of course I buy all the Wizards stuff, handbooks and modules et al (for most editions all the way back to AD&D) but I've never really paid attention to the geography, or the history- socio-political or economic, or any of it. Mainly because I've been just dying to DM and get to the action, and adept at making up my own little micro-settings within a variety of already mapped out worlds, but now I'm an old(er) git and with time on my hands and the inclination to find out more.
I'm not going to write reviews- they already exist elsewhere, there are also wonderful collections of online material for the Forgotten Realms- garnered from the novels and the myriad other sourcebooks- it would be pointless to attempt to duplicate any of this. So, feel free to ignore this thread- this is more just a reminder to me- read books, post here- keep going. That kind of thing, obviously the stigma and the shame if I don't make it to the end of the run will haunt me for the rest of my days. Nah! I'll survive, so- I'm giving it a go.
Cheers Goonalan
I've been a FR novels fan from the beginning. I used to buy all the novels but got away from that over the last 10 yrs or so. Currently I have 120 FR novels and have read probably half of them or more.