D&D General I'm reading the Forgotten Realms Novels- #202 The Howling Delve by Jaleigh Johnson (Dungeons 2)

#004 Darkwalker on Moonshae by Douglas Niles (Moonshae Trilogy Book 1)
Read 27/8/19 to 1/9/19

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Yeah, this is the one I should have read first- in some ways I'm glad I didn't. Set in the Moonshae Isles (obviously) which is home to the Celtic mythos style Ffolk and the marauding Viking-like Northmen. Our hero is a bit of a... I don't know, and neither does he, that might be the problem. The start of the novel gets my back up for a good long while, awfully contrived and a bit (whisper this) unbelievable- when Tristan meets Daryth (a bit Drizzt lite). Also, what's with the faithful side-kick cats/dogs (Guenhywvar vs Canthus) who had the hound/canine companion first Salvatore or Niles. Pawldo is very Halfling.

The above aside it's a cracking read- Kazgaroth (and his boss) versus the Earthmother, plenty of hot druid action (and even more in the later novels) and the Beast in his many forms. Oh, and you've got to shed a tear when the Leviathan goes under, although secretly I was rather rooting for the Northmen (who doesn't love a Viking?).

Still, I found myself rooting for the bad guys a little too often, the central character/s can be annoying (including Robyn) and this doesn't let up in the proceeding novels- just talk to each, tell him/her how you feel and stop bottling up your teenage style sexual frustration/angsty angst. Cut the moping and the self doubt and we'd have room in the novel for another hefty helping of combat action, and there are some supercool bad guys that'd love another scene.

This is actually the only one I've read, and I found it to be a little too drawn out for my tastes. It was a decent story, but it felt like a generic fantasy novel to me rather than a D&D book.

And to be fair, while I love D&D the game and play it far more, when it comes to lore, I'm the opposite with 40k. I don't play the 40k game much, but I love the lore and read it all the time. But with D&D, I love the game, but don't keep up much with the lore.

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ebay and other used book sites are going to be your friend.

I built my collection when ebay was still in its nascent stages, but even then I found lots of 40-60 FR books available.

I'd buy them, and then any that I already owned, I'd take to my local used bookstore and trade them in for credit to get something else I needed or just some random other books I wanted.

That might still work for you, not sure of your location or used bookstores thereabout.

ebay and other used book sites are going to be your friend.

I built my collection when ebay was still in its nascent stages, but even then I found lots of 40-60 FR books available.

I'd buy them, and then any that I already owned, I'd take to my local used bookstore and trade them in for credit to get something else I needed or just some random other books I wanted.

That might still work for you, not sure of your location or used bookstores thereabout.

Alas I have been looking for FR books in the local charity shops, book shops et al since July- the first three I bought that kindled this enterprise are the only three I have found. I've even asked a few owners of the stores to put books aside for me, but nothing so far.

That said I'm not stuck for any books yet, as stated previously I have bought the first 66, so I'm going to read a chunk of them- 20 or so before restating my ebay/internet wanderings in search of the next batch on the list. Likewise I forewarned the Mrs and my brother that they will both be receiving a list of books for them to attempt to track down for me for Christmas.

If there's a particular issue I'll request some help here, but as of yet- the plan is working.

Cheers Goonalan

I never liked the relationship between Catti-brie and Wulgar. If it'd been in a movie, I'd say the actors had zero chemistry, but this was a book so... maybe Salvatore just wasn't up to writing a believable romance at that stage in his career.

I still cannot think of the crystal shard without calling it Cren-cinnabon.
I don't think we were supposed to like it. Dating someone just because they are the only Human you interact with on a day to day basis was always bound for failure (or at least extremely unlikely to be compatible personalities given the small dating pool).

It ended just about the only way it could. With the realization that they we not right for eachother.
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Do this search on eBay: forgotten realms book lot

I did it and there are like 40 different lots for sale right now. Just sell what you don’t want back on eBay or to those local shops.

Heck they’re cheap enough you could probably just donate them to those shops if you wanted.

Assuming you have hard time finding some of the books, you can always get the audiobooks. Audible has the majority of them I do believe. I have also started this journey. I've read all the Drizzt books and have followed them for a long time. I recently decided to read others and have quite enjoyed it.

If you have an ereader (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or others) most of the classic D&D novels are available as ebooks also. Sadly, not ALL of them, however. I'm actually building up my own digital collection of the classic D&D novels (not just the FR ones) because I don't want to rebuild my physical library, takes up too much space and is a pain to move! :)

Well, when you said there were 295 I decided to count up how many I have and have read. It looks like I only have around 142 of them (143 if one says Red Sands counts).

Some checking suggests it doesn't. While it might be a "fantasy Arabia" novel, it doesn't seem to be set in Zakhara, and it's lack of a world logo to that effect seems purposeful rather than an oversight.

If you have an ereader (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or others) most of the classic D&D novels are available as ebooks also. Sadly, not ALL of them, however. I'm actually building up my own digital collection of the classic D&D novels (not just the FR ones) because I don't want to rebuild my physical library, takes up too much space and is a pain to move! :)

Alas no e-reader, I'm fairly tech free hence the time to read lots of books, gasp as I tell you I do not possess any of the following- clock/watch, laptop, TV, or mobile phone. Other than this cranky old PC the only item that requires power (save the lights) in my office, where I sit now, is a radio. I'm like a caveman, but very (very) content.

Oh, but hang on- there's a calculator in one of my drawers.

My tech stores are replete.

Cheers goonalan

I've read about 30 of them.

And... it's an interesting project, but there are so many better books out there! Books that will inspire you, illuminate, amuse, fill you with dread... we only have so much time in life. Read better books.

I've read about 30 of them.

And... it's an interesting project, but there are so many better books out there! Books that will inspire you, illuminate, amuse, fill you with dread... we only have so much time in life. Read better books.

It appears you have not read the premise for this endeavour, as made clear in the very first post. I always find the best place to start a book (although perhaps not a forum post) is on the first page.

So, let me explain again-

I'm a D&D GM, I've been DMing my players around the realms for a good long while and yet I've never read any of the background material. Save the stuff that appears in the various modules and handbooks, so... I'd really like to read about the Forgotten Realms, that's the entire idea (and purpose) of this thread.

Just for info, I am an ex-lecturer in English, I gave up teaching maybe four years ago- I still work in academia although only a couple of days a week and mostly behind the scenes. I read 50 or so books every year (or thereabouts- I aim for one a week). I've read fifty books a year (or thereabouts) every year, for the last 20 or so years.

Just for info I started reading the FR novels at the start of August, just over two months ago- I've read 14 books so far, I started the 15th this morning. I've even had time to read some other novels in between completing a few of the series, although not all- I'm enjoying the books so much. Most of the FR novels seem to be about 312 pages long, I read 50 pages an hour- a book therefore takes six hours to read.

I have lots of spare time, and while your concern is appreciated, I feel that I am doing something immensely interesting, and incredibly enjoyable, and useful with regard to my GMing.

There are, as you say, better books out there- but they're not the Forgotten Realms and so of no use to this project.

Cheers goonalan

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