#008 The Wyvern's Spur by Kate Novak & Jeff Grub (Finder's Stone Trilogy Book 2)
Read 18/9/19 to 20/9/19
Book 2- Well, this is an odd one- although only (really) because it proceeds Azure Bonds (above), Giogioni Wyvernspur (bit part in the above) returns to his ancestral home. The Wyvern's Spur (get it- a Spur from a Wyvern- damn, SPOILERS) has gone missing- the Wyvernspur's talismanic artefact. The artefact allows the possessor to transform in to a Wuh.. Wuh… Wuh… yeah, you guessed it.
And so the mystery unfolds, Olive (Ruskettle) has a part to play- although the Halfling spends 50% of the novel polymorphed in to an ass- that'd be my favourite for the sequel- Donkey Detective!
The various riddles and mysteries explored can be pretty much unravelled if you just pay attention to the names of things.
So, the Finder's Stone, was made by, and therefore belongs to someone called Fuh… Fuh… Fuh… yeah, you guessed.
The Nameless Bard who manufactured Alias (and many other items- introduced in Azure Bonds) is no longer nameless, the wicked Harpers (!?) erased his name from history- only his family (sorta) remembers. So, he's called Fuh… Fuh… Fuh… Yep, Wuh… Wuh… Wuh… yeah, you guessed it.
There are some cracking fights here, obviously the climax (I'll not spoil it) but also an undead invasion of the Church of Selune- got to love the fight back, and the high priestess (or whatever her title is).
There is however a lot of mystery (and a romance, or two) to get through to finally arrive at the action. It's all good but the feeling I was left with was the writing duo clearly had two different ideas about how this trilogy should go. Book one doesn't (much) seem to follow neatly on to book two- book three on the other hand...
Moander! Moander! MOANDER!
That's all I'll say about that.