D&D General I'm reading the Forgotten Realms Novels- #202 The Howling Delve by Jaleigh Johnson (Dungeons 2)

It looks like I only have around 142 of them (143 if one says Red Sands counts).
Wait...why would Red Sands count? Was it supposed to be set in the Realms at some point?
Just to make clear- if it says Forgotten Realms on the cover, and I can get a copy, then I'm reading it.
Does that mean I can offload all my unwanted old fantasy novels to you at elevated prices by writing Forgotten Realms on their covers in crayon? (Please say yes, I need the money and I won't part with any of my actual Forgotten Realms collection...)

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I've read about 30 of them.

And... it's an interesting project, but there are so many better books out there! Books that will inspire you, illuminate, amuse, fill you with dread... we only have so much time in life. Read better books.

There are some stinkers in the Forgotten Realms line. There are also some great stories. In the larger fantasy genre, there are PLENTY of stinkers, and plenty of great stories.

The sadly persistent idea that slapping a D&D logo on a novel makes it inferior to non-shared world fiction is fantasy nerd elitism.

EDIT: I came on too strong in my initial post, and decided to tone it down. Sorry to those who caught the original. I just really, really hate this idea that shared world fiction is inferior to "real" fantasy stories.
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#006 Darkwell by Douglas Niles (Moonshae Trilogy Book 3)
Read 8/9/19 to 14/9/19

Forgotten Realms Darkwell (Moonshae 3) a 30.jpg

Book 3 of the series, and like book one there's a lot of the interminable angst filled wonderings of the romantic couple (Tristan and Robyn), particularly Tristan's inner voice- which nags at him constantly- I am not worthy. I wish, as in book one, they'd just talk to each other and get it sorted out. That aside there's shed loads of great D&D style(-ish) action here, and some superb bad guys (as always in this series). Oh and one of the good guys gets to take a dirt nap, bested by a Displacer Beast- the creature embodies pure terror- it's great. Also the final journey to save the land, ravaged by death and the darkness- the trek through the once green and lush now corrupted and dead land is great stuff, lots of nice images and ideas to take to the gaming table. The final battle is a suitable climax to the trilogy- Bhaal, in person (sorta) is coming to get you.


#007 Azure Bonds by Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb (Finder's Stone Trilogy Book 1)
Read 15/9/19 to 18/9/19

Forgotten Realms Azure Bonds (Finder's Stone 1) a 30.jpg

This one is just mad- crazy, I couldn't put it down- except every now and then to play out the action in my imagination. Alias (beautiful and tough) swordswoman wakes with amnesia (yeah, right- start guessing the real reason she can't remember who she is). She's also got herself a new tattoo, magical (natch) and now her life (such as it is/was) is no-longer her own. Soon after the team is complete, alongside Alias we have Dragonbait (the greatest Saurial Paladin- whoops, SPOILERS, the world has ever seen), Akabar Bel Akash (a wonderful Wizard with a code and a conscience) and Olive Ruskettle (the Halfling's Halfing- happy to play all sides of the fight) and then we're really on a roll.

There's a bit later on, after the characters have (not) had a chat with Elminster, when they get in to a scrap with Moander (known to his pals as the Darkbringer, an ancient God of Rot and Destruction). Moander takes the form of an undulating mass of rotting slimy goo (approx. a couple of hundred feet in diameter). Like a small sweaty hill of stink, apologies if the size is wrong but I'm doing this from memory. Anyway, game on- Alias is trapped inside Moander's body (in a stinking fleshy cell- of sorts). Akabar has been less fortunate- Moander is wearing the mage like a sock puppet, and speaking through him to Alias. While this madness is going on Olive (riding with Dragonbait? Memory fails me) on an Ancient Red Dragon (that the Halfling previously robbed/escaped from) is strafing the massive stinking evil deity as it ploughs a two hundred foot wide furrow towards Myth Drannor.

Later it gets really mad, with the final bad guy reveal- and... well, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Note, Giogioni Wyvernspur gets a walk on part (or two), playing Posh Fool #1, we'll meet him again in the next book of the series.

Lastly- Oh Moander, where have you been all of my life? Remember the unkillable Bog Monster from Rappan Athuk, yeah- Moander is like his mega-dad.

Read! Loved it- still laughing about some of it now.

#008 The Wyvern's Spur by Kate Novak & Jeff Grub (Finder's Stone Trilogy Book 2)
Read 18/9/19 to 20/9/19

Forgotten Realms The Wyvern's Spur (Finder's Stone 2) a 30.jpg

Book 2- Well, this is an odd one- although only (really) because it proceeds Azure Bonds (above), Giogioni Wyvernspur (bit part in the above) returns to his ancestral home. The Wyvern's Spur (get it- a Spur from a Wyvern- damn, SPOILERS) has gone missing- the Wyvernspur's talismanic artefact. The artefact allows the possessor to transform in to a Wuh.. Wuh… Wuh… yeah, you guessed it.

And so the mystery unfolds, Olive (Ruskettle) has a part to play- although the Halfling spends 50% of the novel polymorphed in to an ass- that'd be my favourite for the sequel- Donkey Detective!

The various riddles and mysteries explored can be pretty much unravelled if you just pay attention to the names of things.

So, the Finder's Stone, was made by, and therefore belongs to someone called Fuh… Fuh… Fuh… yeah, you guessed.

The Nameless Bard who manufactured Alias (and many other items- introduced in Azure Bonds) is no longer nameless, the wicked Harpers (!?) erased his name from history- only his family (sorta) remembers. So, he's called Fuh… Fuh… Fuh… Yep, Wuh… Wuh… Wuh… yeah, you guessed it.

There are some cracking fights here, obviously the climax (I'll not spoil it) but also an undead invasion of the Church of Selune- got to love the fight back, and the high priestess (or whatever her title is).

There is however a lot of mystery (and a romance, or two) to get through to finally arrive at the action. It's all good but the feeling I was left with was the writing duo clearly had two different ideas about how this trilogy should go. Book one doesn't (much) seem to follow neatly on to book two- book three on the other hand...

Moander! Moander! MOANDER!

That's all I'll say about that.

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I haven't counted them all, but are you guys including the Gamebooks in that count?

I didn't in my count of the FR novels I own (as gamebooks are not technically novels), but that adds quite a number to the total.

However, for lore reasons (if one is reading FR for that) there are some gems among the gamebooks that should not be missed.

(edit - Admittedly, more of them [at least those I have] seem to deal with Greyhawk, but there are those like Knight of the Living Dead that have a wealth of information in them).

Is the Sellsword trilogy (about Jarlaxle & Entrerei) in your list? I loved those!
And The War of the Spider Queen books? I enjoyed the rich complexity added to drow society in that series.

I've listened to all the Drizzt books thus far (shout-out to Victor Bevine's excellent accents) & am now relistening to all 47ish (Cleric Quintet + the aforementioned series included). I have been wanting to branch out into more of the forgotten realms storyline. Therefore I'm following this thread for new suggestions of great Forgotten Realm books!

Wow. I am incredibly envious of your reading speed... I take it that comes from years of teaching English? Mine is abysmal (hence audible so I can listen to books while doing everything!)

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