D&D General I'm reading the Forgotten Realms Novels- #202 The Howling Delve by Jaleigh Johnson (Dungeons 2)

#047 Starless Night by RA Salvatore (Legacy of the Drow 2)
Read 23/1/20 to 27/1/20

Forgotten Realms Starless Night (Legacy Drow 2) a.JPG

Book 2- and more of the same, and I have three observations to make- one bad, one good, and one... I'm just plain confused about.

So, to begin with the bad- here's the deal, we're post-Wulfgar (although I'm still not convinced- the Barbar's body has not yet been recovered, although his mighty magical hammer has) and our heroes are mostly down in the dumps (or worse). They're also of the opinion (or at least Drizzt is) that the Drow are coming! Which, as it turns out, is spot on- Lolth (via Matron Baenre et al) has a hard-on (if you'll excuse the term) from Drizzt, and also a desire to conquer Mithril Hall. So, bad things are coming- so what does Drizzt do, basically slopes off back to home sweet home (Menzoberranzan) to 'solve' the problem.

Hubris, a Messiah-complex, or just plain idiocy- you decide what brought Drizzt to this decision; the Dark Elf archetype thinks he's either going to 'solve' the problem (kill Matron Baenre/every Drow in Menzo/Lolth?) or die trying. Like they're the only possible options.

Drizzt, better than anyone else, knows what the Drow are like- it took me four seconds to work out that the most risky thing he could do was walk in to Menzoberranzan (with his head rammed full of useful knowledge about Mithrill Hall etc.) and in to the reach of his enemies. Actually about page 200 of the novel Drizzt (at last) reaches the same conclusion.

Then Catti finds out Drizzt is gone and repeats the formula- she's off to Menzo to save him.

By the way, remember those "Love is..." stickers/cartoons. Well, "Love is... heading to Menzoberranzan to rescue your not-boyfriend from the Evilest Underlords." True dat!

Also, what has he learned so far on the surface? Drizzt tells us (again and again) he likes long walks and nice sunsets, and trust (and friendship) and platonic love... but not enough of any of these last three to actually, y'know, talk with his friends. Friends that will do anything to help Drizzt, including risk their own lives- but no, I am Drizzt- Drow-wonderful, twin-scimitar-sword-wielding-deity, and I am an army of one. Hear me roar!

So, that's the bad- and there's a little more than that- why does he leave all the magic stuff that could help him with Regis, if only so that there's a way for Catti to go after him. Not only is he plunging in to terror but he's hamstringing himself before he departs- gah!

But, and this is my second point, it's great- fantastic in places, the Menzoberranzan Tourist Board have really got their work cut out, what a city it is- and the more time I spend there, and witness to the evil machinations of the unfriendly neighbourhood Drow, then the happier I am. Same with all of the good guys and the bad guys, special mention goes to Jarlaxle who just gets cooler and cooler as the novels/series develops. Entreri is also back in action- after surviving (miraculously, natch) from the last book- no body = not dead, I'm certain. The assassin even teams up with the good guys (Drizzt, Catti & Guen) for the final break-out and flee to the surface.

There's a ton of good stuff in here, a bit too much sword vs sword in places, but y'know- more of the same, well written, and a great story- some nice complications and twists, and... we're back at the beginning.

Great work.

Here's point three- and this one made me scratch my head every time I picked up the book, who the hell are the pair on the front cover?

Forgotten Realms Starless Night (Legacy Drow 2) a.JPG

Is Andre Rieu, a Drow?


The female Drow (or maybe not-Drow) is that Vendes? Catti as a Drow? Catti as Catti?

Don't you dare tell me that's Drizzt on the cover, don't you bloody dare.

I wont have it.


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Don't you dare tell me that's Drizzt on the cover, don't you bloody dare.

I wont have it.

OH, it is Drizzt and Catti Brie.

I remember my WTF moment when I got the book. But, many other Drizzt novels of the time had similarly bad art, and it took reprints to remove this horrible mistake. The fan consensus, since the artist never spoke up, is that the artist never actually read the books and was probably told to draw a "white haired elf in his 70s." Not knowing elves don't age, he went with someone who is a few steps away from the retirement home. I guess he thought the skull cap looked cool.


Everything in my head is all wrong now, Drizzt is not the whip-thin (wiry- with a 12 pack), high cheek-boned, pale skinned- and yet- Italian-American (Salvatore, I guess) with his thick sculpted (slightly) swept over clump of white/silver hair.

Like Christopher Moltisanti (Sopranos) with skin/hair colour change as per above-


The guy depicted on the cover is the weird feller that owned the corner sweetshop back when I was growing up, always with a finger on the scales (so you paid more for your sweets) and happy to sell you one cigarette and one match provided you looked older than seven. Creepy-bad.

Nice story with the 70 year old Drow, artist not aware of Elf-life, I do so want that to be true. The fact they then went with the cover anyway... kinda advertising the lack of quality control.

Cheers goonalan

#048 Siege of Darkness by RA Salvatore (Legacy of the Drow 3)
Read 28/1/20 to 2/2/20

Forgotten Realms Siege of Darkness (Legacy Drow 3) a.JPG

Book 3- and needless to say more of the same, although we're in a holding pattern at the start of this one- it's internal politics time, with everything still up in the air at Mithril Hall, and the cacka hitting the fan big time back in Menzoberranzan, also all in is not well at Blingdenstone.

First up Catti and Drizzt are playing she loves me, he loves me not... which has been going on for a while now, then Catti's new (sentient) magical sword makes a play for control of her (in the hope the blade will get passed on to Drizzt- the ultimate warrior/wielder). Anyway, long story short, Catti cries 'take me, take me' a few time at Drizzt (embarrassing) and then we all remember (fondly) how great Wulfgar was (maybe). The rest of the good guys fret and worry- will the Barbarian chief of Settlestone get hold of Aegis-fang? Will the cavalry from Nesme stay the distance? Will Alustriel Silverhand sway (survive) the fight, because remember... the Drow are coming.

Meanwhile back in Menzo the Baenre household, and in particular ancient Matron dearest are engaged in their own struggle with the psionically equipped House Oblodra (and others, lots of others). It's a superior type of political intrigue, involving Tanar'ri (Errtu's back, well... nearly), Lolth- in person, and death and destruction on a Drow-scale. Of course, Jarlaxle is somewhere in the background (with the excellent but gloomy Gromph) making plans and fixing the odds. To be honest I'd buy any (and all) novels set in Menzobarranzan, let's be honest you wouldn't want to go there on your holiday... think of the cost of the travel insurance.

Eventually Matron Baenre gets the gang together- and the Drow march for Mithril Hall.

In-between times Belwar of Blingdenstone, and his new friend Firble, come to the conclusion that a) the Drow are coming- run away, run away! And b) this is our best chance. The Svirfneblin decide to join the allies at Mithril Hall to fight for their existence.

Nice build up...

Then the last 100 or so pages which is ram-jam-packed with slaughter and fighting, all the PC heroes that you have come to love and adore are in action, and up against a terrifying gang of senior NPC Drow bastards- including Matron B herself. It's great fun, and slightly silly (Pwent & Harpel, the Starsky & Hutch of slaughter), and bloody, and bonkers... with a neat twist (Time of Troubles-shaped).

In the end... well, the Drow retreat back to Menzo, beaten- and very very bloodied, or else lots of the named bad guys have come to bloody conclusions.

Not a classic, but great- I guess that nothing (maybe) will compare to The Dark Elf trilogy, but I have to say (again) Menzoberranzan, is a wonderful place to visit. More...

Does it get better than The Dark Elf trilogy- Home, Exile, Sojourn? Anyone out there- how about the names of a few other cracking books or series?


I’m not sure if it gets “better” than that first trilogy. But there are definitely good points, and I don’t think it’s ever “bad”. There is some of the same as it goes, and I remember before the spellplague happened, I was starting to lose interest because of it. Things pick up once that happens and things go in interesting directions. The Companions was a great book.

If you like Menzoberranzan, then you’d probably like The War of the Spider Queen. It’s six books, I think.

I’m not sure if it gets “better” than that first trilogy. But there are definitely good points, and I don’t think it’s ever “bad”. There is some of the same as it goes, and I remember before the spellplague happened, I was starting to lose interest because of it. Things pick up once that happens and things go in interesting directions. The Companions was a great book.

If you like Menzoberranzan, then you’d probably like The War of the Spider Queen. It’s six books, I think.

The "War of the Spider Queen" sextet is much, much better than the Menzo-focused stories from the "Legend of the Dark Elf" series. Things get a little weird in the final book, and that ending seems to be ignored by larger Realms canon, but I really enjoyed that series.

#049 Passage to Dawn by RA Salvatore (Legacy of the Drow 4)
Read 2/2/20 to 10/2/20

Forgotten Realms Passage to Dawn (Legacy Drow 4) a.JPG

Book 4- and... less of the same, I didn't really get in to this one, hence it took me nine days to get through it- that's a long time in my world. I guess the reason was that it just seemed a bit, for want of a better word- 'bitty'. It started out with a bit of Drizzt and Catti aboard the Sea Sprite with Captain Deudermont (who is calm and sensible in a world of folks that just react with fury etc.) kicking pirate ass, and doing what they do best- which was great. Then there's what's going on in Icewind Dale- Bruenor et al have headed back home, as have the Barbarians lead by the slightly unhinged (I wish you'd just calm down for a minute) Berkthgar who wants to be the new 'old' Wulfgar, and return his folk to their mean old ways.

So, there's a bit of that- then a brief glimpse of Errtu (the Balor who has unliked/unfriended Drizzt a million times) and a bit of a hint of his revenge to come- Abyssal-style machinations etc. There's even the thought/hint/hope that Crenshinibon, the crystal rod/artefact is back on the scene, and in the market for another shot at world domination.

Then Drizzt et al head off to a mythical island to get the next part of his/their life quest- for Drizzt the hope/fear that his father, Zaknafein, is being held captive by Errtu, and he may be able to save him.

So, everybody eventually gets back together in Icewind Dale for a recap of the first trilogy (sorta) only played out in approx. 100 or so pages.

There are surprises- it's not Zaknafein that Errtu has got it's... Wulfgar, I didn't see that coming.

There are some great fights/encounters- 100 Taer versus the heroes, with the Barbarians coming to the rescue.

Some nice intrigue- a mind-controlled Stumpet, Kierstaad's grab for Aegis-Fang, and others...

And yet, bitty- too much stuff going on, too little time spent with the main thread. I really like Stumpet and Kierstaad but they're just walking scenery, same with Deudermont (at times) and the mad wizards. I'm doubting myself, even as I write this, did I just not see/get the full effect- I wanted to like the book much more than I eventually did. I wanted some rip-roaring conclusion (although that really took place in the last novel) but instead it was a bit of a damp squib.

Set up for what comes next? Maybe?

It felt like an addendum- like a story that didn't quite fit with the rest, but needed/wanted to get told anyway, rather than a glorious finale.


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