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Into the Dragon's Lair.


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OOC: I'm a little confused. Did Odis make his move yet? Was Arthur the only one to act in the surprise round? Or did Odis abort his action since his target was killed? Either way:

"Yes, take them alive!"

Drawing Tymora's coin shaped holy symbol from his pouch as he steps back, Brother Odis glares at the furthest of the remaining two rebels and shouts, "By Tymora's will, HOLD!"


Move action: draw holy symbol while retreating 20'
Standard action: cast Hold Person (WILL Save DC 20, Duration: 10 rounds, Range: 200')

Shield also not equiped (strapped to back): AC/Touch/FF: 19/13/18

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Arthur's anger winded down as the body of his target fell from the wagon. "No man carries the right to attack the defensless!" He growled. Glancing towards the other two, he decided his allies had them dealt with and stepped back to let them do their thing.


sans said:
OOC: I'm a little confused. Did Odis make his move yet? Was Arthur the only one to act in the surprise round? Or did Odis abort his action since his target was killed?

OOC: You did Freeze two of them...That seemed fairly clear. As twisted said in her flavour text

Fear overcomes the faces of the two remaining men, but for some reason they just can't get their legs to move. Frozen in fear, if you will.


First Post
OOC: Thanks for the clarifications Hero4Hire. In that case:

A little confused that his spell worked on two of the rebels, but at the same time, not questioning the will of Tymora, Brother Odis shouts, "Bind them, quickly!"
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Absalom clucked his tongue in disapproval as he saw the fiery remains of the rebel tumble into the cart. "I certainly hope there is nothing flammable in there." he said wrinkling his nose as the acrid smell of burnt flesh and hair reached his nostrils.

OOC: Hold Action and wait to see if anything interesting happens.


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As you all stand around yelling out orders and some staring in shock as Arthur incinerates the one bandit.. a few things happen. First of all, the cover to the wagon begins to smoke.. the smell of burning wood mixing with the horrid scent of an overly toasted corpse fills the air. Secondly two cross bow bolts miss terribly as two bandits step out of one alley, all ready preparing to reload. The third attack is quite unusual - a ghostly hand, blazing with a hellish evil, floats menicingly towards Arthur just barely missing as it dissipates near his right arm. Another figure, robed differently than the rest, steps from the opposing side of the alley. Apparently the fight wasn't that easy.

(Up next: Kuma.
Two Baddies still Held.
Top of the initiative.

New baddies: 19, 19, 18. )


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Seeing the situation quickly deteriorate, Brother Odis sighs, “Ok, try and take one alive, if possible.” Odis, once again, calls upon the power of Tymora. This time he mutters a quick prayer and makes the motion of flipping a coin in the air. Suddenly, a serrated coin-like object materializes and zooms towards the the “figure, robed differently than the rest.”

Odis then takes a few steps back to get a better view of the situation.

Standard action: cast Spiritual Weapon and direct it towards the “figure, robed differently than the rest.” If the figure is dead/disabled before Odis gets to act, then Odis casts the spell at one of the crossbow men.

Spiritual Weapon(Shuriken) +14/+9 melee 1d8+4/x2
Duration 10 rounds, one attack this round, two attacks in subsequent rounds

Spiritual weapon attack. (1d20=12) +14 = 26
Spiritual weapon damage. (1d8+4=6) = 6

Move action: back away 20' from all enemies.

* How far away is the robbed figure Odis is attacking?
* Odis keeps an eye on the wagon to make sure it's not going up in flames. If it really starts smoking, let me know.
* As a free action, Spellcraft check (+3) to determine types of spells being cast by enemies (DC=15+spell level) (Arthur and Absalom probably have better Spellcraft scores).
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Arthur sighs as the magical attack barely misses him. He looks over at his new opponent and flexes his hands.

OOC: How far away are all the various opponents (for the purposes of the chain spell feat I'm looking for the best way to include the most opponents in a 30 ft radius).


First Post
Finally realizing that the two in front of him are paralyzed somehow, Kuma spins to face the new threat, anger...still under control...flickering in his eyes. With a bellow of challenge, he charges at the crossbowmen with unnatural, horrifying speed, carrying his shoulders low and his arms trailing behind him...the blade of his sword nearly dragging along the ground.

He ignores the two crossbowmen completely, passing directly between them towards his true target...the mage beyond. Upon reaching him, Kuma raises his sword with all the momentum of his charge, letting the heavy blade swing up and around in a curiously graceful pirouette.

(Cheeeeeyarge! Activating Boots of Speed as a free action this round. This assumes, of course, that the mage is 140' away or less, and that there's at least one square between or around the two crossbowmen for him to pass by them. Since they haven't got melee weapons they don't threaten their areas. Adjusted to hit roll is +18, using 5 Power Attack for a total of +13 to hit the mage, and 2d6+21 damage should it connect.)

(Note - if the crossbowmen can't just be run past, he'll use Improved Overrun on one. Strength check to knock one prone is 1d20+10, and he can move up to 70' total while overrunning. Sadly, this means no melee attack on the mage this round, though he'll move to threaten the mage if possible. :))

(Sorry if this seems complex...I'm not clear on how far these guys are away (though assuming within 30' for ranged sneak attacks), or placement, so I give alternate possibilities rather than taking time for clarifications. Hope that's okay.)


I was afraid of that. Absalom thought as he saw the wagon full of supplies catch alight. Nothing in his memorized reportaire could douse flames so he took a more defensive stance. Unsure of how many enemies lay in wait and seeing many of his companions turn thier attention to the Wizard. Absalom positioned himself so Rath would be between him and any missile fire and he cast one of his simpler spells. Invisible Force sheathed his gaunt frame and thanks to focusing the spell through his eldritch rod, the ward should last almost all day.

OOC: Mage Armor (Rod of Extension) Also in the future, Absalom will be casting this first thing every day with the Rod since it will then last 20 hours.

Voidrunner's Codex

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