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Invasion of Mori - IC [3.5][CE/NE][planar]


Snargle is not so conservative

"Rip open the town, crash down its walls, slaughter some leaders and populace then pull out, the other factions pour in on their weakened foe and spend themselves trying to take advantage of the opening, then we slaughter them. What does the town humans have? Soldiers, witches, priests who can summon angels? What?"

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"Althen, High Priest of Pholtus, was originally from this area. His power is significant, and his spirited defense of the town has brought others to his cause. He originally returned to fight against the goblins and their allies, and it was he who slew the chief of their frost giant mercenaries in single combat.

"So to answer your question, noble troll - yes, priests. Yes, soldiers. And yes, most likely angels.

"As for what the goblins seek, I believe it is land and the destruction of the human nations. I would hardly call the moves of the necromancer the actions of one plotting revenge, but I have never really understood her."
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First Post
"If we were to lure the goblins into attacking the city, and assassinate their high priest the eve of the attack we could easily find ourselves with two fewer enemies with little effort on our part."


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Silhouette nods.

"And enough corpses to ingratiate ourselves with this Lady of the Black Hills in the process. And all without implicating ourselves to the outside world. If the goblins are handled skillfully enough, they wouldn't even know."


Snargle, no good troll

"Killing a priest is no problem, pop in, unleash a little mayhem up close and frenzied, then pop out with one of his legs to snack on. How you gonna get the goblins to go in? Dress me up as an angel and have me rip a few apart to get their blood up?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Or perhaps a different notion. It could be that this Lady of the Black Hills, proply approached, even before murder and assassination, could be swayed to our side. Her army, properly led, could be useful to us. I certainly don't object to taking out the priest first, but it could be that we could add an army to our own strength without needing to warn the town of our presence. Then, once united, we could strike all together!" Gabriel says, his voice passionate as he gestures dramatically.


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"At this point I am not inclined to favor one option over others," says Roillard. "The lady is exceptionally dangerous, but then, all options are dangerous. If she agrees, she will doubtless try to use us, and it is difficult to say how we are being used and when we should be cautious when we have no idea what her aims are. But then, all the same, it could be argued she is our most natural ally." He grins. "I believe she will ally with neither the town nor the goblins."

"Actually, only the human armies are dead set against us; the goblins probably don't care if we live or die. For now," he amends.
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moritheil said:
"Actually, only the human armies are dead set against us; the goblins probably don't care if we live or die. For now," he amends.

"Hand em the head of the top priester of their enemy and they'd be happy with us for the moment. Use them then against the rest of the humans. Goblins'll be easy to mop up afterwards, and they're not as stringy as kobolds." Snargle smacks his lips in anticipation of the fat-rich goblin belly meat. "That just leaves the Witch. Wonder why the angels don't go after her and her deaduns." Snargle glances at the new undead enlistees. "Wonder if an undead assault upon the humans might provoke a retaliation against the Witch."


First Post
"There are far too many unknowns right now," Silhouette says, cutting in.

"I suggest we spend a little time to gather information before we spend too much time building elaborate plots based on ignorance. Gabriel, you would be well suited to spy on the human city, yes? Our...more monstrous members would probably find acceptance among the goblins." She nods at Snargle. "The Lady may merit a more open embassy when the time is right."

Voidrunner's Codex

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