IRON DM 2020 Tournament Thread


Once A Fool
I’ve gone through my judgement of M4 and made some minor edits for the sake of clarity. Most significantly, the judgement was missing a transition that informed the reader I had stopped talking about one entry and started with the other. (At the beginning of the section, A Fundamental Flaw:)

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Alas, victory has narrowly escaped my grasp. Again.

I know what my problem is: I focus too much on the structure of the adventure (Background-Hook-Conflict-Resolution), but too little on the specific uses of each individual ingredient. That tactic always comes back to haunt me (rimshot). It makes for a fun storytelling experience, but a poor Iron DM entry.

Ah well. It sounds like I accomplished what I set out to do: I wrote a fun adventure that folks loved. I did my best with what I was given, but my opponent's entry was stronger. There's a difference between "losing" and "getting beaten," after all, and of the two I prefer the latter.

Good luck in Round 2, @Iron Sky !


No slight meant to Iron Sky's entry, which was certainly well-done, but I loved CleverNickName's entry, and really thought he had it. (Please don't take this as in any way questioning the judgement call, @Rune - I follow your logic and it can't have been easy).

At any rate, way to go, both of you.


Once A Fool
No slight meant to Iron Sky's entry, which was certainly well-done, but I loved CleverNickName's entry, and really thought he had it. (Please don't take this as in any way questioning the judgement call, @Rune - I follow your logic and it can't have been easy).

At any rate, way to go, both of you.
Sure. It’s all good. I knew it would be a minority opinion. There has always been a discernible bias among spectators toward the the more fun-looking adventure (and I’m including myself, here, when I’m not in judge-mode). Judging requires different priorities than spectating.

For one thing, the ingredients are a challenge for the author, not the reader. It’s only natural, then, that most spectators are going to care less about how they’re included.

Also, a surface impression is enough to tell which adventure seems more fun. And I would hazard a guess to say that most spectators aren’t going to read each entry multiple times. I sure don’t when I’m a spectator.

But judging requires multiple reads. And when you do that, things are going to emerge that aren’t apparent in the first read. Or even the second. Sometimes even the third.

I’m not trying to suggest that spectators read the entries multiple times. For most, that won’t be interesting. I’m also not trying to suggest that the disparity in priorities is a bad thing. It would be kind of weird if “fun” wasn’t the gold standard among spectators.

I’m just providing some illumination on why the win doesn’t always go to the adventure that looks more fun.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I once watched an episode of Iron Chef US where a contestant beat Chef Morimoto by one point on taste, but lost by two points on plating, narrowly losing the episode. This sort of thing happens from time to time.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
It would have been nice to win, but honestly? I accomplished what I intended to do, and I'm proud of what I created, so there's nothing to complain about. Like my judge said: "I think it’s clear that, for most audiences, “Ghost” is going to be the more traditionally enjoyable adventure" but it wasn't "enough to overcome a 4:2 ingredient-deficit."

I make a tasty burger, but I'm more of a line cook than a gourmet.
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
@Rune boy that's the truth. To quote one of my favorite kitchen personalities:

"The worst food you'll ever eat will probably be prepared by a 'cook' who calls himself a 'chef.' Mark my words."
-Alton Brown


Moderator Emeritus
Sure. It’s all good. I knew it would be a minority opinion. There has always been a discernible bias among spectators toward the the more fun-looking adventure (and I’m including myself, here, when I’m not in judge-mode). Judging requires different priorities than spectating.
I have made some contentious judgements. Judgements that have made people quit playing ever again and caused an uproar among the spectators! 🤷‍♂️


Moderator Emeritus
The standings as we enter round two:

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