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I'm beginning to hate Ray of Enfeeb. The no save and it being a first level spell is just game breaking sometimes. My group has really got the tactic down with now when faced with a strong bad guy --- wizard has quickened ray, plus a normal (soon to be plus a twinned), fighter has one or two in spell storing weapons, and the rogue has them in a staff. Put them up against a huge bad guy with lots of hit points and in a forbiddance area so no maze (the other killer spell) and it takes one round usually, max two to get the bad guy down to 1 Str.
Not everything can have a high SR or globe. So a first level spell has pretty much made an entire class of bad guys useless as opponents ... big strong monsters without really high SR.
How do you even rule an Elder Earth elemental with 1 strength? Can it move it's own bulk?
If it was higher level or allowed a save that would be one thing .... and of coures, just to add insult to injury, if they are fighitng a living monster the rogue even gets sneak attack damage with it if the situation is right. How good is that? xd6 negative energy touch attack plus auto strength drain. It gets ugly fast.
Not everything can have a high SR or globe. So a first level spell has pretty much made an entire class of bad guys useless as opponents ... big strong monsters without really high SR.
How do you even rule an Elder Earth elemental with 1 strength? Can it move it's own bulk?
If it was higher level or allowed a save that would be one thing .... and of coures, just to add insult to injury, if they are fighitng a living monster the rogue even gets sneak attack damage with it if the situation is right. How good is that? xd6 negative energy touch attack plus auto strength drain. It gets ugly fast.