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It's The EN World 7-Day RPG Contest! $1000 Prize!

Can you write an RPG in 7 days? If so, here's a chance to win $1000! By next week! I'm holding a competition this week. Entries must be posted by midnight my time next Sunday (the 5th of May; I'm in the UK, so that's BST). All you have to do is write a roleplaying game. Or dig one up you wrote twenty years ago. It can be short - I've seen 24 hour RPG contests before, and games under 20...

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[h=3]Can you write an RPG in 7 days?[/h]
If so, here's a chance to win $1000! By next week!

I'm holding a competition this week. Entries must be posted by midnight my time next Sunday (the 5th of May; I'm in the UK, so that's BST). All you have to do is write a roleplaying game. Or dig one up you wrote twenty years ago. It can be short - I've seen 24 hour RPG contests before, and games under 20 pages. If it works, it doesn't need to have hundreds of pages.

Your game can be of any length. It can be any subject or genre. The only restriction is that it be an RPG.

I do, however, reserve the right to reject (and delete) an entry which I deem innappropriate - which basically means one which is racist, sexist, obscene, etc. (That doesn't mean that you can't have racism or sexism in a maturely handled implied setting - as long as you don't appear to be saying that's a good thing). The same goes for anything which infringes on someone else's intellectual property, or any other reason at my discretion.

You enter your game - preferably as a PDF, but you can use any file format you like; it's being voted on, so the more inaccesible your file format, the fewer votes you'll get - and the RPG community spends a week voting on them. The winner gets $1000, which I will send by Paypal immediately the week's up.

The catch?
I (as in EN World) get to own and [try to] sell your game if you win (if I don't publish it, I'll simply return it to you). That's how I - hopefully - make my $1000 back. Please, please - if your work is precious to you, has sentimental value, is the product of years of development, is a mark of your genius and is worth much more, or is too good for a competition like this, don't enter it. Same goes if you have any reservations, compunctions, disagreements and general dislikes about this competition. It's utterly, utterly, utterly voluntary and it's supposed to be fun. But if you feel like writing an RPG over the next 7 days (or have one you've written that you'd like folks to see), this is a fun way to do that. Plus, hey, maybe $1000! I may well also approach some of those who didn't win with an eye to publishing their game, but no promises!

[h=3]How To Enter[/h]
You enter by attaching a document as a reply to this thread. Be sure to describe it in the post - give folks a reason to download it and check it out! It can be whatever format you choose, and the production values can be as great or as little as you choose. If you want to attach an unformated .txt file, that's fine. If you want to enter a PDF with artwork and layout, that's fine too. We'll let the public decide! Production values, content, length - there's a whole slew of things the public might base their votes on.

This thread can be viewed in two ways. If you're viewing it via EN World's article/news section, you won't be able to see the files attached by contestants. However, if you click though to the forum thread version of this article (or if you're already reading the forum thread version) you'll be able to see them just fine. Same goes for the attachment controls for your entry - click through to the forum thread version and you should see them.

I will delete any posts in this thread which aren't entries. I don't want to make the voters have to work for your entries. Feel free to introduce yourself or your entry in the post to which your entry is attached.

You might have to click "Go Advanced" to see the attachment controls in the thread.

Questions? Head to the Meta Forum and ask them there. Questions in this thread will be deleted, to keep it down to just entries. Like I said, we don't want to make the voters have to work.

By attaching your document to this thread, you agree to the following.

  1. By attaching your document to this thread, you are entering the contest.
  2. If you win the contest, you will receive $1000 by PayPal and ownership of your entry will transfer to me. I will acknowledge and credit you as the author of it if I publish it.
  3. If you do not win the contest, you retain ownership of your work, but I may approach you about publishing it (possibly in a compilation).
  4. The winner of the competition is the person with the most votes at the end of the following week. Voting will take place in a poll here on EN World from 6-12 May. Anyone found encouraging people to vote multiple times will be disqualified. You are, however, welcome - and encouraged - to campaign as much as you want and encourage people to vote as long as you don't encourage anyone to cheat. One person, one vote.
  5. The winner will be the person with the most votes. That person will receive $1000 immediately upon closure of the voting. This will happen by PayPal. Make sure you have a valid PayPal account; this is the only way payment will be made. Delays due to this are not my fault - I'll be ready with my finger on the send button
  6. You indemnify me against third party legal action! If I get sued because of something you did (you defamed someone, or you stole someone else's work, or what-have-you) you agree to indemnify against that. Basically, make sure you submit your own work - familiarise yourself with copyright and trademark laws, and don't defame anybody.
  7. You warrant that your submission is your own work.
  8. If you don't win, you agree not to publish your entry anywhere else for a period of three months (until August 1st, 2013).

These aren't rules, they're just common questions I've gotten.

OGL? GSL? Yes, that's fine. You may use the Open Gaming License or the Game System License. Or, indeed, any other license. But please make sure you understand (and correctly use) any license you use in your submission. That said, those licenses are clear, easily available (hey I just linked to them for you!), and perfectly understandable. There should be no difficulty there.

Will you definitely publish it if I win? No, I won't *definitely* publish your entry. I have no idea what sort of entries I'm going to get, how many, or of what quality. So your entry might get published, or it might not. Heck, the winning (most popular) one might not be published - one of the other entries might be more suitable. Right now, all I'm doing is covering myself and ensuring I have the option. What I will say is that if I decide I definitely don't want to publish it, I won't just hang on to it for no good reason - I'll give it back. For now I'm just excited to see what entries I get and who wins the $1000!

What should I enter? This competition isn't really designed for your 350+ page manuscript that you've been working on for 10 years. That's not to say that you can't enter that, but a decade-long labour of love is going to be worth more to you than a chance to win $1000. What this is designed for is something you put together this week, in a few hours or so, as a bit of fun. It's like those 24-hour RPG contests you see from time to time, but a lot less frantic. It's supposed to be fun, and a little bit exciting.

Will you alter or expand my entry? I don't know! That totally depends on the entry. If you win, and if I think it needs some extra work before publishing, I will approach you first about paying you to do that work. If you can't or don't want to do that, then I'll look elsewhere. I expect at the very least it'll need to be illustrated and/or formatted.

Quick reminder - I keep moving posts and questions from this thread to the Meta forum. Please keep this thread clear of everything except entries so that folks can browse them easily! You are more than welcome to ask questions etc. in the Meta forum!

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Theosis RPG Submission by Stephen Rowe (Deadclown)


Each and every child is taught the story the Prophet King. He is the glorious leader who defeated the gods and freed us from enslavement.

All learn that it is only through his magic, the Church, and the Questioners that we are kept safe.

These are lies.

The Church is the whip of a tyrant masquerading as a shield of reason. The past has been rewritten by the victors, but the future is yours to decide.

Theosis is a new ‘science fiction masquerading as fantasy’ roleplaying game system and setting created from scratch in the last week by Stephen Rowe aka Deadclown.

I have never tried anything remotely like this before and will greatly appreciate any criticism.

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Well here's my 7 day challenge. I probably could have spent another day on it, but alas, family time.

The game is called Pin (Play It Now) Role Playing Game. These are the core rules. The game is not setting specific or genre specific. If I did my job correctly, you shouldn't have any difficulty transferring characters and adventures over from D&D (any edition) or really most RPGs. Give it a whirl. It may need some good play testing and wordsmithing, but that would be the next stage!

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In the spirit of this competition, I've also created this one from scratch over the past week (based on a rough concept worked out in my head months ago).

Asylum is a roleplaying game of violence and survival. It's just you and nearly 300 other convicts trapped on a deserted island with a ticket for someone to go home. Except there's only room for one and there are no rules on how you can get that ticket. It's called the Contest and it pits convict against convict in a blood spewing frenzy. Ironically enough, you must work with other convicts to stay alive as long as possible, pushing through to the many zones of the island they call Asylum.

This RPG provides a storytelling system whereby players roll Fate/Fudge dice to determine the number of times players and the Director can describe the next part of the story. Players can use reactions to narrate their way out of trouble with the Director plotting against these convicts as there can only be one standing when the Contest ends... right?

I have to say, this was an absolute blast to work on and it's really got my creative energy flowing like a waterfall. Thanks for the opportunity and I hope to hear some feedback from anyone interested.
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Down and Out in Gadding-Thoth
My submission is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence ... I'm very happy for you to make money off of it, but I'm very happy for others to make money off of it too!

PDF (<2 Megabytes)
ODT source file (<5 Megabytes)

Written in a couple of days (except for the parts duplicated or adapted from Dungeon World), though the ideas have been bouncing around in my head for a while. Inspired by Dungeon World and Searchers of the Unknown.


Monsters & Ruins: Yet Another Retro Clone

This is my entry, Monsters & Ruins. It's basically yet another retro clone, one I had been working on.

I was a very enthusiastic fan of 3rd edition when it came out and that enthusiasm lasted several years, waning slightly before finally burning out. When the 5th Edition was announced, I was drawn back to the game, but quickly seduced instead by the old school Renaissance movement and its variety of retro clones. I realized I was just happiest with the older editions. And yet, I missed many of the features of third edition.

So I came up with house rules for a specific retro clone to try to bridge the gap. And the more house rules I wrote, the more I realized it was essentially becoming its own game. Unfortunately, by this time all the good names were taken, so I went with Monsters & Ruins.

So why is this better than just using old school rules? Well, I can't say it is better. It just has stuff I like:

  • Ascending Armor Class, Attack Bonus, and Saving Throws
  • 3 Saving Throws: Fortitude (replacing Poison, Death Magic, & Paralyzation), Reflex (replacing Breath and Petrification, and Willpower (replacing Spells and Wands)
  • Skills based on Saving Throws and with variable difficulty similar to 3rd edition. Yes, this sounds crazy, but it works pretty well.
  • Skills for everyone, not just one class.
  • Talents & Feats replicating class powers. A Fighter might not do everyting a Paladin can do, but it can do parts of what a Paladin can do and part of what a Ranger or even Druid can do.
  • Lots of character classes, including restoring many of the original classes like the Ranger, Assassin, and the Illusionist along with a 3rd edition style Bard as well as 2nd edition classes like the Hunter (essentially a 2nd edition Ranger) and Necromancer.
  • Unified XP tables and 1e style multiclassing (no racial restrictions or level limits)
  • Magic item creation is rare, but theoretically doable by anyone, not just spellcasters

I was going to release this for free once I had polished it more and playtested it more. But this contest was a good way to get publicity so I couldn't pass it up. Still, while the retroclone market isn't big, it is enthusiastic. Publishing one would help diversify ENPublishing's product line.


My submission is "Peasants...in a World of Monsters".

As the name suggests, players take on the role of peasants facing a supernatural monster against which they have no hope of defeating. If they’re clever, however, they might survive the monster or escape to warn real adventurers. "Peasants…in a World of Monsters" is a scenario-based RPG, meaning that the core rules are quite simple and complexity is introduced via scenarios. "Peasants…in a World of Monsters" is also an old school RPG in the sense that player ingenuity is far more important than character skill or rules expertise. After all, peasants do not wield magic swords or cast great spells. It can be used standalone or as a tie-in with your gaming group's favorite fantasy RPG, and works best for one-shot games.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to finish all the bells & whistles (curse time zone differences!), but the core of the system is there. :)


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Dragon-Slayers of the Rio Grande

It’s a Western game with a focus on dragon-slaying. There are three types of enemies: banditos, chupacabras, and dragons. Stats include important things like Grit, Justice, Fanciness, and Killing. If I’m published, I’ll try my damnedest to spoof Wikipedia into having an article on historical dragon sightings during the Texas revolution of 1836. Thank you kindly.

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Body Horror RPG

The Body Horror RPG is a mature themed, intimate game of survival horror with players fighting hideous and painful bodily transformations whilst being subjected to declining humanity, sanity and emotional trauma. It’s a grim setting where the protagonists may not survive (at least in the sense of remaining human) and emphasises what it is to be human. Can the Players fight monstrous desires and cling on to what humanity they have left? Will they find a cure to their condition or at least punish those responsible? What will they become?
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