Jasper runs Portal and Season 6.


Rotten DM
Ok Friday I should run Sunless if my table makes. I need to pick 1 prop for a magic item.
Possible mistake in Hidden Shrine. page 68-69. The spawn gets benefits from defense bracers and ring of protection. However no protection ring is in treasure. I going to review my old copy if I find it but I thinking of either dropping the ring of protection. Or swapping out the animal influence ring.
Edit to add.
Title sheets for Citadel, Forge, and Shrine done and need review.
Props for Citadel looks like 6. Flashlight, candle, whistle and Tree air fresher. The rest should be in the kitty.
Props for Fury looks like 6 too. I may have pick up a toy axe.
Props for Shrine. HOLLLLLLY BEEEEP THEY DIDN'T REDUCE THE MAGIC ITEMS. I remember why back in 1E I had a pencil out when I first read through a module. I would generally strike every third magic item. Props of Shrine 17. I may have the rings and weapons covered. hmm kitchen scales, cheat bracelet, etc. Have to give some good thought to the props.
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Rotten DM
Ok quick place holder. I had a 4 and then 5 pc member party everyone was first except for one third level paladin. Everyone was experienced in D&D but two guys were basically newbies to 5E and AL. I was running as written with no changes.
First thing I learn SUNLESS CITADEL in a one to one conversion. They may have change the monster names but everything is the same.
Second thing. DO NOT USE LAIR ACTIONS on a level 1 party. If it wasn't for Meepo in the party to absorb a hit. There would been some deaths. As the party met the wyrmling they were 7 strong including Meepo and Mr. Timbers.
Edit to add.
Ok. I do suggest you photo copy the npcs from the portal and monster manual (mr. Timbers) to keep from having too many books opened. If my notes are right grand total of 508 gp and 571 xp for the 4 hour session. The party before the long rest was Paladin 3 with a wand of web webs which he never used or needed to use. The rest first level Barbarian, Druid, fighter. They picked a Monk during the long rest. ( Drop in player).
They cleared/explored about three fourths of the first level even with some back tracking to open doors they couldn't due not having a class or spells. At some times some the conditions did not make sense like needing a knock spell but so far if you back track or grab certain magic items you can beat the conditions. The group have not explored rooms 6-12 and missed seeing Room 5. But have made contact or explored up to room 37 with the lovable dragon thingy.
Their first ally they made was Meepo the Meek, whom I made a first level rogue which would come in very handy later. Due the 'dirty yankee pig dog goblins " stealing the kobolds dragon while Meepo when to get "more batteries for his switch", they became allies with the kobolds and were sent by Yusdrayl to perform the goblin prisoner exchange. Between great die rolls and role play they did end up getting all the magic items in her treasure altar.
They used Meepo and the goblins as mine sweepers um caltrop sweepers and had good rolls to have the goblins neutral for the prisoner exchange. .
This play thru was way different that when my 3E played through it. They use to room broom a dungeon making sure they explored every nook, and took everything. This group quickly hopped on the plot line of find the dragon and swap the prisoners.
I did give some bonus roleplaying xp. Also I gave full xp if the role played/ roll played their way around encounters.
I am currently doing a 1 time offer on non gp loot. For example Meepo has picked up 2 daggers from one encounter and I think studded leather.
Meepo is now second level along with most of the party.
Lessons learn. DON'T use lair actions on a first level party. Learn to be able to make adjustments to the adventures on the fly to account for party level differences and some stuff not making sense. Get a photo copy of the maps from the 3E adventure. I have progressive lens and the first map sucks.
Since there are about 21 rooms, I hope to be finish in another 4 hour session. I will post one of props from the first session later.
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That guy, who does that thing.
Second thing. DO NOT USE LAIR ACTIONS on a level 1 party.

I would almost turn this into a general rule for DMs looking to balance AL adventures -- if your party is below the standard 5-player party, at least skip the first round Lair Action for the monster, even if the adventure guidance doesn't tell you to, and especially if the monster also has Legendary Actions. If the monster seems to be doing well by the time you get to the round 2 Lair Action, feel free to skip that as well.

Lair Actions seem to be a way to allow solo monsters to cope with larger groups that seriously outclass it in the action economy -- but a boss monster probably doesn't need that much help against a three-person party, even if they are higher than normal level for the adventure.



Rotten DM
Double check my Meepo. Using the array
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14 Kobold Emerald Enclave 2nd level Rogue Criminal background
Acrobatics +5, Deception +4, Intimidation +4, Persuasion +4, Sleight of Hand +5. Expertise Stealth +7. Thieves' Tools +7
Feature Grove, Beg, cower, Sneak attack, Cunning Action, Sunlight Sensitivity, Pack tactics.
Studded Leather AC 15 Hp 15. Current weapons 2 daggers, sling, short sword.
I used the Dm Guilds character generator pdf thingy.
Favorite Phrase, "please don't kick meepo!"


Rotten DM
Sunless Citadel Session 2.
Okay including Meepo in the party (the group agreed to it), the party was a strong party but I only bumped one combat up.
The party had rescue the dragon baby, made allies with the kobolds, and were neutral with the most of the goblins. They first back track to front of the dungeon to get rooms 6-12. And due to bad perception rolls they missed room 5 AGAIN.
Most of room 6-12 were how things work. Ex. Room 7 music room. I did have fun with Jot “Hit me with your worse shot!” Jot was try to pick a fight but most of the players were not biting. Until the paladin stepped up and hit for max damage. Jot “I said hit me with your WORST shot you Moron. ACK!” Dead Jot. They got the dragon priest to surrender and left him to stay in his room.
The only combat on ground floor was with the Hobgoblin King and Goblin Shaman. I set it up where they talked for a few minutes, then the npcs pointed to each other and said kill him/her. Then I started initiative. When asked who the pc should attack, I told to tell when it hit their initiative. They did follow the paladin who was attacking the hobgoblins. Note the “Martial Advantage” will drop a first level on a hit. Boy some of the players were surprise I did that too them. Having saved the goblin shaman this moved the group into allies with goblin. To keep things moving I just did an info dump for parts of second level. Beware of Bugbear, pass word for the goblins etc.
And they all don’t fall down. Well except for the monk and then I was nice. With all the extra rope, etc. I decide the climb dc was 5. The monk rolled a 1 which came up to 4. So combat begins in the 42 with the monk bleeding out and everyone else in the tree. I stacked the pcs by their initiative. First 2 were 5 feet up, second 2 10 etc. They defeated the monsters in the garden and rolled very well against Balsag the bugbear. After a quick lunch for cheese and rat which the sword coast Tiefling enjoyed. Balsag decide the Underdark was safer.
The group started to make a bee line to the grove. They rolled well on their bluff type checks. I did bump the only combat they had in room 48 to 2 bugbears. There were some placement issues about where I placed the pc before combat. The group never said they all entered the garden or gave me any clue of what they were doing. So combat started with 2 bugbears, and then the two goblins they had threaten turning on them. Meepo was a big help for feeding the Tiefling her own potion of healing when she was down.
Final combat Room 54 thru 56. BEEP BEEP BEEP did it drag. It took over an hour almost 80 minutes. The goblins bit it early. The twig blights in the briar patch did little to no damage. I think only one got a swing on the party. The group was scared of taking damage from the briars so they only move 10 feet per round. This was so slow I just told the group to move their pcs to the opening of the grove. Three problems here. One, had two players had leave due to curfews. Two the group decide to do range attacks which would nickel and penny the npcs. Three a dead not dead thingy. I did not make any adjustments to final encounter. So losing 2 people did not harm the party. But the party staying at range, and not using their magic items dragged out the combat. A Wand of web was used by a pc but the staff of charming was not used. And the group could not decide to attack the tree or not. The dead not dead thingy. The monk was left to himself and got dropped by the twig blights. Rolled a 1 on his death save. And then the next round I had the twig blights kill him. This was a dick move. Which I fixed after I thought about it as I was packing up. My SOP is under Int 8 the monsters look for new target generally. (I still have remove the name from my skull). But except for Meepo being swallowed by the giant frog, the combat was close but not deadly.
Things learn. The maps suck. I will have to make adjustments on the fly due to conversion not being done well. The free form a book allows the group does has the possibility of more sessions than the AL think will take. A group may skip whole parts of the adventure. My group ignored half the basement level. Also the dungeons will be magic heavy. Ex. Sunless Citadel magicTorch, candle, Feather token, whistle, wand, sword and that does not include potions and scrolls.
I will need to use differ pens in different sessions. I lay out the encounters like this Room 1.Giant Rat AC 12 HP 7 xp 25 Giant Rat AC 17 HP 7 xp. This is messy if I don’t line thru the encounter from the week before, or get distracted.
Ok. Now I think the publishers could have done a better job on the conversion. One a full star off on the maps. I wear glasses and had to take them off to read the numbers on the map. And they were too tiny. I did have the module from 3E so I just photocopied them. I think they just scanned, reduced and painted the maps. This is going to be a recurring gripe for the rest of the book. Maybe they could do simple black and white maps in a pdf form at little to no costs for DMS Guild.
Some of the monsters need to be reduced or notes saying don’t use these actions, like the dragon encounter.
The 2.5 pages about the Yawning Portal could have and should been dropped. It adds nothing to adventures since there is a small paragraph about placement in the adventure itself. And it just flavor text if you don’t follow Forgotten Realms lore.
Pictures later.


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
Second thing. DO NOT USE LAIR ACTIONS on a level 1 party. If it wasn't for Meepo in the party to absorb a hit. There would been some deaths.
Wyrmlings don't get Lair Actions. Only adult and ancient dragons do.


Rotten DM
Wyrmlings don't get Lair Actions. Only adult and ancient dragons do.
desk head desk head desk head desk head. stop.
where were you imagination internet friend three weeks ago. Go away.
THIS IS WHY I POST WRITE UPS. of bad quality.
There were 2 other dms at the table when I did this and they did not catch it either. Rule discussion time.
Ok page 102-103
Left panel 102 has the worm. Right panel last paragraph first sentence " a legendary dragon...."
Srd 289 list Adult and Ancient white dragons with legendary actions.
So rule of thumb if legend it gets lair!
Thanks strange internet person.


Rotten DM
Started Forge last night and I learn the following. You really need to know the module.
Don't dm after being sick for 3 days and having 2 stressful days of work.
I think my rules knowledge last was so out whack I will be found dead with two nat 1 instead of eyes. The table barely made. And I did recruit a new player. An old fart was wandering the store. I invited him to sit down to. Well old fart had played 1E. I got to play him to play, he even ask if the party needed a cleric. I talked him into a fighter and pull one out my dmguild kit. And we started.
To sum up. The group did the alert thingy. Killing 18 orcs and taking home 1 and half commoner. But we had fun.
Edit to add The old guy bought himself a Players during one of 5 minute break as I move the tiles ass they advanced into room 5.
Second Edit. With More sleep and rules check I told should just stay home last night. Image a 3rd battle master of protection. Where the Protection is always on. WITH THE PC Burning his Reaction. The charge from area 1 to room 5 last 20 rounds! And I was rolling with disadvantage in room 5 once the druid threw spike growth and the battle master of protection did thingy.
:blush::blush::blush: But since I gave xp and gold I guess it legal.
Third edit.
It was fun. I use tact tiles for my maps. So it was draw the map on 3 or 4 tiles. Fight. Call a break. Remove the tiles behind party. Add new tiles and draw new section of the map. Give old tiles to one the players to wipe off. I used all 12 of tiles during the session. And found soap and water does remove dry erase from the tiles after sitting over night.
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Rotten DM
Random Questions and Thoughts. (this will be edited a lot)
In the Against the Giants, Hill Giant servants. Hill Giant servant Ogre AC 11 HP 59 XP 450 . Should I treat the servants as weak hill giants with rocks (or pots and pans in the kitchen) range attack? Or just use straight ogre abilities?

Dead in Thay... Holy d4 100 + rooms and only about 20 magic items. Compare that to the shire.
Edit 1 Against the giants. A giant bag can contain about 22 different items according to the chart.
What's in your giant bag? I need 22 ideas/ one shot consumable magic items to include in the giant bags. What I am planning of doing is printing out the bag loot list once per 5 giants. Cut and fold and dropping in a bag. When a player loots the body, the draw 1d4 slips of paper. For extra special effects, I'm thinking of dropping things like "1 free reroll" "Force the dm to reroll" etc. The specials would have to be used that night. If I counted right in the Hill Giant module there are 27 true giants.
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Rotten DM
A Thousand Tiny Deaths DDAL06-01
I want to get my Quest of the Week Check So I told my group I would run this, and then go back to the Forge. My two major mistakes. One my cheap sheet with the monsters was not complete. Two I forgot to adjust for a strong party.
Since I promise to run both things. I tried to start as soon as I got a Table. Due to being the only dm Friday night I had a full table( 7) and had to turn people away. I did Have a First. 605 to 746 PM. A 2 hour adventure in under 2 hours to include check ins. I used Meepo as the tie in to the module. Some of the players played in Sunless with Meepo as NPC gaining XP. So now the Meepo is a Mob boss and the party are members of Meepo Mob who are trying to rub out Zeepo's Mob. This was fun seeing the reaction of some of the players as their actions has cause things to happen. I will continue this theme as necessary thru the rest of Portal.
The Map on Page 6 is great. The A B C D fonts need to be increase by 1 or 2 because A and B are just dots.
I placed the body where I wanted to. And move some of the traps locations. The whole group failed to detect the da rattlers. So the warren went to Alert status and the group went to charge if we see anything mode. I did bury the group inside as they killed the kobold in the B nesting area.
The group love the Crafting cave and the names of the vials. I did tell the group the vials were this adventure only use. So of the players did use the vials. They picked on the kobold picking shrooms and forced him to give up the caltrop location.
The final battle I was able to tie in last weeks Forge of Fury results with Part 3. I played Sik Garuk's as a Mob Chief and was able to zero out two of players. As they charged Garuk I had an Orc slide down the chimney during the combat. This freaked them out a little bit. And got a laugh when I told the 3 orcs were dead.
This is going to be my con adventure in August 12 th at Gump City Comic Con. I will be updating my Title Sheet and monster sheet to include Strong adjustments.
oh the cloak of protection

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