WotC Jeremy Crawford Interview: Playtests from experimental to focused. By Christian Hoffer at GenCon.

In other fields, the design principles are similar to what WotC has been doing, but they have access to user data from broader research initiatives. In TTRPGs, WotC has had to start the data collection from scratch, because nobody else had done it yet.
Absolute nonsense.

Indeed, it's kind of the exact opposite of the surveys. So it's genuinely false for you to claim that. In other games, they use actual user metrics, and surveys are very rarely used, and only as a supplement to those - and what people tend to see if that the people who actually do the surveys are wildly unrepresentative of the people actually playing the game. Real shocker there.

But no, the design principles are absolutely not similar in any major cases. I can't speak to musicology, I know literally nothing about that, but apparently you are rather ignorant about game development.

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Well I’d rather computer game design influences stay at a minimum. They might be great for computer games but I think I’d rather they avoid assuming they’d be good for rpg design.

And while talking about rpg design D&D is absolutely in a special place, regardless if you think that shouldn’t be taken consideration of in design or not.

It might be bad overall that it’s the case but hopefully that changes.
RPG design isn't in a bad place.

D&D design is.


I crit!
RPG design isn't in a bad place.

D&D design is.

Maybe not entirely.


Jedi Master
Nearly every major motion picture is also test screened for audience reaction, with changes made to the product as a result. When you're attempting to sell to a wide audience, it's important to gather that data and discover if your intent with the product matches how the audience perceives it.

Maybe not entirely.
Are you saying you don't entirely disagree with me despite Gencon "tickets"?

I mean, let's look at that list, are there any well-designed games in the top 10? Maybe Avatar: Legends? I haven't played it and don't know the system. The rest are mediocrities, design-wise, largely succeeding because they've been around a long time, just like the Gencon crowd. Shadowrun is actively offensively badly designed. It's insultingly badly designed.

Anyway I'm guessing your point is good design doesn't sell tickets at Gencon? If so point well-made!

To be clear, I think 5E is going to be fine, because the base is pretty solid. But I think they could have been making a game for the ages, through good design, and instead Crawford is sending out survey after survey but asking a lot of the wrong questions.


I crit!
Are you saying you don't entirely disagree with me despite Gencon "tickets"?

I mean, let's look at that list, are there any well-designed games in the top 10? Maybe Avatar: Legends? I haven't played it and don't know the system. The rest are mediocrities, design-wise, largely succeeding because they've been around a long time, just like the Gencon crowd. Shadowrun is actively offensively badly designed. It's insultingly badly designed.

Anyway I'm guessing your point is good design doesn't sell tickets at Gencon? If so point well-made!

To be clear, I think 5E is going to be fine, because the base is pretty solid. But I think they could have been making a game for the ages, through good design, and instead Crawford is sending out survey after survey but asking a lot of the wrong questions.

Retreater made essentially the same joke. I made a thread.


Does audience size dictate this in every medium?

Do famous musicians have to consult with their fans before making an album? Does Beyonce need to hit up the Beehive, or does she just make what she wants with strong vision behind it?
I guarrantee you that studios have people that have all sorts of stats on users desires and expectations. Now musicians may listen to that in full, in part, or none at all....but its absolutely there.


Staff member
but apparently you are rather ignorant about game development.
Mod Note:

Illustrating something may be incorrect by citing contradictory info is fine. Calling someone “ignorant” if they seemed unaware of the information you submitted is absolutely NOT.

Keep it civil!

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