WotC Jeremy Crawford interview: they read your feedback. An exclusive interview by Christian Hoffer at GenCon.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Considering the post you quoted had a flying carriage with butterfly wings - I'd call that fairly twee. :D
I wouldn’t, but that’s fine.
Note, I don't think twee is all that bad anyway. DI Terlizzi is twee and considered one of the greats of the genre, so, calling something twee isn't meant as a big insult.

The point I was badly making though is that Radiant Citadel had a pretty strong art theme - which is great to be honest. Again, considering the real world right now, a bit of twee isn't a bad thing at all.

Years of pretty grim AP's with art that matches, having a couple of AP's that are filled with bright colors is a refreshing change.

SIgh, I'm saying this all wrong. :/
No I get it. It’s like we had months of constant warm sunny weather, and when the rain came for a while someone complained that we never get sun.

I just don’t see bright colors and positive vibes as twee, but it’s a word who cares.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yeah I did an image search, and got a bunch of ladies in what looked to me as pretty normal 'cute' attire. So I assumed it was me being a boomer.
People misuse it constantly. I’d say 80% or more of times where it’s used, it’s used wrong. And since it isn’t used in a consistent manner either, it can’t reasonably be updated in meaning to a common usage.

Basically, think kawaii but negative and bordering on condescending.

Or cloyingly joyful and bright and “no bad days”, like the worst Christmas stories.

Because it is affectly positive. Sailor Moon stopping Galaxia (IIRC) through the power of love and forgiveness and persistent willingness to let someone be better isn’t twee, because it’s genuinely poignant, and it’s also fracking brutal in the process of getting there.

(Seriously Sailor Moon is an exceptionally good story that is 100% worth getting through the somewhat silly early episodes. Idk if the remake, Sailor Moon Crystal, has better English dub work than the OG, but the OG English was awful. /tangent)

On the other hand, old school cartoons like The Smurfs and My Little Pony probably do qualify.


Yeah I did an image search, and got a bunch of ladies in what looked to me as pretty normal 'cute' attire. So I assumed it was me being a boomer.
Naw. Twee isn't a new word. It's an old one.

But, yeah, excessively cute, colorful... think fairies and garden gnomes.

To be honestly, I had no idea that the word had particularly negative connotations. To me, it just means cute, colorful, bright, that sort of thing. Think greeting cards. I've heard Di Terlizzi described a twee before, and that's always kind of stuck with me.

In any case, whatever word you want to use to describe it, Radiant Citadel's artwork is very bright and colorful. To me, this is pretty twee:



I crit!
Considering the post you quoted had a flying carriage with butterfly wings - I'd call that fairly twee. :D

Note, I don't think twee is all that bad anyway. DI Terlizzi is twee and considered one of the greats of the genre, so, calling something twee isn't meant as a big insult.

The point I was badly making though is that Radiant Citadel had a pretty strong art theme - which is great to be honest. Again, considering the real world right now, a bit of twee isn't a bad thing at all.

Years of pretty grim AP's with art that matches, having a couple of AP's that are filled with bright colors is a refreshing change.

SIgh, I'm saying this all wrong. :/
Well… in one of our games three PCs died because of that twee carriage.


Those are just non-European women wearing the bright colors that are common in most of the real world.

Twee is more Zooey Deschanel on a unicycle playing a ukulele while holding a parasol over her head.

I gotta be honest. I'm still not getting it.

Is there a single WotC/D&D illustration that captures it? Or was Witchlight it and I do kind of get it?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I gotta be honest. I'm still not getting it.

Is there a single WotC/D&D illustration that captures it? Or was Witchlight it and I do kind of get it?
I think the difference of opinion is that most outside observers wouldn't say anything WotC has ever produced is truly "twee." They're more twee than their traditional stuff, but it still doesn't rise to the level of what anyone else would call "twee."

I can't think of anything WotC has produced that's truly "affectedly dainty or quaint." That doesn't mean that Witchlight or Radiant Citadel has to work for any individual customer, of course.

Also, hilariously, check out how many Zooey Deschanel pictures are in the DuckDuckGo image search for "twee": twee at DuckDuckGo
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