WotC Jeremy Crawford interview: they read your feedback. An exclusive interview by Christian Hoffer at GenCon.


I crit!

not only the feedback that we're getting from the current Unearthed Arcana surveys, but also feedback we've been receiving in other Unearthed Arcana surveys.

He went on to say they keep all the feed back and have pulled it all for the recent work in the 2024 books.

Read the article for more.

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I crit!
Crawford lets it be known they also refer to other feedback as well.

the social media team does collect regular feedback from Reddit, Twitter, and even the official D&D discord. "I'm not sure I've ever talked publicly that I receive reports even about discussions on D&D and rules that go on the official D&D Discord”
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The EN World kitten
I haven't been paying attention to the playtest surveys, or the results and reactions to them, very much. However, while I know a lot of people think it's great that WotC is taking feedback into account, I worry that they're giving the survey results too much weight.

Leaving aside issues with self-selection bias, players and DMs aren't game designers. Insofar as I'm aware, they don't (and shouldn't be expected to) approach potential changes from the standpoint of "does this make the game better overall?" While it's easy to conflate "better" with "fun," the two are (in this context) a Venn diagram rather than perfect synonyms.

History tells us this. Spellcasters had a lot of restrictions that people didn't like in AD&D 1E and 2E. When D&D 3rd Edition got rid of those restrictions, we got complaints about "martial-caster disparity" and "linear fighters, quadratic wizards." WotC gave people what they wanted, and in the process created problems that the community didn't anticipate. Based on the (admittedly very little) I've heard, there's at least some real fears that history is repeating itself (specifically, the example I heard was that the sorcerer's twin spell change didn't meet the 70% approval threshold. Why? Because it was nerfed).

It's good that WotC is listening to their customer base (though, again, who answers the survey is an issue unto itself), but I'm always struck by how one of the earliest contexts in which the saying vox populi, vox Dei was used was as a warning against letting popular opinion alone dictate a course of action.

Hopefully WotC is taking their survey results with a hefty grain of salt...but based on what I'm hearing, that's not their stance, and that worries me.


Plenty of D&D players and DMs are also game designers to varying degrees. The general rule of audience feedback in game design is that the audience is good at identifying problems but their solutions can be terrible so you need to put in the work instead of saying yes.
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I remember at one point Dan Dillon on Twitter X referring to a UA feedback closing and how he was going to spend the day reading how bad he was at his job so yeah, they read what is submitted. I'm sure they ignore submissions that aren't constructive, so I always tried to explain what I didn't like and a possible solution to let them know what I might like.

Voidrunner's Codex

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