WotC Jeremy Crawford interview: they read your feedback. An exclusive interview by Christian Hoffer at GenCon.

Can we get the mature vision where sometimes you also do things without having to be depressed by the 'horrible realities' of your own existence?

Where people are just out trying to make them and theirs happy and comfortable and sometimes that's enough to put them into conflict with others?

Where sometimes there's monsters and you have to deal with that and continue to live your life without sinking into a mire so deep that only soliloquies about the grminess of daily life to an audience of sad teens who haven't discovered the concept of 'simple joys' well into their third decade of life can make you feel something?
I dont get it, the current game is designed around this.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Naw. Twee isn't a new word. It's an old one.

But, yeah, excessively cute, colorful... think fairies and garden gnomes.

To be honestly, I had no idea that the word had particularly negative connotations. To me, it just means cute, colorful, bright, that sort of thing. Think greeting cards. I've heard Di Terlizzi described a twee before, and that's always kind of stuck with me.

In any case, whatever word you want to use to describe it, Radiant Citadel's artwork is very bright and colorful. To me, this is pretty twee:

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That is a bad example, because that’s literally just some folks in realistic clothes, with only the middle one even necessarily being special occasion clothes.

Maybe the like purple animal totem guys and grinning imp thief or whatever people pulled thier hair out over?


I mean if she is 'twee' then I'm struggling to see how its a meaningful term in regards to visual design + our RPGs.

I'm fine just not getting it, but its not a word that I have been exposed to previously.


That is a bad example, because that’s literally just some folks in realistic clothes, with only the middle one even necessarily being special occasion clothes.

Maybe the like purple animal totem guys and grinning imp thief or whatever people pulled thier hair out over?

Umm. The third lady has flower bunnies all over her.

Anyway, this is way too pedantic for me. I used the wrong word. My bad.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Well, until the greedy wizard tries to murder them so that he can render their bodies into an ingredient for alchemical gold.
They literally solve that by being nice to him, IIRC. Like they say nice things, positive affirmation at him a bit, and he folds like a flip phone and becomes thier best friend instantly.
Umm. The third lady has flower bunnies all over her.

Anyway, this is way too pedantic for me. I used the wrong word. My bad.

If you're looking for some mature material, "Goblin Slayer" had a TTRPG release not too long ago. Funny; my memory recalls that people were complaining about how un family friendly it was. Surely I am misremembering?

Voidrunner's Codex

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