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John Wick 3- Should You See It?

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1. Did you see John Wick? ... ... If no, go to 2.

No, I have not.

2. Why haven't you seen it? It's so very awesome. Go see it now, and then go to 1.

The film just never interested me. The only way I would see it is if I am stuck at someone else's house, and they play the DVD (and I did not excuse myself before then).

Guess I will stay at #2. :p

You've created a FOR/NEXT loop. No staying at #2 for you!


OK, finally saw it. As much plot as an '80 Schwarzenegger movie, but with far better fight choreography. Switched my brain off and enjoyed it very much.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I have to say that I loved John Wick 3, I've only seen a few flicks this year at the movies but it was the best of the year so far. Much better than Avengers.

So much better action than in most of the movies where you have all the jarring cuts that makes it so you can't really see what is going on.

Most head shots in a single movie ever?

Just glad someone know how to make real action flicks in this sensitive day and age.

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