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Kate Welch is WotC's New D&D Designer

WotC has a brand new D&D designer, and it's Kate Welch! She plays Rosie Beestinger, the Lightfoot Halfing Monk in Acquisitions Inc's "C Team". She starts work on February 2nd. That's all I know for the moment, but more info if I hear it!

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WotC has a brand new D&D designer, and it's Kate Welch! She plays Rosie Beestinger, the Lightfoot Halfing Monk in Acquisitions Inc's "C Team". She starts work on February 2nd. That's all I know for the moment, but more info if I hear it!



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YES! Your personal anecdote doesn’t override how everyone else is treated in general, or proves that privilege doesn’t really exist. For Christ’s sake...

No one can be this obtuse. The more you post, the more convinced I am of what kind of person you are. And it’s not the kind of person I’m going to waste my time on. So shine on.


In either case, however, my identity as part of a specific group is overshadowed by my identity as an individual. The sooner we all stop seeing the word in terms of race the better. Affirmative action, whose very existence supports the notion of placing group identity in competition with the identify and experiences of the individual, should be abolished.

This is not how the actual real world works and you know this.

Affirmative Action only exists because historically in the US everyone other than white men were considered second or third class citizens. Historically white men in this this country DIDNT care if a black/brown man or woman or a white woman was qualified or MORE qualified for a position, they, more often than not, would still hire a white male in thier stead.

It's part of the reason why AA exisits in the first place. AA isnt even very old (IIRC I'm thinking early 60's) if you have parents who are still alive? They were around before AA and benefited from it.

To believe as you do that AA should be abolished is to believe that white america as a whole (because that's still where the bulk of finiancial power lies) can be trusted to be fair and unbiased and not racist and sexist toward anyone who IS NOT white and male. And if youve been paying attention AT ALL to what's been going on in the world? You'd know that is NOT THE CASE.

YES! Your personal anecdote doesn’t override how everyone else is treated in general. For Christ’s sake...

No one can be this obtuse. The more you post, the more convinced I am of what kind of person you are. And it’s not the kind of person I’m going to waste my time on. So shine on.

Apparently is discriminatory to believe that discrimination should not be fought with discrimination.

Humans are humans are humans. We are not only the sum of pre-assigned groups based on our physical traits. Every human is an individual and should be treated as such without regards for race, gender, religion, etc. When exactly did it become offensive to believe this?

This is not how the actual real world works and you know this.

Affirmative Action only exists because historically in the US everyone other than white men were considered second or third class citizens. Historically white men in this this country DIDNT care if a black/brown man or woman or a white woman was qualified or MORE qualified for a position, they, more often than not, would still hire a white male in thier stead.

It's part of the reason why AA exisits in the first place. AA isnt even very old (IIRC I'm thinking early 60's) if you have parents who are still alive? They were around before AA and benefited from it.

To believe as you do that AA should be abolished is to believe that white america as a whole (because that's still where the bulk of finiancial power lies) can be trusted to be fair and unbiased and not racist and sexist toward anyone who IS NOT white and male. And if youve been paying attention AT ALL to what's been going on in the world? You'd know that is NOT THE CASE.

My parents were both born the late 60's. Nice try, though.

Dude. I work abroad in Turkmenistan promotion women's and minority right. I understand what is happening in the word. Discrimination in the US is a joke compared to what I strike to correct on a daily basis.

I believe that humans are intelligence, adaptable creatures and that fighting social discrimination with further systematized discrimination not the best way to approach equality.


Which emphasizes one of the key issues with affirmative action; you can never know if a woman or minority actually got the job because s/he was the best candidate or because of some misguided attempt to minimize cosmic justice or social trends (or the possibility of true sexism). De-level the playing field and suddenly everyone starts pointing fingers at each other.

It doesn't even matter if Ms. Melch were hired because of a prevailing attitude in favor of affirmative action or not. The mere presence of the possibility is what is causing all the unrest seen on these forums. From what I've seen no one here is expressing actual sexist views. They're criticizing the policy, not the human.

You can never know why anyone got a job. How many people do you know that have the job they have because of someone they know? Their uncle is the boss, or their dad went to college with the boss, or whatever. So many people benefit from this kind of nepotism.

So do you always assume when a white guy gets a job that it must be because he’s related to the boss? Or do you assume that maybe the people hiring him have brains and have decided he may be the best candidate?

At what point do you accept that maybe a woman is the best candodate? There is literally zero evidence of there being any reason for Kate Welch being hired except that Wizards felt she was the best candidate. Zero evidence otherwise.

But you can’t see it.


My parents were both born the late 60's. Nice try, though.

Dude. I work abroad in Turkmenistan promotion women's and minority right. I understand what is happening in the word. Discrimination in the US is a joke compared to what I strike to correct on a daily basis.

I believe that humans are intelligence, adaptable creatures and that fighting social discrimination with further systematized discrimination not the best way to approach equality.

I notice that you cited intelligence and being adaptable when talking about humans, you dont mention fair minded and just though.

You also push abolishing AA but propose nothing, no ideas on what to replace it with. You simply trust that whatever group who holds power to be fair and just? That notion is not just laughable but belies a lack of knowledge of history as well as an understanding of human nature.

I've also noted that you didnt at all address the meat of what I wrote concenring the need for AA in the first place. You just felt it neccesary to snark me about my "if your parents" comment, Which is why it wrote "IF" in the first place.


Dude. I work abroad in Turkmenistan promotion women's and minority right. I understand what is happening in the word. Discrimination in the US is a joke compared to what I strike to correct on a daily basis.

Also, as a black man in the US I dont find discrimination to be a joke AT ALL. But hey thanks for minimizing and trivializing that...
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I notice that you cited intelligence and being adaptable when talking about humans, you dont mention fair minded and just though.

You also push abolishing AA but propose nothing, no ideas on what to replace it with. You simply trust that whatever group who holds power to be fair and just? That notion is not just laughable but belies a lack of knowledge of history as well as an understanding of human nature.

I've also noted that you didnt at all address the meat of what I wrote concenring the need for AA in the first place. You just felt it neccesary to snark me about my "if your parents" comment, Which is why it wrote "IF" in the first place.

We as humans are adapting to live peacefully with each other and have been steadily improving in the way we do so. Instead of systematized solutions we need to crank down on individual instances of discrimination in which people are unfairly treated due to age, race, gender, religion, etc.. It is a job for the courts, not legislature. Legislature only limits personal freedom and creates resentment - which is one of the reasons why the US is stuck with Trump as president for at least the next three years.


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