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Killing Machynes: Machyna RPG

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First Post
Spring-time in New Ortho


You rise for breakfast early, in order to eat over reading the Ortho Crier. This new invention, a weekly report on all that is important to the Crown, tells of a daring escape from the Tower. Many soldiers and one Black Guard were killed at sword and arrow point as the rebel princess Elizabeth was freed from bondage. The paper reassures that the criminal will be recaptured soon. You know this will have serious reppercussions but you never guessed how close it would affect you.

Your mother enters and sits in the modestly sized dining table. Her eyes appeared red with weeping.

"Your father is gone. A man came to the door an hour before you rose. They say he is a traitor, that he ... he... betrayed the Crown." She sobs and rests her head on your shoulder. "They will kill him, Billy".

She looks at you with pleading tear-filled eyes.

What do you do? Start from this point.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.



You wake from last nights bed, a stone bench near the Clock, with morning commuters everywhere about. All travel with purpose and temerity, none daring to look up at the time keeping machine built several years ago. Bad things happen here. Many on horseback lead their mounts down the street, with a few black and noisy carriages as well. As you sit and shrug sleep away a well-to-do looking man throws you a smug glare.

Everyone thinks their better than a gypsy. Not to mention a ne'er-do-well.

Rumour among the street folk was that Olstrafs Inn would spare a meal in the morning and you set yourself to the walk in-city. The clatter of horses, talk, and machines fills the senses along with what is a less than aromatic smell of fish and sewage.

Suddenly a black cloaked blond woman with the Crown's crest over her heart steps in your way, her eyes filled with you. Two men step up behind you, rapiers at the ready, but undrawn.

"Surrender to the authority of the Prince John and Consort Mary!"

Damn, the Black Guard.

What do you do? Start from this point.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.



Your weekly morning game with the courtier Galia has ended with yet another victory on your part. The short red-haired and stocky noble-hanger-on had lost badly, in 20 moves. He seemed more distracted than usual.

"Saul, we need to talk." Galia methoducally put his white pieces back in the box.

"As you heard from the paper Henry's daughter has yet again flaunted the rule of order of the Consort and our Benefactors. She has upset certain people with her escape from the Tower.

A chill runs through the room with the mention of the Powerful Ones.

"The elf Robin was the rebel party who busted her out of the Tower, apparently with a well placed keg of gunpowder hoisted by an arrow pulley apparatus. I am no technologiste so I am not sure how that worked."

"I am representing people of strength and character when I ask you Saul, as a friend, we need your help in finding her. I can't tell you who, or why, you would do this but rest assured your already excellent reputation would benefit measurably.

"Can you help me find her?"

What do you do? Start from this point.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.
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First Post
Saul was reluctant to put his pieces away. Galia wanted to talk. His talking rarely interested Saul, it was having a chess opponent that was the real benefit of his presence. Even then, Saul's chess skills had improved and Galia wasn't that much of a challenging opponent any more.

Today was different though. Saul had gained skill but Galia was playing especially poorly. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when the subject for discussion was finally reached. It was about time that something amusing came from keeping Galia's company.

Saul leaned forward, "Hmm, you would ask my assistance?" Saul was in desperate need of getting out and seeing things that would stoke his creativity, "Galia, my good man you shall have as you wish."

A radiant smile confirmed Saul's intent to help, and he scooped up his pieces and put them away with surprising vigour.

"A hunt in pursuit of Elizabeth and her wicked conspirators! An investigation to the heart of corruption!" Saul leapt from his chair and made a mock sword thrust towards an invisible opponent, "Where do we start?"


First Post
Kizzy continues to feign extreme drowsiness as she blinks at the imposing and rather loud blond woman. Rubbing at her eyes while trying to take in any details possible from the woman and her companions that may lead to escape, or advantage of any kind she gives a long exaggerated yawn.

"What am I surrendering to their authority again? Because I was really in the mood to surrender to my desire to fill my poor impoverished stomach the local inn. However, if the Prince and his Consort would like to entertain my rumbling belly who am I to deny them?"

Stretches rocking lightly to the balls of her feet, ready to flee if the need or chance arises.


First Post
William sits in stunned silence, unaware of the forkful of egg halfway to his mouth. As his mother explains, he slowly lowers his hand and stares out the window, trying to come to grips with this news.

Father, a traitor? Impossible, he thinks. He suddenly rises and goes to his mother, placing an arm around her shoulders he says without conviction, "We'll get this straightened out, Mother. Don't worry. I'm sure it's just some kind of mistake." He gives her shoulder an encouraging squeeze, then quickly gathers his things together. "I'll go down to see if I can speak with Father. Find out if he has any idea what this is all about."

William takes his leave of his mother and makes his way into the city.

OOC: Not sure where exactly William would go to find out about this, but I assume there's some kind of magistrate or constabulary where he could start.


First Post

Galia looks at you and smiles, clasping his hands together.

"Good show, Saul. I knew we could count on you."

The aging courtier reaches into his tunic and pulls out a letter with a wax seal of an M, handing it to you.

"Do NOT open this document, but rather present it to a man named Cooper John, the owner of the Lion's Proper Inn. He will give you your assignment. We trust in you following these directions as I have said them." Galia seems relieved of a burden, his brow less wrinkled. "Now how about another game before I leave? You have time left in the day before you must begin your adventure."

What do you do? Continue from this point.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.


The Guardswoman smiles at you, which does little to brighten her scarred face.

"Come with us willingly and we will not bind you. Otherwise blood may be spilled ..."

What do you do? Continue from this point.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.


Unfortunately you have spent more time tinkering and studying so you do not have a concise knowledge of the Court or law. However, you figure you can take it to the city guard, or to a good friend of your father: Lord Thomas, who seemed to be your father's superior. You may think of a different option altogether.

You DO know that this kind of thing can quickly become worse as armed men may return for you and your mother at any moment.

What do you do? Continue from this point.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.


First Post
Saul maintains his smile, taking a moment to think. Inwardly he frowned, and carefully placed the sealed letter off to one side. Time may not have been pressing but he was anxious to get started. For the sake of playing the good host he relented to another one-sided game of chess.

"Why do now what you can put off until later?" Saul says with a chuckle, retrieving his pieces and setting them up again.

Perhaps, he thought, there was some kind of subtle handicap he could apply to himself without old Galia noticing. Something to make it more challenging for himself without insulting Galia. He decides to not allow himself to move the same piece in consecutive turns.

"Well then, Galia," Saul finishes placing the pieces, "Do your worst, old bean."


First Post
Kizzy grins idiotically back at the woman forcing herself to calm her instinct to punch and run for the moment.

"I'm not very fond of having exceedingly rare meat for breakfast, but if that is what they are serving then lead the way I suppose."

Gives another exaggerated yawn and stretches cat like then steps to the woman's side and gestures almost impatiently.

"Let's go then, my stomach won't wait forever."


First Post

Galia puts up a good game considering you could not check him during one move when it would require moving the Queen twice. You, however, force his King into a corner after he castles. Checkmate.

The older man, a bit grey, looks none the worse for the loss, and it almost seems to please him.

"You will do well my young friend, I know. I myself will be soon rewarded for my own service. My later years will be sunny." He shakes your hand, gathers his cloak, and hurridly makes his way. "Remember not to pry into that note, and give it to John before sundown."

Smiling Galia exits your small town home.

What do you do to prepare for your trip to the Lion's Proper? It is located south of the river.

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.


The Guardswoman chuckles as you agree.

"I prefer exceedingly rare meat for my breakfast, actually, but to each her own."

Spinning her cloak she makes quick steps towards the south bridge with you following, the two soldiers taking up the rear. On the main road towards the bridge to Southwark you feel the warm noon sunshine on your neck and you think of the nomads that raised you while drifting as Gypsies do. The best days as a youngster were always the sunny days.

Your reverie of family is broken by shouting ahead.

A young typical looking man and who you would assume to be his mother are wrestling with Guardsmen as they are bring dragged, hands bound, into an armoured prison carriage. The man shouts frantically.

"This is wrong, we have done nothing against the Crown!!!. My father is not a criminal! My mother is not a criminal! Let her go!"

A tall red haired Guardsmen raises the staff end of his wicked looking pike spear and strikes the young prisoner in the side of the head. You see blood sprinkle on the road below him.

"Quiet before your betters, rebel." The Guarsmen grabs the young man with one hand and heaves him into the carriage while still holding the pike with his other.

"Pay no attention" the Guardswoman says to you over her shoulder.

Do you choose to do anything or do you continue on your way?

No need for initiative, respond as suits your schedule.


First Post
Saul held the letter in his hands. Galia's insistence on him not opening the letter had him mighty curious on the contents of said letter. A wax seal in the shape of an 'M' sat comfortably in the center of the letter's back.

"What are you hiding from me little wax seal?" Saul narrowed his eyes at it, but the wax appeared unmoved by Saul's mild display of aggression, "You're a smug one, but we have ways of making you talk."

Saul retrieved a knife and a candle from one of the other rooms, laying down the letter alongside them.

"Intimidated yet?" Saul asked, and analysed the seal.

OOC: What kind of check would opening and resealing a letter come under? Saul is currently trying to gauge the odds of his success.

Voidrunner's Codex

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