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Kingdom Lost - Episode 2 "Department 7"


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Festy_Dog said:
James smiles kindly at Selene.

"Don't talk like that," he says, "Dan would be mighty unimpressed if we hadn't stepped in. I know he thinks you're worth it."

Selene smiles at James, "Thanks you are a sweetheart and the aussie accent is cute," she winks.

Festy_Dog said:
During this time he pays attention to Selene, gauging her body language, and trying to get an idea of how she feels right now (ooc: empathy, in case I make a check at some point which it would help). He puts the plate down after everyone has had an opportunity to have one, then reaches into his pocket to take out the photocopy of the strange writing.

"Selene. One thing still bugs me about what's happened. You remember the piece of paper you wrote your phone number on for David? The writing on the back. Now, I'm sorry if this is about to feel like an interrogation, but these questions need answers for me to feel comfortable.

"Where did you learn this language, or rather, who's teaching you? And who's Mammon? Why serve him? Finally, if it isn't your writing, then whose is it?"
James sounds deadly serious all of a sudden, "Is this why you think you didn't deserve to be saved?"

Selene furrows her brow at the mention of the script on the paper and looks at it curiously, “Oh I got this sheet from my roommate I was using her notes to study for our Psychology class, I missed class,” she smirks, “and I was just trying to get caught up. There are all kinds of writing like that in her book; I don’t have it on me though.”

“I really don’t know who Mammon is, or is it an it?” she shrugs, “What is the big deal, is the scribble an actual written language? Wow, I guess I need to ask Krista about it next time I see her.”

James gets a total roll of 29 for the sense Motive check. He rolls a 23, and the action dice bumps it up to 29, total. He can tell from her posture and reactions she is earnest and genuine she is really at a loss at what the writing is or who Mammon is. James has 14 Action Points left.

Selene gets a little defensive when James presumes that he knows why she feels the way she does. She looks away from him, “I felt like that because I slept with another woman’s husband,” she looks hurt, “I was stupid, okay? Or do you want to me to go into details about that too?” she replies tersely.

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Dexter says thickly around a mouthful of cookie, "I'd rather hear more about Krista, actually." He sits at his desk and starts taking notes on his computer. He swallows heavily and continues in a clearer voice, "Let's start with the basics, ok? What's her full name, age, where's she from and what does she look like?" He looks expectantly at Selene.


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JimAde said:
Dexter says thickly around a mouthful of cookie, "I'd rather hear more about Krista, actually." He sits at his desk and starts taking notes on his computer. He swallows heavily and continues in a clearer voice, "Let's start with the basics, ok? What's her full name, age, where's she from and what does she look like?" He looks expectantly at Selene.
“Well I have a picture of Krista and me on a camping trip we took last semester,” she pulls out a picture and lays it on Dexter’s desk. Selene is wearing a bikini top with shorts and the other girl, Krista, wears a green t-shirt with a bikini bottom. Krista has sandy blonde hair with red highlights and green eyes. She is cute as a button but has a very womanly figure with curves and a bright smile.

“She is nice, she puts up with me at least,” Selene jokes, “oh her full name is Krista Sampson, and she is from northern California, San Francisco I think, I know her parent are up there and she visits them a few times during the semester. I don’t hang out with her as much as we used to, he has been really busy with her new boyfriend, and the band keeps me plenty busy, let alone work, and school. I am so quitting Best Buy too, I don’t even want to deal with David at all.”

“Come to think of it she was pretty upset when she found I had ripped that page out, it looked like gibberish to me, so I thought it was just scribbles and doodles, I mean she isn’t taken foreign language courses. She was really pissed, we didn’t talk for like a week,” she shrugs.

“So if it is a written language what language is it written in, and what does it say?” Selene finishes.
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Sakura is sitting on her desk indian-style, eating a cookie and listening to the others with one ear, and dialing Sandra's number with the other. She figures it should be her to break the news since she is the one who has had the most contact with her, and she dealt better with clients then the others.


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Tokiwong said:
“Well I have a picture of Krista and me on a camping trip we took last semester,” she pulls out a picture and lays it on Dexter’s desk. Selene is wearing a bikini top with shorts and the other girl, Krista, wears a green t-shirt with a bikini bottom. Krista has sandy blonde hair with red highlights and green eyes. She is cute as a button but has a very womanly figure with curves and a bright smile.
Dexter gives the picture a cursory look and sets it aside. His fingers dance over the keyboard taking down Selene's words.

Tokiwong said:
“So if it is a written language what language is it written in, and what does it say?” Selene finishes.
"Well..." Dexter shrugs and looks at the others questioningly.


First Post
Tokiwong said:
Selene smiles at James, "Thanks you are a sweetheart and the aussie accent is cute," she winks.

Heh, nice girl, she's quite attractive indeed... can't go there though, Dan's got his sights set on her.

Tokiwong said:
“I felt like that because I slept with another woman’s husband,” she looks hurt, “I was stupid, okay? Or do you want to me to go into details about that too?” she replies tersely.

James' face softens upon hearing the answers. He smiles again, but the smile never reaches his eyes, which have a slightly saddened look to them.

"Sorry about that. I failed to see the simple answer, happens pretty often. And thanks for putting up with the questions," he says apologetically, "Well now we have something of interest to bring with us to that meeting in seventyish hours time."

Tokiwong said:
Selene is wearing a bikini top with shorts and the other girl, Krista, wears a green t-shirt with a bikini bottom. Krista has sandy blonde hair with red highlights and green eyes. She is cute as a button but has a very womanly figure with curves and a bright smile.

Wowzer, birds of a feather...

Tokiwong said:
“So if it is a written language what language is it written in, and what does it say?” Selene finishes.

JimAde said:
"Well..." Dexter shrugs and looks at the others questioningly.

"Your friend is into some pretty strange stuff. Well, not quite as strange once tonight's events are brought into consideration... but, it's pretty suspicious nonetheless. Possibly even tied in with those ritualistic murders at Pepperdine," he looks at the piece of paper, "We don't have a name for the language, but we're told it translates roughly as: 'Mammon, my master, feed upon my sacrifice and grant me strength'. The way it was written seemed as though the person was learning the language, or being taught. There's a side to your friend you may not know."

James shrugs, and looks out the broad front window.
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"Actually," says Dexter, "That reminds me. I should thank Doctor Wilson for helping us with that." He quickly dashes off an e-mail to her doing just that.

"So, Selene, do you know the name of Krista's new boyfriend," he asks getting back to taking notes.

[OOC: Ah, that Dexter. He's all personality, isn't he?]


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Shalimar said:
Sakura is sitting on her desk indian-style, eating a cookie and listening to the others with one ear, and dialing Sandra's number with the other. She figures it should be her to break the news since she is the one who has had the most contact with her, and she dealt better with clients then the others.

Sakura dials up Sandra, it rings three times before she answers, “Oh hi, sorry I took so long, I took the call out on our balcony. David was sleeping I didn’t want to wake him, he was working late again..” she says bitterly.

“So what did you want to talk about,” she says softly.


“Whoa…” Selene listens, “that is way out there, who the hell is Mammon, and why does this remind me of a bad horror movie? I think you are right James, there is a side of Krista I don’t know.”

She turns to Dexter, “Oh her boyfriend’s name is uh, Jacob… Jacob Smith, he is a senior, a business major, a nice guy, if a little quiet at times. He is pretty cool, a member of a fraternity and stuff, real nice guy. His parents have some money too, Krista really lucked out.”


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Dexter cracks his knuckles and stretches. Then he picks up the phone and says, "Looks like I'm going to be here all night. Whoever's staying, what do you want on your pizza?" After placing the order he asks the others, "So what do you guys think I should look into first? Underground cults to Mammon? Krista and Jacob's backgrounds? Or should I see what I can find out about our 'Department 7' friends?"


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"Sandra, I know its kind of late, I just wanted to give you a heads up as soon as I got the info, I figured it would let you figure out what to do." Sakura tells the woman. "Tonight we went to the club that Selene's band was playing at, and it was a pretty eventful night. I'll spare you the details, but, David was there, trying to kiss her. She ended up with us after her set, and she told us that they had had an affair. That's your proof, I don't know what you want to do with it, I can't even begin to think of how hard its gonna be for you and Sean. I'll get her to make a statement on camera and then you'll have physical proof to take to court."

"Just stop by tomorrow, and we can finish all of this up here and let you get on with what you need to do." she says, trying to reasure Sandra that she was in control and also to convey that they had reached the end of what the Detective agency could do for her (Diplomacy Check, take 10, result of 19).

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