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Kingdom of Ashes IC discussion (What if we held a war and *everybody* came?)


First Post
I know there's been more IC discussion going on that this...I have participated in some of it! Keep it coming - all of this stuff looks great, gang!

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The secret is out!

With Ohtar and another small eagle, she is in simple white flowing robes very like those of the Amastatian orders. With the two birds blanketing her in feathers she doesn't seem to notice the biting winter air on exposed skin and scales. High above where the Duke still bases his operations, she sits cradled in a branch of Link's tree a trinket dangles from between her fingers occasionally flashing in the light. A strange eye shaped gem
attached to the pendant she has always worn.

In her very large dress, Justice's slippered feet elevate her quickly to the top of the tree. Smiling a smile you have never seem, she looks into your eyes. Without a question, you know she sees the same L'Aurel she has always seen. Justice never seemed shaken by your recent transformation.

Reaching out, she grabs both of your hands. As she does, her smile grows. "Cousin, I had to find you first."

Laughing L'Aurel returns, "What cousin?"

Cheeks glowing a bright red, her voice is musical she bursts, "I know that I said that only goat-brained fool-girls fall in love... but, L'Aurel, dear cousin. I have fallen in love!"

A strange emotion flashes across her face, but her laughter never stops, "So my task of picking up broken hearts has started!" Hugging her tightly, "And who may I ask is the special man?"

Looking down lovingly to the hose in the tree below, "Varis' Greyclaw... and he has asked me to marry him."

"Duke… Duke Greyclaw?" Apparently this wasn't the name she expected. "Marry? This seems sudden. What am I saying! Have you given your answer?"

"I have said yes.” As she speaks, Ohtar and the other eagle lift off stirring the dried leaves and air around the two flying and looping around each other in a display much like acrobatics. “It seems so foolish having known each other for such a short time... but he makes me so happy! I feel like an entirely different person!"
Indeed, she looks a different person--warm and soft-- no long cold and stern. "The wedding will be very soon-- within the next ten days. We have not decided for sure. It will be a small ceremony-- the circle and a few select others. When war is no longer on our minds, we will have a celebration."

L'Aurel's eyes shinning bright with love and happiness, "If you had questioned that would have been a sign to say no, with no hesitation you know your answer true. Do Preston and Dorn know? The others? Even so small there is still much to be done!"

Justice's eyes shine, as well--brighter and bluer than ever. "You are the one person that is nearest and dearest to me. You are the first I have told. Before the night is done, I will have told the entire circle, Dorn, Preston, and Jaine." She scans the twilight and the city below them. "I hope that Preston will over-see the ceremony... and, I will need all the tailors in New Oceanus to make me the dress I desire in such a short time!"

Hugging her again, "Worry not cousin! Xath and I shall ensure it shall be done." Looking to her eagles, "you have given even them something to be happy about." With a wave, the two animals land once more. "I would not hold such news from them for a moment longer."

A teasing smile plays at her lips, "Later though I will want all the details of this quick courtship?" Walking a few feet along a thin branch better called a twig as if it where solid ground she points at Ohtar asking, "Want a quick ride back to the others?" she trails off looking below questioningly.

A grin that can only be described devilish crosses Justices red lips. "Details you shall have, dear Cousin!" She looks to the giant eagle, "I would love a ride!" A giggle escapes her mouth; Justice loves flying. "Next, I must speak with Jaine."

As L'aurel mounts and holds her hand out to you a quick rapid song of chirps and noises go between the three of them. The smaller eagle shoots off toward the palace, "By the time we land she will let us know where Jaine is. She developed an interest in Jaine while I was- gone. This will be good for her, something positive to dwell on." As they take off over her shoulder she asks, "Do you want me to round the others up or do wish to seek them out individually?"

Leaning forward, wrapping her arms around L'Aurel's strong waist Justice speaks, "I would very much like to speak with everyone individually. Tomorrow morning, we can celebrate together over breakfast."

“Then so be it.” As they touch down, “Here she is.” Then after a few short chirps, “She will show you the way. Till the morning then, fair cousin,” hugging her goodnight.

Goin' to the chapel...

Justice leaves Hyrwl on Thane's back... searching the wooded area for
her friend. Quickly, she sees her far below the griffon, gazing up at
the sky. Swooping down, she lands gently next to the elf.

"Good evening, friend!" Justice exclaims, a dazzling smile painted
upon her face. "I have been looking for you!"

Xath's eyes had focused on the Griffon as it circled overhead. When
her friend landed, Xath rose to greet her, a soft pensive smile on her
face. "Good evening, Justice," she says.

Justice all but runs toward Xath, her black and gold gown and jade
green cloak flutter in the wind. Her gold slippers carrying her
swiftly to the elf's side. Uncharacteristically, Justice hugs her
tightly, arms wrapped around her for several seconds. This may be the
most genuine display of emotion Xath has ever seen from the usually
cold and stern woman. "Xath! I have wonderful news!"

Xath is slightly shocked by Justice's unusual display of emotion, but
returns her friend's hug with equal ferocity. "I am happy for you
Justice," she says. "What have you been blessed with in these dark

"Oh, Xath! I have fallen in love!" Breaking their embrace, she
stands back and looks into her eyes, "Varis Greyclaw and I are to

Girlish zeal seems to take over her body. She spins in a circle.
With arms outstretched, she falls to the ground--Thane barely sneaking
under her to provide a soft, feathery pillow before impact.

Xath's smile broadens as she sees her friend's shining countenance.
She runs over to embrace her friend, saying "I am very happy for you,
and I wish you great joy in your union."

After a moment, she bolts up, laughing. "But...whenever did you find the time?"

"That, friend Xath, is a very good question! You will all call me a
fool... but, this very morning Jaine sent me to run an errand... to
take a scroll to Varis-- the Duke. I think she may have done it to
torture me; she has known how beautiful I found Varis for some time."
Shaking her head and chuckling, she continues, "I went to him with the
scroll-- and the next thing I know, we were kissing... and faster than
that, we were planning to wed!" Silent for a moment, she bites her
lip, "Had I only known he returned my affections, this could have been
done weeks ago!"
Xath smiles softly again. "I am happy for you, Justice."

"So when will the blessed event take place? You know that if you need
anything of me, you have but to ask."

"It will be soon-- very soon. No longer than ten days from now." She
twirls a loose curl in one hand, pets Thane with the other. "There is
one thing you could do... make us one of your excellent breakfasts
tomorrow morning for a celebration?"

Xath bows slightly, smiling at Justice's childlike jubilation. "It
would be an honor. A feast for Justice Fairweather...or should I say
Justice Greyclaw?"

Giggling madly, her personality seems to have changed as much as
Xath's physical appearance. "Thank you so much, dear friend."

Standing to hug Xath, she mounts Thane, again. "Do you happen to know
where Archonus is?"

"No... but if I see him before you, I will tell him you are looking for him."

With a quick wave, Justice heels Thane into action. "I will see you
tomorrow morning, Xath!" she calls behind her.


First Post
T+ 14 or AD +14

1)Will Jaine or the unborn child die if she gives birth in her current paralyzed condition?
“Three are. Two shall live." Appears in the scrying pool

2)Is Jaine Rhynn currently pregnant with twins?
Two grow within her womb.

3)Will one or both of the unborn children of Jaine Rhynn and Archonus Arendorr be born with the mark of the Bluestar?
"One marred by ancestry's curse"

4)Will Jaine Rhynn die while giving birth to the twins she now carries?
Shadow will fall over Queen.

5)Will one of the unborn children of Jaine Rhynn and Archonus Arendorr die in the process of being born?
"Two children see the Light" (But the Light is usually reference to the Sun, in this case)

6)Are one or both of the unborn children of Jaine Rhynn and Archonus Arendorr male?

7)Are both of the unborn children of Jaine Rhynn and Archonus Arendorr male?
One sister, One brother, born.

8)Will the male unborn child of Jaine Rhynn and Archonus Arendorr bear the mark of the Bluestar?
"A son untouched by darkness."

9)Can Archonus Bluestar's oath to the Bluestar be removed by killing him and bringing him back to life?
"Deathlord's Oath passes beyond Death" (Which you should have guessed, since Gyan Thunderheart is still bound")

10)Would a marriage between Archonus Bluestar and Jaine Rhynn put Jaine Rhynn's line under the influence of the Bluestar?
"King's line under Northern Shadow"

11)Does Archonus Bluestar's oath to the Bluestar pass on to his children?

12)Would Archonus Bluestar's oath to the Bluestar pass on to the twins Jaine Rhynn carries if Archonus Bluestar and Jaine Rhynn were married?
"Oath is bound by blood."

13)Are the children of Archonus Arendorr subject to Archonus Bluestar's oath to the Bluestar?
"Twins unsullied by Time's bargain."

14)Will Jaine Rhynn die in the process of birthing the twins she now carries?
"Stilled Queen shall briefly reign."

15)If Jaine Rhynn were not paralyzed at the time of the birthing of her unborn twin children, would all three survive?
"Two must live, three may."
Last edited:


Xath and AB- Day 14

A note lies on the table, next to a fresh batch of cookies.

An old friend waits to talk. Meet me on the roof at 10pm.

Xath is waiting up on the roof, though not as normal. To Archon, she would appear as she did when they traveled together; short, squat, decidedly dwarven. She sits, trying to wrap her arms around her legs, but it isn't working. A plate of cookies lays beside her.

Archonus Bluestar says: He grunts. "What do you want?"
Xath: She pushes the plate toward him. "I thought we could catch up. We didn't exactly start off on the right foot…I wanted to apologize, as well"
Archonus Bluestar says: "It was hardly our beginning," he answers, looking warily at the plate. I am thankful it was not an end."
Xath: "Cookie?" She takes one and eats one.
Archonus Bluestar says: He waves his hand, "I'm not hungry."
Xath: "They may not taste the best, but I assure you, they are not poisoned."
Archonus Bluestar says: "Feel free to have them."
Xath: "Won't you sit down, at least?"
Archonus Bluestar says: He looks curious, "So I...he...fell in love with this?" he says, motioning towards you. "I'll stand."
Xath: Xath looks at him. "Not exactly this." She waves her hand across her face, dismissing her spell; her features shift back into her elven form. "The other form seemed to make you more comfortable"
Archonus Bluestar says: Still standing, he asks, "So this is not...as you truly are?"
Xath: "Not anymore." She waves her hand across her face, dismissing her spell; her features shift back into her elven form. "The other form seemed to make you more comfortable" She smiles. “We have all changed much since you...left"
Archonus Bluestar says: "I have not left you, for I was never WITH you. Archonus Arendorr has been with you, without interruption."
Xath: "You have changed too, it would seem"
Archonus Bluestar says: "I am as I always have been."
Xath: "So it may seem, but as you have said; this is hardly our beginning."
Archonus Bluestar says: He nods, saying nothing.
Xath: "I remember, what was it...4 months ago now...we were still in Thanesport."
Archonus Bluestar says: "Thanesport?" he asks, betraying nothing.
Xath: "And that ...that centaur...he tried to take you away in the in." She knew it was a minotaur; she was trying to get him to correct her. "But I covered your face in paint, in a rather brilliant move, if I may say so."
Archonus Bluestar says: "Centaur?" he asks. “I am sure Archonus appreciates the paint. I would have, I am sure." he's hiding something
Xath: "What are you hiding? Neither of you is good at keeping a secret"
Archonus Bluestar says: "Nothing!" he responds, the darkness poorly concealing his quickly shifting eyes.
Xath: "It was a minotaur, and you know it."
Archonus Bluestar says: He sighs. "I recall."
Xath: She smiles at him. "Those times...they were dangerous, but they were nice. We had adventure, but the fate of thousands didn't ride on our shoulders...We didn't have the burdens we do now." She is staring wistfully at the sky.
Archonus Bluestar says: "You are a fool to believe such. The world sat astride your shoulders, even then."
Xath: "Perhaps. But we did not know that. I certainly did not; a lowly lackey in a large city, just trying to prove myself enough to return home...to Sylvannus"
Archonus Bluestar says: "Then shall we celebrate our ignorance?" he says sarcastically.
Xath: "Mock me all you like, there must be a wistfulness in there somewhere...Underneath all of your shadows and pain"
Archonus Bluestar says: "You mistake me for the real Archonus, then."
Xath: "No, I see you as A real Archonus. Certainly not the Archonus with whom I have fallen in love"
Archonus Bluestar says: "That is...well." he answers, almost sardonically.
Xath: "But still a friend"
Archonus Bluestar says: "Would that I could claim that I do what I do out of friendship…I cannot."
Xath: "Then don't"
Archonus Bluestar says: "I do not, then. I do what I must; No more, no less. Such has it always been, with me."
Xath: "But acknowledge, even if you have no friendship now, that we were once friends, Archonus. We traveled together, we did battle together; we saved each other's lives more times than I can count. You cannot say that your actions then were solely out of duty, no matter how you see yourself now"
Archonus Bluestar says: "You did battle with Archonus Arendorr, and it was he who saved your life. *I* am a creature of duty.
Xath: "Yet you have these memories"
Archonus Bluestar says: "They are closer to dreams."
Xath: Her eyes narrow in concern, as she stands and moves towards him.
Archonus Bluestar says: He stands his ground.
Xath: "What has he done to you Archonus?" she says under her breath, more as a rhetorical question to herself. She looks into his eyes. "Behind that cold duteous exterior, I see a friend. We may fight different battles, we may have different allegiances, but you are still my friend"
Archonus Bluestar says: "I..I'm sorry. Your sight is dangerously false…He is more than a friend. If circumstance allows, I may be an ally. But I can never be more than that."
Xath: "I am not talking about him. I am speaking of you. You are two different men, though you may have once been one and the same"
Archonus Bluestar says: "Then understand me when I say that Xath Thunderheart and Archonus Bluestar are not, nor can be, friends."
Xath: Her stance becomes resolute. “Perhaps you will not be my friend, Archonus Bluestar. But I will be yours. And here, I would think that you would want any friend you could find. Enjoy the cookies. They're your favorite, or at least what your favorite was..." She begins to walk away. "And if you need a friend, I'll be there." She continues walking
Archonus Bluestar says: "Xath -" he calls after you.
Xath: She turns
Archonus Bluestar says: "I-I am lost. But you do love...him, don't you?"
Xath: "With all my heart"
Archonus Bluestar says: "Then don't let him go. Ever. His...your...it's important. Please?"
Xath: She smiles and nods her head.
Archonus Bluestar says: "Where I am bound, he is free. Do not let him forget, and do not let him tie himself as I have."
Xath: "We all do as we must, Archonus."
Archonus Bluestar says: and then he broods and lightning strikes etc.
Archonus Bluestar says: "Then...as a friend...tell him that he...you...must stay together. I ask you to trust me in this, and nothing else."


Xath and Father Dorn - Day 4

Xath Thunderheart:
Xath walks up in front of him, peering over at the pages of his book. "What are you reading?" she asks.
Xath Thunderheart:
brb (1 sec) keep typing
Father Dorn:
A graying eyebrow atop a lined and battered face looks over the page at you, limp silver hair blwoing behind him in the wind. One of the holy books. The Book of the Light. It's been...too long" he says, staring out into the fading sun.
Xath Thunderheart:
"May I speak with you?"
Father Dorn:
"Of course. Solitude has a place as much as company. New Oceanus was getting...crowded. But I think there's room in the shade for two."
Xath Thunderheart:
Xath takes a seat next to him. "I never...thanked you properly....for bringing me back"
Father Dorn:
"No thanks is necessary," he says, smiling sardonically. "If I had had my wits about me, I doubt that there would be any thanks necessary."
Xath Thunderheart:
Xath smiles wryly. "Perhaps not. But...ours is not to question why, only to try to deal with the lot we are given by life....or death. I do have some questions though...and I thought you would be the one to ask."
Father Dorn:
He nods, "In a morbid mood, are we, after Kegsplitter's fall?"
Xath Thunderheart:
"He was a dear friend."
Father Dorn:
Seeing that you're serious, he continues, "Ask away. I don't guarantee that I'll be right - only that I'll be honest."
Xath Thunderheart:
Xath smiles. "That is all that I can ask. You know....magic allows so many changes. I constantly change from form to form." She uses the hat of disguise to shift appearances at random for a few moments as she is speaking. "I never thought about how important my body was to my identity until I lost it. They burned it, you know....I watched, but I didn't quite understand..."
Father Dorn:
He shrugs. "Probably for the best. You are not your body, you *are* what's here," he says, pointing to his head, "and here," he continues, pointing to his chest. "The body is simply ash - the fire of our souls burn within. That is who you really are, Xath."
Xath Thunderheart:
"But this.." she says, gessturing to her own body, "This used to be someone else. She had a life, and a family. Somtimes I feel as though....I'm stealing that from her by being here."
Father Dorn:
"She was gone. You, for whatever reason, lingered. In my madness, I sought to move that fire from one pile of ash to another. But the movement does not diminish the fire, my girl...the body - your body - is no more hers now than this one," he finishes, indicating himself.
Xath Thunderheart:
"What if I have children? Are they mine?"
Father Dorn:
He laughs, "Of course they're yours! Yours and whoever puts them in your belly!"
Xath Thunderheart:
They'll be elven, not dwarven....you know...as much as I wished I was Alder when I was growing up...you'd think that this change would not be so difficult.
Father Dorn:
They'll have the blood that flows through your veins, yes - but it's *your* blood, not that of another, whatever you may fear."
Xath Thunderheart:
She turns towards him, her arms wrapped around her knees. Then she laughs and looks down at herself. "I never used to be able to sit like this, you know. I would sort of...plop on to the ground and roll around until I got comfortable."
Father Dorn:
He looks at you for a moment, as if deep in thought. "Does it feel wrong to sit as you sit now?"
Xath Thunderheart:
"No...it feels...comfortable, at least when I'm not thinking about it. I suppose sometimes I think that, like my spells, eventually this one will meld away and I'll be my old self again"
Father Dorn:
"Would that feel any more right?"
Xath Thunderheart:
"No. I have changed so much since then...that my old body feels even more alien than this. And I would lose so much if I went back..."
Father Dorn:
"Is it only the loss that frightens you, then?"
Xath Thunderheart:
"No. I feel as though my life is a lie."
Father Dorn:
"No life can be a lie, Xath. It is only death that can deceive. Life can never be other than what it is. Simple. Beautiful."
Xath Thunderheart:
"When I died, I came back because I thought I had a purpose to fulfill. But what good is the prophecy now that Arfin is gone?"
Father Dorn:
"Was it only perception? You seem to expect lies everywhere! I think you came back because you *had* a purpose to fulfill. Perhaps he had reached the end of his path? Not all prophecies are so easily interpreted. His time, it may be, was simply done."
Xath Thunderheart:
"Was mine?"
Father Dorn:
"It would seem not. We're sitting here, talking about it, aren't we?"
Xath Thunderheart:
"So I am not living on borrowed time? Time I was never meant to have?"
Father Dorn:
"You were brought to me in my madness, at a time when it seemed to the both of us that you were needed...it's either coincidence, or a Call. I can't tell you what to believe, but the Light rarely deals in coincidence. I can only assume that you were meant to have it, because you *do* have it. Such is the pragmatism of faith, I suppose."
Xath Thunderheart:
"I had never really had any, before I died. Now though...how can you not have faith when you have seen what is beyond?"
Father Dorn:
"Faith is believing without seeing. You have belief - something I envy you. My time, for what it's worth, shall end when it ends. I can feel the finality of it settling into my bones, even now."
Xath Thunderheart:
She turns towards him. "You still have a good bit of fight left in you."
Father Dorn:
"I have faith in what lies beyond - and your belief can only help that. I'll die with a sword in my hand, and a song on my lips. It's the way of my family. But that time is not yet! I asked you to think of life, and here - I speak of death once more!"
Xath Thunderheart:
She smiles at him. "Life...what of bringing life into the world? Will my children be Greyclaw or Thunderheart?"
Father Dorn:
"They'll be yours." he states, with finality. "In order to answer that question, you need only answer one question - who are you? Greyclaw or Thunderheart?"
Xath Thunderheart:
"I am Xath Thunderheart, in here" she says, pointing to her head, "and here" pointing to her heart.
Father Dorn:
"They'll be blood of your blood, and soul of your soul." In the end, I suppose that means they'll be both, at least in part.
Xath Thunderheart:
"I wonder how Arin Greyclaw sees it..."
Father Dorn:
"I am sure he is sad to have had his daughter die. But he knows as well as anyone else that without Xath Thunderheart, we would all be dead or enslaved."
Xath Thunderheart:
She laughs at that. "I'm sure that while I did my part in the battle, the outcome would have been the same were I here or not."
Father Dorn:
"Would it, indeed? I wonder..."
Xath Thunderheart:
"You flatter me."
Father Dorn:
"I don't flatter. I promised you honesty before, and you have recived nothing but."
Xath Thunderheart:
"But...I have one more question, and it is personal..."
Father Dorn:
"By all means. I was - I *am* a priest."
Xath Thunderheart:
"I mean personal to you....If L'Aurel....ever has children....you will still love them as a grandfather, won't you?"
Father Dorn:
"Of course!" he laughs.
Xath Thunderheart:
Xath sighs with relief. "Some how, that makes me feel infinitely better."
Father Dorn:
"I'm glad to have set your heart at ease."
Xath Thunderheart:
She kisses him on the cheek.


Justice, Xath, L'Aurel, and Henry T-1

After a few hours of hugging and crying with the other ladies of KoA, Justice walks to the bed of the family and strangers that invaded their quarters that evening...

Gently, she shakes the young boy. She puts on her best motherly smile "I hate to wake you... but, we would like to ask you some questions, young man."

His eyes open. Bloodshot, unfocused, he gazes around the room, at best half-aware of his surroundings. He makes a noise, probably a question, but not recognizable as words.

He sits up, cradling his head in his hands for a moment. Shaking it violently, almost as if trying to banish whatever terror had taken up residence in his mind, he looks up. Looking small, hurt, and weak, he tries to smile. "I'm a-a-at you're service, my lady," he stutters, sketching a bow without standing.

She smiles at him as encouragingly as she can muster... "What is your name, young sir?"

With what she hopes is a gentle and reassuring smile, L'Aurel quietly moves a small table over placing some berries (good berries) and a glass/mug of water on it so it is within the boys reach. Then feeling the cool night air trying to invade the crowded room she places another few logs on the fire in Justice's converted hospital room. Finally returning to sit in a chair by AA's sister's side, checking her comfort and health. For now L'Aurel will simply listen letting the others coax the information out of the boy.

M-m-my name is Henry. Henry Hansberry..." he says.

"Henry... I know these are painful memories... but, can you tell me when you were captured?" Justice asks.

"I-I-I don't know. It seems like yesterday....It feels like an eternity ago..." he says.

Xath rings to Justice and L’Aurel, "He's an Aturan noble."

"They came to the castle, through the gates - someone let them in! I remember father screaming, mother crying... It was warm...that's all I remember!" he sobs, suddenly seeming a little boy once more.

Justice moves closer to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders letting him cry. Softly she whispers, "It will be okay-- we are here to keep you safe, Henry." Stroking his back, she waits for him to calm before asking any more questions.

After a few moments, he catches his breath. Smearing his tears across his face as he drags his arm over his eyes, you can tell he's trying to look brave. "I'm sorry. Father would be ashamed of me, crying in front of women. I-I-I..." his voice hitches, but he continues. "I am the Baron Atur. Tears are below me."

Xath smiles over at him from her seat by the fire. "Well," she said. "You can trust us not to tell."

"Tears are below no man-- especially a man that has been through what you have, Henry." Justice reaches into her night stand and produces a beautiful handkerchief, embroidered with her initials. "Here," she says, handing it to Henry. "Do you know what direction your captors took you?"

He looks back, gratefully, at the two beautiful women hovering over him. Wiping his eyes on the kerchief that Justice gave him, he continues, his voice gaining strength, "I don't where they took me - but it took a long time, and they kept me in the dark for almost all of it, except when they fed me. There was a man who told me I was special, and that I was going to do something important – many important things! - for the king." He turns away, gazing down at his feet, "But why would the king want to hurt my mother and father? Why would the king want to hurt me?"

"The king's actions are for a different discussion, Baron Atur." Justice says, allowing her motherly tone to lapse slightly—sounding less soft-- but, still encouraging and warm. "This man that told you you were special... what did he look like?"

"I never saw him - not really. He only spoke to me from the darkness." He says.

"Can you describe his voice? Was it unique in any particular way?" she asks.

"He laughed. He laughed all the time!" he says.

"What things did he say made you special, Henry?" she asks him.

"He didn't say - I thought it was because I was a Baron...do you think it was something else?"
"I cannot say what it was, Henry." She says. *ring to Xath: "Can we find his family tree? maybe his blood is more than simply noble?*

"Tell me, Henry, do you know who your father appointed to take his place if a disaster took place?" Justice rings to Xath-- do you think it is possible to get a family tree for this family?*

"There was no one - we sent messages, pleading for aid - but there was no one to help. They came from the sea, they came from the sky. They filled the streets with blood, and with screams." His face tightens, and he pleads, "please don't make me remember any more!"

Xath rings to Justice. [ring] "Perhaps the library will hold such information. However, if the king eliminated all of the nobles, he would be able to appoint whoever he chose in their place."

Pain fills Justice's eyes... she has witnessed the scene Henry described-- all of the members of the circle had. "We are only trying to gain all the information we can, we mean no harm." Smiling at him, she rests her hand on the side of his face, "I know it hurts to remember, but your memories can help us fight the people that did this to your family."

He looks up, earnestly, his gaze alternately boring into Xath and Justice's eyes. "I stabbed one, you know? I took my fathers sword, and I pushed it as hard as I could into it's back. I always told father I wanted to be a warrior - but ever since then, since they grabbed me, and took me...I have had nightmares. So many swords into so many people...I was wrong to want to kill, wasn't I? Even to kill the bad dragon-men? The Light is punishing me, isn't it?"

Shaking her head, Justice replys, "No. You were not wrong to kill him. You were very right. They are evil, evil creatures. I have killed quite a few myself," she looks at L'Aurel and Xath, "All three of us have."
L'aurel still away from the two women and the small boy through the rings asks, “Does he remember the Black shard? Remeber this is not pleasant... go easy on poor boy. We could wake the other two see what stories over lap as well?"
Xath looked over to her friend and messaged her. [ring] Perhaps we should only wake them one at a time. Together, they might trigger memories in each other, and I don't think they're quite ready for that."

Justice *ring* I agree with Xath. We need to take this slowly. "Henry, do you remember seeing any normal humans amongst the dragon people?" she said aloud.

'"There were a few. The ones that opened the gates - let them in - they were my fathers men! Or at least I thought they were...."

"What sorts of creatures were there, Henry?" Justice asks.

"Dragonmen - snake men, too. Giants! Dragons! And regular people, too. They took us by surprise...disguised themselves as father's men. Some of the people ran - but most of them died, or were captured. I don't know what happened after that. That's when they took me, when I fell asleep - when I started having the dreams."

"What happened in your dreams?" Justice asks.

"Just like I said! Killing! Always killing! Blades through skin and scales...always in the shadows, always in the darkness. It felt like the dream went on forever! Why couldn't I just wake up?"

"But, do you remember anything specific, Henry? Think very hard. Anybody’s face, name? Any place?"

"Not from my nightmare, not from my dreams."

"Do you remember anything about a black stone, Henry?" Justice asks.

At the mention of a black stone, he cringes, hiding his face in the blankets you've provided for him. "He wore it around his neck! The man in my nightmares! he opened his hand, and part of the stone fell off, and he gave it to...something....something holding me, something behind me. It was cold! It felt so cold!"

Xath turns to him. “Henry, I know this is difficult, but you can see the stone around his neck. If you look up from his neck, what does his face look like?

"He was smiling. He looked kind, but now I know it was only a lie...his eyes were black, shadowed..."

”Look at his face, Henry.” Xath pressed. “What does he look like? Can you remember his hair, eyes...any features?

"Black eyes!" he says. "Black eyes, deepset in his face. Brown hair, long. STOP MAKING ME REMEMBER!" he cries.

Xath moves over to Henry's bedside and holds him to her. "It's allright, it's allright" she says. "You've been very helpful. You only need to remember as much as you want to right now."

*Justice ring to Xath-- "Careful... asking him about this man is what caused him to break down earlier."* Leaning forward, Justice whispers to him, "You are being very brave, Henry. Very brave indeed. You have truly helped us." Pulling the blankets up towards his chin, she fluffs his pillow. "You should get some more sleep. We will speak with you again, soon."

Turning to her friends, "Let him sleep. We will speak with the others, now."

Xath nods. [ring] "Could he have been describing Tain?"

Justice *ring* "It could be Tain... his eyes are not black, though. At least, not normally. It could be any number of people. Nothing conclusive."

Xath [ring] It's more than we had though. And every little bit helps.

Justice *ring* "Unless we can see into his memory, we can draw no real conclusions."


Justice, Xath, L'Aurel, and Henry T-1

After a few hours of hugging and crying with the other ladies of KoA, Justice walks to the bed of the family and strangers that invaded their quarters that evening...

Gently, she shakes the young boy. She puts on her best motherly smile "I hate to wake you... but, we would like to ask you some questions, young man."

His eyes open. Bloodshot, unfocused, he gazes around the room, at best half-aware of his surroundings. He makes a noise, probably a question, but not recognizable as words.

He sits up, cradling his head in his hands for a moment. Shaking it violently, almost as if trying to banish whatever terror had taken up residence in his mind, he looks up. Looking small, hurt, and weak, he tries to smile. "I'm a-a-at you're service, my lady," he stutters, sketching a bow without standing.

She smiles at him as encouragingly as she can muster... "What is your name, young sir?"

With what she hopes is a gentle and reassuring smile, L'Aurel quietly moves a small table over placing some berries (good berries) and a glass/mug of water on it so it is within the boys reach. Then feeling the cool night air trying to invade the crowded room she places another few logs on the fire in Justice's converted hospital room. Finally returning to sit in a chair by AA's sister's side, checking her comfort and health. For now L'Aurel will simply listen letting the others coax the information out of the boy.

M-m-my name is Henry. Henry Hansberry..." he says.

"Henry... I know these are painful memories... but, can you tell me when you were captured?" Justice asks.

"I-I-I don't know. It seems like yesterday....It feels like an eternity ago..." he says.

Xath rings to Justice and L’Aurel, "He's an Aturan noble."

"They came to the castle, through the gates - someone let them in! I remember father screaming, mother crying... It was warm...that's all I remember!" he sobs, suddenly seeming a little boy once more.

Justice moves closer to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders letting him cry. Softly she whispers, "It will be okay-- we are here to keep you safe, Henry." Stroking his back, she waits for him to calm before asking any more questions.

After a few moments, he catches his breath. Smearing his tears across his face as he drags his arm over his eyes, you can tell he's trying to look brave. "I'm sorry. Father would be ashamed of me, crying in front of women. I-I-I..." his voice hitches, but he continues. "I am the Baron Atur. Tears are below me."

Xath smiles over at him from her seat by the fire. "Well," she said. "You can trust us not to tell."

"Tears are below no man-- especially a man that has been through what you have, Henry." Justice reaches into her night stand and produces a beautiful handkerchief, embroidered with her initials. "Here," she says, handing it to Henry. "Do you know what direction your captors took you?"

He looks back, gratefully, at the two beautiful women hovering over him. Wiping his eyes on the kerchief that Justice gave him, he continues, his voice gaining strength, "I don't where they took me - but it took a long time, and they kept me in the dark for almost all of it, except when they fed me. There was a man who told me I was special, and that I was going to do something important – many important things! - for the king." He turns away, gazing down at his feet, "But why would the king want to hurt my mother and father? Why would the king want to hurt me?"

"The king's actions are for a different discussion, Baron Atur." Justice says, allowing her motherly tone to lapse slightly—sounding less soft-- but, still encouraging and warm. "This man that told you you were special... what did he look like?"

"I never saw him - not really. He only spoke to me from the darkness." He says.

"Can you describe his voice? Was it unique in any particular way?" she asks.

"He laughed. He laughed all the time!" he says.

"What things did he say made you special, Henry?" she asks him.

"He didn't say - I thought it was because I was a Baron...do you think it was something else?"
"I cannot say what it was, Henry." She says. *ring to Xath: "Can we find his family tree? maybe his blood is more than simply noble?*

"Tell me, Henry, do you know who your father appointed to take his place if a disaster took place?" Justice rings to Xath-- do you think it is possible to get a family tree for this family?*

"There was no one - we sent messages, pleading for aid - but there was no one to help. They came from the sea, they came from the sky. They filled the streets with blood, and with screams." His face tightens, and he pleads, "please don't make me remember any more!"

Xath rings to Justice. [ring] "Perhaps the library will hold such information. However, if the king eliminated all of the nobles, he would be able to appoint whoever he chose in their place."

Pain fills Justice's eyes... she has witnessed the scene Henry described-- all of the members of the circle had. "We are only trying to gain all the information we can, we mean no harm." Smiling at him, she rests her hand on the side of his face, "I know it hurts to remember, but your memories can help us fight the people that did this to your family."

He looks up, earnestly, his gaze alternately boring into Xath and Justice's eyes. "I stabbed one, you know? I took my fathers sword, and I pushed it as hard as I could into it's back. I always told father I wanted to be a warrior - but ever since then, since they grabbed me, and took me...I have had nightmares. So many swords into so many people...I was wrong to want to kill, wasn't I? Even to kill the bad dragon-men? The Light is punishing me, isn't it?"

Shaking her head, Justice replys, "No. You were not wrong to kill him. You were very right. They are evil, evil creatures. I have killed quite a few myself," she looks at L'Aurel and Xath, "All three of us have."
L'aurel still away from the two women and the small boy through the rings asks, “Does he remember the Black shard? Remeber this is not pleasant... go easy on poor boy. We could wake the other two see what stories over lap as well?"
Xath looked over to her friend and messaged her. [ring] Perhaps we should only wake them one at a time. Together, they might trigger memories in each other, and I don't think they're quite ready for that."

Justice *ring* I agree with Xath. We need to take this slowly. "Henry, do you remember seeing any normal humans amongst the dragon people?" she said aloud.

'"There were a few. The ones that opened the gates - let them in - they were my fathers men! Or at least I thought they were...."

"What sorts of creatures were there, Henry?" Justice asks.

"Dragonmen - snake men, too. Giants! Dragons! And regular people, too. They took us by surprise...disguised themselves as father's men. Some of the people ran - but most of them died, or were captured. I don't know what happened after that. That's when they took me, when I fell asleep - when I started having the dreams."

"What happened in your dreams?" Justice asks.

"Just like I said! Killing! Always killing! Blades through skin and scales...always in the shadows, always in the darkness. It felt like the dream went on forever! Why couldn't I just wake up?"

"But, do you remember anything specific, Henry? Think very hard. Anybody’s face, name? Any place?"

"Not from my nightmare, not from my dreams."

"Do you remember anything about a black stone, Henry?" Justice asks.

At the mention of a black stone, he cringes, hiding his face in the blankets you've provided for him. "He wore it around his neck! The man in my nightmares! he opened his hand, and part of the stone fell off, and he gave it to...something....something holding me, something behind me. It was cold! It felt so cold!"

Xath turns to him. “Henry, I know this is difficult, but you can see the stone around his neck. If you look up from his neck, what does his face look like?

"He was smiling. He looked kind, but now I know it was only a lie...his eyes were black, shadowed..."

”Look at his face, Henry.” Xath pressed. “What does he look like? Can you remember his hair, eyes...any features?

"Black eyes!" he says. "Black eyes, deepset in his face. Brown hair, long. STOP MAKING ME REMEMBER!" he cries.

Xath moves over to Henry's bedside and holds him to her. "It's allright, it's allright" she says. "You've been very helpful. You only need to remember as much as you want to right now."

*Justice ring to Xath-- "Careful... asking him about this man is what caused him to break down earlier."* Leaning forward, Justice whispers to him, "You are being very brave, Henry. Very brave indeed. You have truly helped us." Pulling the blankets up towards his chin, she fluffs his pillow. "You should get some more sleep. We will speak with you again, soon."

Turning to her friends, "Let him sleep. We will speak with the others, now."

Xath nods. [ring] "Could he have been describing Tain?"

Justice *ring* "It could be Tain... his eyes are not black, though. At least, not normally. It could be any number of people. Nothing conclusive."

Xath [ring] It's more than we had though. And every little bit helps.

Justice *ring* "Unless we can see into his memory, we can draw no real conclusions."

Voidrunner's Codex

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