Knife of Dreams - SPOILERS!


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Orius said:
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. The White Tower seems absolutely rife with lesbianism. Moiraine did it, Siuan did it, Elaida did it, practically half of them seem to have done it.

Actually, it's not that wierd if you consider Aes Sedai arrogance. It's hard to feel an emotional bond with somebody who you consider your inferior. Kind of like the ancient greeks felt about women :p .

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iwatt said:
Forgot about Faile and Rhuarc. But Nyaneve and Elayne specifically don't know (Birgitte spelled this out in Ebou Dar).

Birgitte beleives they don't know. She is incorrect. Moiraine talked about Mat blowing the Horn of Valere in front of Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve (and possibly Aviendha, I don't remember if she was there or not) at the end of The Dragon Reborn.


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drothgery said:
Birgitte beleives they don't know. She is incorrect. Moiraine talked about Mat blowing the Horn of Valere in front of Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve (and possibly Aviendha, I don't remember if she was there or not) at the end of The Dragon Reborn.

Ah, I'd forgotten about that part. Part and parcel of all the secrets and mysteries everybody keeps from everyone else. :\


iwatt said:
Actually, it's not that wierd if you consider Aes Sedai arrogance. It's hard to feel an emotional bond with somebody who you consider your inferior. Kind of like the ancient greeks felt about women :p .

Good point, not to mention the fact that few men want to be with an Aes Sedai to begin with. Also, they do try to discourage novices from thinking too much about boys because they don't want them to get pregnant while training, maybe that has something to do with it too.


First Post
Orius said:
Good point, not to mention the fact that few men want to be with an Aes Sedai to begin with.

Alos, form Toveine's POV (she's one of Logain's wenches ;) ) she preferred young boys to men. Kinda of like men who like young girls :\ I'm guessing the WT is rife with sexual disfunction.

By the way, you'd think everybody in Randland would be more promiscous giving the apparent availabilty and good track record of birth control herbs. ;)

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