Knights of the Scarlet Woman

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And the knights are not raping the women. They are kidnapping them and educating them for sexual freedom. The women can choose among the many knights of the order. It is just chastity that is forbidden.

"We're not gonna rape you, but if you choose not to have sex we're gonna rape you."

Goddamn that is some crazy cognitive dissonance.

You know what sexual freedom encompasses? The freedom to say no.

Although I thought that gamers were a leg up on the rest of society. I really did.


oh my god I can't breath
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The order regularly kidnaps beautiful women who would otherwise have been caged in the prison of chastity. The women are educated (and brainwashed if necessary)
What can be said about the morality of this controversial order? That, dear reader, is for you to judge.

What do you think?

Without a doubt, evil. Probably neutral evil.

Elf Witch

First Post
Where to start. First the idea that choosing to be chaste is some how unnatural is just ludicrous.

There are a lot of reasons people choose to be chaste here are just a few.

Elite athletes often forgo sex while they are training.

Some people prefer to have sex only when they are in a committed relationship.

Some people are grieving the loss of a loved one and don't desire sex with a new person at this time.

Some woman don't desire sex for awhile after the birth of a child.

Some view abstinence as a way to get closer to god. Or to improve the mind like some monks.

So your knights would force woman to have sex even if they have a reason for choosing abstinence like they want to concentrate on their spirituality or becoming better warriors? Or they want to to only have sex with a man they love or a woman for that matter?

And if the woman didn't want it she is not allowed to say no she has to have sex the only choice she has is with who. And if she does not then she is coerced with magic. And you can't see that is a form of rape.

You are right these are some evil SOBs and there should be a bunch of paladins in the world ready to do battle and take this group down.

I don't have an issue with a group like this in a DnD world as long as you portray them as the evil folk they are.

I find it disturbing that you really can't see that what you are saying is not only extremely offensive to people who believe in sexual freedom but a little scary as well.

I can understand because of your youth that you might not have a lot of experience with woman. Let me explain something to you about how some woman view sex. For some woman sex outside of a relationship is not something they enjoy. For a lot of woman sex is both a physical and emotional thing as well. The way woman's bodies are built they don't have as easy a time reaching climax as men do. Part of this has to do with the fact that enjoying sex for woman has nothing to do with conception.

For woman a lot of trust in their partner and being able to relax enough to enjoy sex is needed to reach climax which is kind of hard to do with someone you don't know.

Your knighthood has taken love and trust out of the equation for these woman. These woman would not view these men as liberators but as monsters.

the Jester

And the knights are not raping the women. They are kidnapping them and educating them for sexual freedom. The women can choose among the many knights of the order. It is just chastity that is forbidden.

So they aren't raping them- as long as they submit to rape first. Great.

Try this: Imagine that this were a real world group, then imagine how the authorities would treat them.

(Hint: As an organization dedicated to kidnapping and gang-raping.)

Still waiting for the non-coercive spell that will make me have sex with you, btw.

The problem here (to echo someone upthread) is that you insist on defending rape as not-rape. Please, if you ever ask a girl on a date, discuss this with her and get her take on it BEFORE you ask her, and see how she responds.

The symbol of this knighthood is a nymph and a succubus making out so that should have shed some light on where I stand.

In real life I support gay marriage, even though I think homosexuality is unnatural (not lesbianism mind you, just homosexuality.)

In the game, this organization would frown upon men having sexual relationships with one another although women would be fully free and encouraged to do so.

Huh? The status of male-male and female-female relationships are the same. You can't have one being natural and one being unnatural.

Furthermore, lesbianism *IS* homosexuality!


First Post
Where to start. First the idea that choosing to be chaste is some how unnatural is just ludicrous.

There are a lot of reasons people choose to be chaste here are just a few.

Elite athletes often forgo sex while they are training.

Some people prefer to have sex only when they are in a committed relationship.

Some people are grieving the loss of a loved one and don't desire sex with a new person at this time.

Some woman don't desire sex for awhile after the birth of a child.

Some view abstinence as a way to get closer to god. Or to improve the mind like some monks.

So your knights would force woman to have sex even if they have a reason for choosing abstinence like they want to concentrate on their spirituality or becoming better warriors? Or they want to to only have sex with a man they love or a woman for that matter?

And if the woman didn't want it she is not allowed to say no she has to have sex the only choice she has is with who. And if she does not then she is coerced with magic. And you can't see that is a form of rape.

You are right these are some evil SOBs and there should be a bunch of paladins in the world ready to do battle and take this group down.

I don't have an issue with a group like this in a DnD world as long as you portray them as the evil folk they are.

I find it disturbing that you really can't see that what you are saying is not only extremely offensive to people who believe in sexual freedom but a little scary as well.

I can understand because of your youth that you might not have a lot of experience with woman. Let me explain something to you about how some woman view sex. For some woman sex outside of a relationship is not something they enjoy. For a lot of woman sex is both a physical and emotional thing as well. The way woman's bodies are built they don't have as easy a time reaching climax as men do. Part of this has to do with the fact that enjoying sex for woman has nothing to do with conception.

For woman a lot of trust in their partner and being able to relax enough to enjoy sex is needed to reach climax which is kind of hard to do with someone you don't know.

Your knighthood has taken love and trust out of the equation for these woman. These woman would not view these men as liberators but as monsters.

I'm with you minus the "youth thing" his age has nothing to do with it. In fact most people in my age group (I am 22) have a lot of experience dealing with women in every fashion especially in a social aspect. High Schools are fairly equal in their distribution of male and female in classes and extracurricular activities nowadays.

Everything you said was spot on though, but his age has allotted him enough interaction with the female side of humanity for that to have no effect on his development of those...opinions.

I am mainly defending his age because I am not far off from his age but have a LOT more experience with women seeing as how 99% of my friends are women.
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I don't see how this should be scary since I do not advocate this sort of thing in real life.

I am not defending rape as not-rape.

I am aware that this organization is evil, although the knighthood does not believe itself to be evil.

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