Knights of the Scarlet Woman

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Please roll a Spellcraft.

For those of you who succeeded, I have begun casting Call Lightning.

Here we go.

At what age are "women" "expected" (forced) to begin having sex? In other words, what age is old enough for "consent"?


First Post
What exactly is a non-coercive enchantment spell that will make sure someone has sex with another person?

And if you have to magic them into doing it, how much freedom would they actually be exercising when they do it?


Consent depends on the relative age of the man and the woman. If a woman is an adult, (18) then she can have sex with any man regardless of his age. (except children)

Then there is the case of teenagers. Teenagers if they are within relatively the same age category would also be allowed and encouraged to have sex. (For instance a 13 yr. old girl and a 15 year old boy.)

Seducing children on the part of adults would be severely punished in the knighthood.
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the Jester

Let's agree to disagree.



You are saying the equivalent of "Let's agree to disagree- you think if I take your money it's theft, but it isn't to me!"

Or how about, "I know you think that if I stab you in the face it is assault, but let's agree to disagree."

That is where the knighthood has recourse to non-coercive enchantment spells.

Ahh, I begin to see the issue: your definition of "consent" and "coercion" are far removed from, you know, those used by reasonable people.

In the same "non-coercive" vein, I suppose your knights could bring a maiden to a torture chamber, explain the uses of all the tools and then ask her who she want to bang and that's not coercion either?

Seriously- you do not seem to have any idea at all about the nature of consent. Your "non-coercive enchantments" are the magical equivalent of roofies. You know that you will go straight to jail for slipping some hottie roofies and sexing her up, right? Do you really not see the equivalence?

There is ABSOLUTELY. NO. WAY. you can paint what this order of knights you are describing is doing as anything but institutionalized mass gang rape.


What exactly is a non-coercive enchantment spell that will make sure someone has sex with another person?

And if you have to magic them into doing it, how much freedom would they actually be exercising when they do it?

An enchantment spell that does not involve intimidation, beatings etc.

Jester, I fully aware that this knighthood is evil. (Although I think they are doing a service to women.)

I am simply arguing from their side. My arguments are how they see it.

I do not advocate using drugs to rape anyone. That is evil, deplorable and such people should be executed.


First Post
I'm not asking about a broad definition. What spell. You have to get this girl enchanted in order to have sex with someone, without using coercion. What spell do you cast?

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