Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [OOC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I'll be done once we have finished the items. Can you also post total XP Akos gets for destroying feybane and other items?
Actually, I just calculate (sell value)/3 for the remaining items in addition to what you posted earlier?
I notice this is a considerable chunk of change - I could have filled all my remaining slots :( da:rant:n the story reasons! :D

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World of Kulan DM
I'll be done once we have finished the items. Can you also post total XP Akos gets for destroying feybane and other items?
Actually, I just calculate (sell value)/3 for the remaining items in addition to what you posted earlier?
I notice this is a considerable chunk of change - I could have filled all my remaining slots :( da:rant:n the story reasons! :D
What I posted earlier already takes into account all of the cold iron weapons. The only thing not included there is the XP for destroying the doppelganger's periapt. I made it a medium item with a CL of 10. So, that is another 1,000 XP for a total of 2,527 XP.


World of Kulan DM

With the added XP allocated to the PCs from the extra amount left after Tuck went up a level (+952 XP), that means Akos has a total of 44,738 XP, but I'm going to bump it up to 45,000 XP. That makes Akos 10th level.


World of Kulan DM
Updated XP Totals
Akos: 45,000
Falen: 36,000
Rockhorn: 22,205 (bumped up to 23,000)
Tymbeck: 36,000
Vincenzo: 45,127
Custodio: 31,859 (bumped up to 32,000)
Tuck: 36,000
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World of Kulan DM
For Rockhorn, 8th level is 28,000
Yes, but since he started with bloodline levels, I'm not willing to bump him up that high.

I've decided to bump Rockhorn's XP up to 23,000. Custodio's XP, as well, will now be set at 32,000 going forward.

Nice round numbers. :)

EDIT: And I just realized I still have to add Vitus to my XP spreadsheet. :rolleyes:


World of Kulan DM
So, starting at Stormgrove Manor just before noon the next day, here are the starting XP totals for the Exemplars.

Akos: 45,000
Falen: 36,000
Rockhorn: 23,000
Tymbeck: 36,000
Vincenzo: 45,127
Vitus: 28,000
Custodio: 32,000
Tuck: 36,000

Nice round numbers to start fresh, except for Vinny who already had the extra 127 XP.


World of Kulan DM
BTW, I'm going to be up and writing 'DM stuff' for Bluffside for at least another half an hour, maybe an hour. I can't promise I'll reply tonight, but if you guys (who are awake) have any quick questions, then post them here and I'll try to give short answers before heading to bed.

If not, I'll talk to you guys either late tomorrow night or on Monday.

EDIT: Off to bed.
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