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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 4- The Second Invasion)

Deuce Traveler

The party travels in front of more than a thousand refugees, members of the Dorinthian cavalry, and militia men. It's a long journey north back to the town of Meristra, where the remnants of Dorinthian civilization have begun to rebuild their home. The trip is uneventful, although several times scouts report seeing humanoids such as goblins and even the occasional gnoll, although all such creatures are intelligent enough to avoid a force this large. The going is slow at first, as there are a number of sick or aged people in your sizeable band, but as you get closer to your destination you find the general excitement causes an increase in daily speed.

Finally, the small army of refugees and soldiers enters the outskirts to the Silver Forest and the thin, overgrown trail to the Dorinthian town. The party leads the group, but pulls back into a halt when they see four elves approach on horses, their appearances grim. The leader calls out, "Halt Dorinthians! We are here to speak to the misguided one, Kelnian As'Tayal. I have here a scroll for his eyes only." So saying, he takes a scroll from his hands and extends it outwards towards the sole elf in your company.

The elven priest, Kel, raises a curious eyebrow and steps forward to take the parchement into his hands. While being haughtily examined by his fellows, he breaks the seal on the document and begins to read. After a few minutes of taking in the scroll's contents, Kel's shoulders sag as if a great weight were put upon them. He walks back towards the party and explains, "The Tallione Empire is now aware that the remnants of the Dorinthian kingdom have been rescued by the elves of Silver Forest and are now threatening reprisals unless the refugees are given up. The Elven Council has reported to my people that their defensive forces are barely adequate to withstand an attack. This has caused a backlash againt the Sol'vi Elustru faction in the council, which had been your main supporters. This alone wouldn't have been enough to throw the political situation into chaos, but it seems that your own Baron Dorin has proclaimed that Meristra is going to be renamed New Dorinth in a ceremony next week, and has said words to the effect of starting a reborn kingdom here in the western edge of Silver Forest. The implications of this has completely reshaped the way most elves now see the refugees, and most opinions have turned greatly negative."

"The political attacks have been so heated that a change has taken place. Sol'vi Elustru has been greatly diminished in power, but so has my own pro-neutrality political faction, House Rela. House Dran, a group that wants to better ties with the Empire (or at least to placate them) and speaks of removing the refugees from the Silver Forest, has gained many seats. Strangely, so has the Magi, a group of wizards on the council that believes in ceasing all relations with non-elves and increasing efforts in defense. All diplomatic ties to the Dorinthians have been halted for the time being and the ambassadors recalled. Silas Generwine* and I have been asked by House Rela to come and speak in the council in your defense. I doubt Silas* will have anything good to say. I, on the other hand, seem to be your defending attorney."
Kel says this with a worried smirk before reaching for the hands of his companions in order to clasp one last time. He gives a comforting squeeze to Rix's shoulder, though the kobold simply looks at the other elves bitterly and says nothing. In a fit of emotion, Alexander gives the elf a strong hug, then they both say short prays to the Rider before Kel mounts a horse, joins his fellow elves, and rides to the east.

*Silas Generwine is the elven co-ambassador to the Dorinthians, not to be confused with Silas Eyrstan the Caernite (PC).
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Dartis holds Kel's hand a moment and pulls him close, "Remember the winged elves my friend. May the Rider bless your journey"

Dartis watches the elves leave.
"The harder the road for the Rider, the more joyous the homecoming" intones Dartis, invoking an ancient saying of Dorinthia.

"Well there is nothing more we can do but wait for the counsel to make it's decree. They did not say our permission to travel through the forest was revoked. In the mean time, we have families who are seperated. Let us join all of Dorinthia, even if we must then move again." says Dartis sadly.

"Let us ride to rejoin our people!" cries Dartis and signals for the group to continue.

Dartis rides up to Silas: "We must move cautiously through the political minefield that is laid before us Advisor. Hindsight says we should have left a more skilled politician behind, but what is done is done. I fear that this declaration was not done solely to boost morale. And worse it was done prematurely. We must let Kel do what he can, and see what the situation is in 'New Dorinth' before we can plan."


Ventus offers only a slight tilt of his head in farewell to the departing elf, having not gotten to know the cleric as much as his other companions. He watches the elves ride off, with a rather grim expression following Kel's explanation. So much for the hopes of finding a new home, not that he can expect much welcome among the Dorinthian's regardless. Still, the politics have gotten ugly, and it seems that the elves are quick to pass judgement. He shakes his head and remarks quietly to himself.

"'Misguided one' indeed. It is good to see they keep open minds."

He waits for the others to resume their journey and falls in beside them.


First Post
Fenris said:
[sblock=Barok and DT]

Dartis listens to Baroks words and is silent a moment.
"Then why are you here? Why not run after the Imperial column and die 'like a man'? Why not go and through your life away if you have lost so much and are seeking death?

And truley then why did you lead the refugees back to the hills? Dorinthia is lost only when we allow Her to be. You are right that this is not the time for tears, but neither of wtaer nor of blood. Nor is it time for vengance. That time will come. But if you truley have lost hope, then leave us, seek your death as you wish and find vengance as you can.

But I think there is more to you Barok. Some compassion must still dwell within you. Some pride of being Dorinthian. Why else would you lead those people to safety if 'her people are murdered or in chains, her towns and fields are ashes inhabited only by beasts and ghosts' ?

So long as I draw breath I will seek to protect Dorinthia and her people, no matter where the live. If you cannot understand that I pity you. And I will not have you compromising the future of Dorinthia. A fool I may be, but that hope is all those refugees have, and I will not fail them.

Your choice is your own. I will release you from any obilgation the Dorinthian army holds you to. But can you ever free yourself from the obligations you owe it the army and to Dorinthia?"

And Dartis turns and walks away to leave Barok to his thoughts. [/sblock]

Barok looks at the departing nobleman in awe for the briefest of moments before shaking it off. ...Bloody politician , he mumbles quietly to himself.

Deuce Traveler said:
After recognizing Nikolos' healing abilities, and his interest in Dorinthia's side of the story, the party invites the priest to join them and see the Dorinthian people for himself. The offer is too exciting to pass up, and his band increases your number.

Upon thinking on Dartis' words, Cal asks for an extra moment alone to talk to the dryad. She hadn't come from her tree for quite some time (not even for Barok), although as the group leaves and allows Cal a moment alone, you see her come forth once more to speak quietly with the man. What words are exchanged, you do not know, although Cal seems to have gained a necklace made of twined and somehow threaded leaves.

The party arrives as heroes once more in the dwarven kingdom, although even the dwarves seem to be slowing down on the alcohol and more appreciative of simple pleasures, such as drinking sips of water to alleviate morning headaches... soon the party, its ragtag army, and the rest of the refugees are supplied and on the way north.

OOC: Closing Chapter 3, the Imperials. Link to Chapter 4...

Barok stays oddly quiet on the way back, grumbling to himself occasionally about "Lying ungrateful bloody women."

Nikolos spends his time moving among the Dorinthians, using his healing skills, and when necessary the holy power of the Seeker, to deal with injuries, illness, and such other difficulties as he can help with. While doing so, and quite openly, he asks questions, and listens to the stories people are willing to tell. Each night of their travels, he spends hours with Gnaden, his scribe, dictating more of the account of the Dorinthian war.

(OOC:Healing +7 w/kit, Diplomacy +4, Sense Motive +6)


On the ride, Dartis finds time to ride with and speak with Nikolos

"So tell me historian. Why is it that the Tallione subjugated Craece and the halfling territories, but seek to completely erradicte Dorinthia, man, woman and child?"


First Post
Catamip Ashhearth

Like Nikolos she too fills her time with the refugees. Though instead of gathering tales from the elderly she finds herself immerse in countless blissful games with the children. She quite literally spends almost every waking hour runny around with any number of the children partaking in countless of their games. Then just when the sun would set, she would go to every parent of every child she gamed with and tell them how much fun they had.

Fenris said:
On the ride, Dartis finds time to ride with and speak with Nikolos

"So tell me historian. Why is it that the Tallione subjugated Craece and the halfling territories, but seek to completely erradicte Dorinthia, man, woman and child?"

Nikolos doesn't answer immediately, as he marshals his thoughts. After a time, he says, "In truth, I don't know. I can hazard a guess, and that would be two-fold. In the case of Craece, our culture had largely lost its first vigor, and we were divided into many factions, split by old disagreements, and far more interested in debates of philosophy then maintaining our mutual defense. In short, the Talliones very likely didn't see us as a threat to their very existence. We never crushed Tallione legions, as your people have done. The halflings too were a fairly easy target, and no true threat to the Empire. Your folk, on the other hand...your rather unfortunate excuse for a king aside, Dorinthia was the only force in the known lands that could truly threaten to defeat the Empire, in the long term. Dorinthia is a strong nation of warriors. Tallione is in many ways absorbing Craecian culture all too well. Your king weakened your nation, and simultaneously allowed the halflings to stage against the Empire, providing an excuse for war. As for the slaughter...I can only say that the Empire of this age is corrupt, sick at its core in many ways...and a threat, however distant, to the Empire can expect no mercy in these dark days."

Deuce Traveler

As you enter outskirts of the newly named town of New Dorinth, many of the locals rush up to greet the party enthusiastically. Wisely, Cal sends some of his men to ride ahead and warn his father of the more than a thousand refugees that are about to flood the area. It is his daughter Syra Dorin and Kyle Radnal that respond, however, organizing the local priests to care for those who are sick and having some of the men from town set-up rows of tents as temporary housing on the southern edge of the town. Not everything runs smoothly, but there is at least some semblance of order.

The beautiful Syra goes to greet the party directly when things calm down, and gasps in shock when she sees Alexander and Rix being helped along and on crutches. She orders them to be helped to the administrative building where Baron Dorin has made his living quarters to save housing space. She ignores Alexander's protests, and gives him a quick smile and a squeeze on his arm before heading back to direct the efforts in taking care of the refugees.

Silas, along with the town mage Hector and his apprentice Fineas, go from place to place casting magic to mend ropes and torn canvas. Now that her secret was out Danica openly uses her message to help with the organization of supplies as a personal assistant to Kyle Radnal. Dartis and Cal help with organizing the regular soldiers to help, and to help diffuse their stepping over the town guard efforts, since those men are performing their own tasks as directed by Radnal. Ventus keeps close to these two men, but feels unsurprisingly isolated as the refugees are not excited over accepting his aid. At the advice of Cal, he changes temporarily into the civilian clothes of a Dorinthian farmer and finds his aid more welcome. Barok is also helpful, although the man suspiciously seems to find a way to help almost every available young woman. Nikolos is thought to be an oddity, although his healing powers diffuses and xenophobia on the part of the needy population and allows him a chance to continue his research. Most of the people, especially the local Laughphray gnome ambassadors, aren't sure what to make of the prankster, Caramip. Yet this foreign gnome seems to have a way of calming the children through this trying time. Within four days a semblance of normality descends upon the Dorinthians. By the sixth day, Kyle Radnal, with Barok's help, has organized the men from the new group of refugees into work details mostly dealing with clearing new land of trees with donated gnomish and dwarven axes, building new and temporary homes that will take weeks to construct, finding land suitable for farming for the coming season, and hunting and gathering for food in order to offset the depleting supplies. The gnomes and dwarves are still sending some food, but the withdrawal of aid from the elven lands has caused concern. That night, Baron Dorin declares that the next day there will be a social in celebration of the finding of more Dorinthians and the hope that others will be brought home. Although quite pleased with the recovery of more of his fellow people and the return of his son, the strain of authority is beginning to show in the slower walk of the Baron. In Fair Creek, the town practically ran itself and the previously shy lord spent most of his time walking his gardens and drinking socially with the local minor nobility. Although he has done a passing job, he was not meant to lead during the more trying times. That he has continued to do the best for his people, despite the wearing down of his health, has made them love him much more than they respect him. It's Syra and Kyle who they respect and look to leadership, however, the daughter of the baron surprisingly coming into her own.

The social commences the next day. The call for a feast was resisted, due to the concern over supplies. Still, there was enough alcohol to go around. Baron Dorin took the time to mingle with the population, while his son stood slightly behind and to his right while his daughter stood at his left. Alexander and Rix (usually seated because of their wounds), Silas, Dartis, and Danica were the guests of honor although Kel was greatly missed. Barok was allowed to join them at the head table, while Nikolos and Caramip mingled and told the amazed crowd that followed them tales about lands far away. After a week even Ventus was somewhat accepted, but only among the older soldiers who wanted to swap stories of fighting his fellows on the battlefield. Wisely, Ventus made sure of commenting on Dorinthian bravery that he had noticed while fighting their kin and avoided the more inflammatory events. If he was not at first liked, he was at least understood and respected as a fellow warrior.

Somewhere during the night, Dartis, Danica, Silas, Ventus, Barok, Caramip, and Nikolos all found themselves with a drink in hand and in conversation with one another. The party members all wore their equipment to show off as was requested by the baron. He insisted that the people should see their heroes in such gear as to make them more impressive and raise morale. It seems to have worked, and it felt nice to be able to get away from the questioning crowd and relax with fellow adventurers. As the other six listened to Caramip tell a joke that was falling flat, Danica felt a pull on her sleeve. Rix somehow managed to use his crutches to come alongside of her and say, "I went upstairs inside the administration building to get some privacy when I saw some movement in the forest to the north of the town. Let's flee this place, Danica. Your people might feel as if the worst is over for them, but if you've been paying attention to all the local rumors and politics you would know that everything outside of this sleepy town is chaos. Something has gone very wrong."

Before Danica can reply, you all hear a woman's scream to the north, which causes the crowd in the center of the town to grow quiet and listen with fear. Somewhere from the forest outside the town, a war horn is blown.


First Post
Barok, despite the bleak mood he's found himself in recently, begins gradually to enjoy town-life again as life begins to take on a semblance of normalcy. There were always some women who were impressed by a few scars, and being considered a "hero" didn't hurt. The food was not bad, and the wine was plentiful. Life was good, if you didn't look to closely.

Hearing the scream, Barok is not the first to rise (for that he is a bit too drunk) but instead says drily "If that's a Dryad I'm not lifting a finger."

ooc: Do we recognise what kind of horn it is? Imperial? Elven? Dorinthian?

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