D&D 5E List of All 33 Races in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains 33 races compiled from previous Dungeons & Dragons books.


  • Aarackocra
  • Assimar
  • Bugbear
  • Centaur
  • Changeling
  • Deep Gnome
  • Duergar
  • Eladrin
  • Fairy
  • Firbolg
  • Genasi, Air
  • Genasi, Earth
  • Genasi, Fire
  • Gennasi, Water
  • Githyanki
  • Githzerai
  • Goblin
  • Goliath
  • Harengon
  • Hobgoblin
  • Kenku
  • Kobold
  • Lizardfolk
  • Minotaur
  • Orc
  • Satyr
  • Sea Elf
  • Shadar Kai
  • Shifter
  • Tabaxi
  • Turtle
  • Triton
  • Yuan-ti

While reprinted, these races have all been updated to the current standard used by WotC for D&D races used in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, including a free choice of ability score increases (increase one by 2 points and another by 1 point; or increase three by 1 point), and small races not suffering a movement speed penalty.

The video below from Nerd Immersion delves into the races in more detail.


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Sure, but not due to physiology. So they'll will nonsensically be able to move as fast as creatures with similar physiology and twice the stride length.
The new lineage approach to races gets rid of a lot of the physiological differences (while keeping the supernatural differences) so at least it's consistent?

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5e changed business plan, specifically around publishing speed. Hasbro stockholder calls have praised D&D every single call for years, unlike what happened with 3.0 to 3.5 (link below). We really are in a different situation then that refresh.

I remember reading this when it came out. If I'm understanding you, you're saying (as we all know) that 5E has been committed to a slower release schedule which the stockholders approve, so why fix something that isn't broken and wait on a 6th edition? But as Monte Cook points out in the article you linked, rarely are the people that made decisions for the future still around when those decisions are implemented. Who's to say that the business plan can't change between the release of 5.5E and 6E if they think they can make even more money? Your guess and mine is as good as anyone else's but considering that traditionally an editions lifespan has been ~10 years and the coming 5.5E in 2024 would hit that mark making it plausible that 6E is already planned.

Small size creatures can effectively jump their height and then some. Physiological similarity with humans is unlikely to begin with.
Right - 5E (and D&D in general) paints things with a pretty broad brush and deals in some pretty odd abstractions in the interest of playability, so innate movement differentials of just 5'/turn seems like something not worth bothering with, I guess. YMMV.

Sadly, I think it's pretty clear that WotC does not care about that stuff anymore.
True. Now we have 20 STR Halflings who can one arm bench-press Minotaurs and Goliaths who are both rocking 8 STR. WITHOUT having any kind of divine blood in em.

Whats next: Non-BDSM Shadar-Kai and Drow?

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