One of the great things about the D&D 5E Monster Manual (a concept which I blatantly copied when creating the Bestiaries for WOIN) is the standardised NPC stat blocks which can be referenced by an adventure simply by bolding it. Volo's Guide to Monsters expands on that with a whole new bunch of NPC stat blocks, which I have listed below (thanks to @JohnnyZemo for kindly providing the list!)

One of the great things about the D&D 5E Monster Manual (a concept which I blatantly copied when creating the Bestiaries for WOIN) is the standardised NPC stat blocks which can be referenced by an adventure simply by bolding it. Volo's Guide to Monsters expands on that with a whole new bunch of NPC stat blocks, which I have listed below (thanks to @JohnnyZemo for kindly providing the list!)


Apprentice Wizard
Kraken Priest
Martial Arts Adept
Master Thief
War Priest
Warlock of the Archfey
Warlock of the Fiend
Warlock of the Great Old One

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I really, really hope they will add the generic animals (i.e Cow/Ox and Dolphin) and the NPC stats in the SRD. They might have to leave out some that represent PC options not in the SRD, but otherwise, they should go in. :)

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That's a great list! Is there any chance anyone has the Challenges of those various characters?

Abjurer 9 (13th level caster)
Apprentice Wizard 1/4 (1st level caster)
Archdruid 12 (18th level caster)
Archer 3
Bard 2 (4th level caster)
Blackguard 8 (10th level caster)
Champion 9
Conjurer 6 (9th level caster)
Diviner 8 (15th level caster)
Enchanter 5 (9th level caster)
Evoker 9 (12th level caster)
Illusionist 3 (7th level caster)
Kraken Priest 5
Martial Arts adept 3
Master thief 5
necromancer 9 (12th level caster)
swashbuckler 3
transmuter 5 (9th level caster)
war priest 9 (9th level caster)
warlock of archefey 4 (11th level caster)
warlock of fiend 7 (17th level caster)
warlock of great old one 6 (14th level caster)
warlord 12


That's a great list! Is there any chance anyone has the Challenges of those various characters?
EDIT: Ninja'd by [MENTION=15700]Sacrosanct[/MENTION].

I'll just add that the warlord comes with legendary actions.


Aurochs CR 2
Cow CR 1/4
Dolphin CR 1/8
Swarm of Rot Grubs CR 1/2

The ox, rothé, and stench kow are all just presented as variants of the cow. (That is, they don't have full statblocks of their own.)
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Tony Vargas

War Priest
Warlock of the Archfey
Warlock of the Fiend
Warlock of the Great Old One
See? D&D is a Wargame

I'll just add that the warlord comes with legendary actions.
Seems appropriate, somehow. It should also have powers of censorship - both because it's a military dicator, and because it's mere mention can shutdown discussions in a forum. ;)

The ox, rothé, and stench kow are all just presented as variants of the cow. (That is, they don't have full statblocks of their own.)
I'd forgotten about the rothé, but I remember liking the idea of using it to fill in a link of a fantasy ecology food chain...


Seems appropriate, somehow. It should also have powers of censorship - both because it's a military dicator, and because it's mere mention can shutdown discussions in a forum. ;)

For the record, the warlord's legendary actions are:
Weapon Attack
Command Ally
Frighten Foe

I'd forgotten about the rothé, but I remember liking the idea of using it to fill in a link of a fantasy ecology food chain...
There are two types of rothé. The ordinary kind is just a cow with darkvision. The deep rothé, however, is Large only Medium, has more fewer hit points, has better darkvision, and can cast dancing lights at will.

The problem is that the knight has no spells or supernatural abilities, while the blackguard does.
It would be easy enough to take the blackguard statblock and convert it into another type of paladin, though. Its only "class" features are some basic paladin spells (no oathbreaker bonus spells) and a 1/rest use of the oathbreaker's Dreadful Aspect channel divinity power.

To make a devotion paladin, you could just take the blackguard, maybe tweak its spell list, and replace Dreadful Aspect with Sacred Weapon.

To make an ancients paladin, you could again tweak the blackguard's spell list and replace Dreadful Aspect with Nature's Wrath.

And so on ...
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LIt would be easy enough to take the blackguard statblock and convert it into another type of paladin, though. Its only "class" features are some basic paladin spells (no oathbreaker bonus spells) and a 1/rest use of the oathbreaker's Dreadful Aspect channel divinity power.

To make a devotion paladin, you could just take the blackguard, maybe tweak its spell list, and replace Dreadful Aspect with Sacred Weapon.

To make an ancients paladin, you could again tweak the blackguard's spell list and replace Dreadful Aspect with Nature's Wrath.

And so on ...

Good point. I'll have to do that.

Tony Vargas


For the record, the warlord's legendary actions are:
Weapon Attack
Command Ally
Frighten Foe
Wow, it doesn't take much to start a legend, does it?

There are two types of rothé. The ordinary kind is just a cow with darkvision. The deep rothé, however, is Large, has more hit points, has darkvision, and can cast dancing lights at will.
So, even the cows cast spells down here?

To be honest, they probably could have done something similar with all the wizards, instead of giving us a separate statblock for each one ...
Yeah, but they're not 'Paladins of the Coast.'

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