D&D 5E List the character types and level of your current 5E games


Moderator Emeritus
Something someone posted in another thread got me thinking about the make up of adventuring parties at various tables (or virtual tables) and was curious what people's groups look like in terms of class/lineage/level. So that's what this thread is about, very simple. . . If you are running the game, feel free to include anything you've noticed about running for such a combination of character types.

Group One: Alston & His Big Folk
  • Alston Turin: Forest Gnome Bard 5 (College of Valor)/Wizard 2 (Diviner)
  • Nora Darhk: Tiefling Ranger 3 / Sorcerer 4 (Wild Magic)
  • Rollo Snow: Orc-blood* Barbarian 5 (Berserker) / Fighter 2
  • Thron Greenman: Human Druid 7 (Circle of the Land: Swamp)
Group Two: Revenants of Saltmarsh
  • Grandinar the Exile: Mountain Dwarf Eldritch Knight 3 / Wizard 1
  • Lamech ben Nabal: Fey-Touched* Bard 4 (College of Lore)
  • Yaakov ibn Saruuma abu Dhana al-Deera: Human Paladin 4 (Oath of Charity)**
Group two also has an NPC ranger that travels with them - Moishe Pipik: Forest Gnome Ranger 3

* Orc-Blood and Fey-Touched are basically "half-orc" and "half-elf" respectively, except since orcs are extinct and elves are reclusive/disappeared, these are born to any human family that has that lineage in their past.

** A homebrewed variation on Oath of Devotion.
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All of my active games right now.

Group 1: The Nasty Boys (DM)

Nasty Ronnie - Human Cleric(War) 7
Dagon - Dwarf Barbarian (Ancestral Guardian) 7
Absolut Citron - Drow Necromancer* (Overmind) 7
Dedos Bangfuk - Human Savant** (Archaeologist) 7
Xikz Kabob - Human Warlock (Hexblade) 7

Group 2: Wyrm World (Player)

Sebastian Guilliame - Human Shaman ** (Spirit Warrior) 5
Vaimea - Halfling Druid (Shepherd) 5
Numpty Taters - Human Fighter (champion) 5
Ulysses - Human Savant** (Archaeologist) 5
Walnut - Halfling Warlock (Fey) 5
Ganko - Elf Artificer (Artillerist) 5
K'arn - Half-Orc Druid (Spores) 5

Group 3 - Strixhaven (DM)

Varsa - Human Cleric (Trickery) 1
Asli - Aasimar Artificer 1
Niamhem - Owlin Cardcaster*** 1
Ella - Fairy Ranger
Nox - Centaur Druid 1
Alister - Minotaur Occultist*** 1
Eman - Human Cleric (War) 1

Group 4 - Champions of the Raven Queen (Player)

Malachi Cross - Human Demigod**** 16
Dulgus - Dwarf Barbarian (Totem) 16
Azal Dazim - Human Druid (Wrath) 16
Rurik - Dward Fighter(Champion) 6/Paladin(Devotion) 10

Group 5 - The Saviors of Karrnath

Lazlowe Church (formerly Flygtig Blandig) Human (formerly gnome) Alchemist* (Mad Bomber) 13
Artemis - Human Necromancer* (Overmind) 13
Bizzle Millstone - Gnome Warmage* (Bishop) 13

Homebrew Sources
* - Mage Hand Press
** - Laserllama Homebrew
*** - En5ider
**** - Source Unknown

All of my active games right now.
WOW!! That's a lot of gaming. Do you play weekly in each game, or is it a mixture over the course of a month?

We're playing a 5E Midnight campaign and we have a human rogue and human paladin, both 1st level.

I played yesterday as DM for the first time in over 2 months for a little under 3 hours and that seemed like a lot to me. The hour and a half I spent putting together the adventure was more effort than I was expecting. Had to knock the rust off. Since the pandemic and having been on permanent disability since January of 2019, you'd be surprised how much the brain atrophies when you have no set schedule or nowhere to be and nothing to do on any regular basis. Hard to maintain concentration for more than more than a few minutes, but I'm looking forward to getting back into playing more often now.

Kingmaker 5E adaptation

Baron Cormac - Human Bard 11 (college of lore)
"Daisy" - Human Barbarian 11 (wild magic)
Brycen - Human Wizard 11 (divination)
Eugene - Half-elf Paladin 11 (vengeance)
Ulfar - Human Druid 11 (circle of land)

The players wanted a heavy dose of kingdom building and campaign politics, war, subterfuge, etc., and most opted for human to invest in that style of RP based on the setting itself being human-dominant. We started this around 1 1/2 years ago (slow advancement on purpose to enjoy our lower levels), and "Baron Cormac" is the only original character from level 1. Some died, some retired (roleplay reasons, e.g. to get married to an NPC and settle down). It's been the most RP heavy and complex campaign I've run in roughly 30 years of DMing. There hasn't been any real chatter about "optimizing" the group. They figure it out.

Craziest part is that these are folks I met when I moved states in 2019, and despite being mostly strangers who met in a game store, some who'd never played D&D before, we've clicked into something special. It's been a blast.

5e, RL only

Games I run:
Goliath samurai fighter 18 (heavy armor melee)
Wood elf kensei monk 16/rogue 2 (archer/melee)
Tortle fathomless warlock 18
Satyr creation bard 18 (she doesn't use any of the creation subclass features)
Half-elf vengeance paladin 18
Dropped out:
Dwarf zealot barbarian
Half orc armorer artificer
Dwarf life cleric

Other game (on hiatus due to RL for 2/4 players)
Human evoker wizard 5
Wood elf or half elf (don't recall) land druid 5
Human swashbuckler rogue 5
Human battlemaster fighter 5 (melee/heavy armor)

Games I play in:
Goliath Celestial Bladelockock 7/Fighter 1 (thief who's a warlock but is pretending to be a barbarian in the arena, it actually works really well)
Human Totem Barbarian 8 (PAM)

WOW!! That's a lot of gaming. Do you play weekly in each game, or is it a mixture over the course of a month?

We're playing a 5E Midnight campaign and we have a human rogue and human paladin, both 1st level.

I played yesterday as DM for the first time in over 2 months for a little under 3 hours and that seemed like a lot to me. The hour and a half I spent putting together the adventure was more effort than I was expecting. Had to knock the rust off. Since the pandemic and having been on permanent disability since January of 2019, you'd be surprised how much the brain atrophies when you have no set schedule or nowhere to be and nothing to do on any regular basis. Hard to maintain concentration for more than more than a few minutes, but I'm looking forward to getting back into playing more often now.
Every group expect group 3 is roughly every other week. Group 3 is about once a month.

Tomb of Annihilation
dragonborn paladin (oath of devotion) 9 [me]
warforged cleric (war?) 9
dragonborn fighter (Eldritch knight) 9
aarakorka fighter (champion) 9
elf Druid (circle of the land) 9

Homebrew world (PHB only)
dwarf rogue (assassin) 4
dwarf warlock (arch devil) 4
dragonborn fighter (champion) 4
Human druid (circle of the moon) 4
Human cleric (light) 4

Ghosts of Saltmarsh (ended) [was DM]
triton fighter (Battlemaster) 9
tiefling warlock (old one) 9
aasimar cleric (life) 9
kenku monk 1/wizard (necromancer) 8

Theros (on hold)
centaur cleric (nature) 7 [me]
lizardman ranger (???) 7
minotaur barbarian (zealot) 7

We're wrapping up our 5E Eberron campaign, and we currently have:
  • 14th level Warforged bard (lore),
  • 14th level Tiefling paladin (zeal)/sorcerer (wild magic)
  • 14th level Human (Mark of Making) wizard (abjuration)/fighter (eldritch knight)
  • 14th level Half-Orc cleric (life)
  • 14th level Orc barbarian (frenzy)

Group 1 - All 9th level (Homebrew/Dungeon of the Mad Mage/ Dragon Heist)
Human Fighter (Battle Master)
Human Cleric (War Domain)
Half-Elf Warlock (GOO)
Elf Wizard (War Magic)
Halfling Monk/Rogue/Assassin

Group 2 - All 3rd level (Candle Keep/Ghosts of Saltmarsh)
Firbolg Druid (Moon)
Dragonborn Bard (College of Spirits)
Gnome Sorcerer (Draconic)
Dragonborn Paladin (Oath of Glory)
Kobold Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
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(Greyhawk campaign):

Dane "skinner" Lazyleaf 7th level halfling Rogue (assassin)/ranger (gloomstalker)
Krumdor 7th level Dwarf Cleric (life)
Mervin Rottingham 7th Level Human Wizard (Diviner)
Sensei Twoblade 7th Level Human Bard (Blades)
Venavor Sand 7th level Elf Rogue (Swashbuckler)

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