Wizardry is associated with dusty libraries and mouldering tomes, but the school of Ecology proves that some are willing to get their hands dirty--by actually touching dirt. Their studies grant them both knowledge of the practical world and esoteric secrets overlooked by their shut-in brethren, uncovering the secret power of ley line magic.
Naturally Skilled
When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature skill. If you were already proficient in the Nature skill, you instead gain Expertise with Nature.
Ley Communion
Starting at 2nd level, you begin to uncover the secret power of ley lines. You can use your bonus action to tap into and commune with the nearest confluence, which provides the following benefits while you are communing with it, up to a maximum of 1 minute:
- If you have more than one spellcasting ability, such as from multiclassing with another spellcasting class, you may use the highest spellcasting ability modifier for all spell attack rolls, saving throws, and other effects which depend on spellcasting ability.
- You have advantage on the first Constitution save to maintain concentration that you make each round.
- You can select any one creature or object within 30 feet that you can see in the turn you activate this feature, or on your later turns as a bonus action, and forge a magical link with them. Any spell you cast can originate either from your space or the linked target's space. An unwilling target gets a Wisdom saving throw when the link first forms, and at the start of each of its turns. On a success, the link is broken. The link also breaks if you attempt to form any new link, or if the distance between you and your linked target becomes greater than 30 feet.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses on a long rest.
Nature's Harmony
Starting at 6th level, whenever you receive damage from another creature, you can reflect some of that damage back to the attacker, and when your spells or features cause another creature to regain hit points, you can regain some as well. As a reaction, if a creature damages you, you can reflect half of that damage back to the target, or if your spells or features restore hit points to a creature, you can give yourself half the number of hit points they regained. You can use this feature once, and regain the use of it after a long rest, or by expending a spell slot of 3rd level or higher.
Geomantic Potency
Starting at 10th level, whenever you cast a Wizard spell which deals cold, fire, lightning, thunder, or acid damage, you may add your spellcasting ability modifier to one damage roll of that spell.
Living Confluence
Starting at 16th level, you can maintain your ley communion feature for 1 hour, rather than 1 minute. While you are in communion with the ley lines, you have blindsight to a distance of 30 feet and cannot be surprised. Further, as a bonus action after casting a Wizard spell of 5th level or lower that does not require concentration, you can cause that spell to originate from both your space and your linked target's space. You can use this additional benefit once, and regain use of it after a long rest.