C&C is fine, but it ain't 1E. In C&C, like in 3E, a spellcaster's spells are more difficult to save against the higher level he is. That alone changes things significantly.
Not exactly. In 3E it doesn't matter how high level you are, just the level of the spell (plus stat and other non-level mods) determines save difficulty. Thats always bugged me about 3E.
You and Korgoth do realize that saves scale with level, right? In C&C? So when your 15th level, and your getting hit by a 15th level spell, your odds are identical to when you were first level saving versus the first level spell. The only differences will be caused by magic items or spells you have on you.
So when that 15th level Finger of Death comes in you get to add your level to your save, cancelling out the CL15 of the wizard, so the save is not a 27 if PRime, but still a 12, just like ti was when you were first level.
So if you have a DM stupid enough to attack you with a 12th level wizard and your 7th lower or level, you are in all liklihood a dead PC. Since even your Prime save will be no better than a 17 rather than a 12, because the GM hit you with a spellcaster 5 or more levels higher than you.
With exceptional luck on your rolls you could still survive, but it is unlikely.
Now a high DEX attribute bonus can lower that 17 to a 14, and magic could lower that even more, so thats good if your DEX is Prime, but if its non Prime your starting at a save of 23, not 17, so things get even uglier.
In other words, in C&C you will never be told, "Your getting hit by a spell." and hear the reply, "Don't worry, I can take it." You will now hear, "Ooh CRAP!" then watch your players bite their nails and sweat profusely until they find out if they save or not.
In C&C you keep spell casters rare, because they are the deadliest gun on the battlefield, just like they are supposed to be. So if you believe in panzy spellcasters who aren't meant to be feared, then you'll need to do some house ruling to make spellcasters into panzies again. When the players find out they are facing a cleric, druid, or spellcaser of any type, they will go on high alert. They will become worried. Even if they have a cleric, wizard and druid in their own party, because they might die before their own spellcasters can make the difference.
Let me put it this way, if you like the grittiness of something like Warhammer or the Midnight setting, C&C will give you a bit of that feeling when it comes to magic.