DDAL Lost Tales of Myth Drannor: DDAL's "Secret" D&D Book For Gen Con 50

Lost Tales of Myth Drannor is an official D&D Adventurers League book containing six adventures for characters of levels 1-20. It is billed as a promo for Gen Con's 50th anniversary, although it will eventually appear on the DMs Guild -- from DDAL's Greg Marks: "It is a book that is a promo for GC50 and cons the admins are invited to. It will eventually appear on the DMsGuild."

Lost Tales of Myth Drannor is an official D&D Adventurers League book containing six adventures for characters of levels 1-20. It is billed as a promo for Gen Con's 50th anniversary, although it will eventually appear on the DMs Guild -- from DDAL's Greg Marks: "It is a book that is a promo for GC50 and cons the admins are invited to. It will eventually appear on the DMsGuild."

Greg also added that "When initially released some are being distributed by BMG at Gen Con (I can't speak to how) and some by admins as promos" and that its appearance on DMsGuild would be "some months later.... PDF and possibly POD".

He added later that "I can't speak to what the BMG folks will be doing with their allotment, but the admins that are there will have some as well (myself, Claire and Alan are attending). The first print run of Super Secret Project 76 (not its real name) will be used by the admins as a promo item that we hand out at cons we go to (an actual book is a pretty awesome promo!). It will eventually go up on the DMsGuild as well, though not immediately. I will continue to tease more info on my twitter (@Skerrit7h3green) up until it is released on August 17th."

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And there's a LOT of them sitting in boxes at Gen Con this week!

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For now, our distribution plans remain as they were before the show: we will bring these to shows and gamedays that invite an admin to their events. Over the next few months, this will be the only way to secure a copy of this adventure.

Our end goal is to make this available on a much larger scale via dmsguild, but POD is not 100% guaranteed yet. While it is likely, the good folks over there have let me know that there are some behind-the-scenes concerns with POD before it can become a full-on possibility (but they're working on it). So, fingers crossed and high hopes for that!

This is very unfortunate.

This past January I was diagnosed with ALS. In the last eight months, my voice is pretty much gone, my right hand is useless (I'm typing with just my left hand which is getting weaker as well), and I'm constantly tired.

This isn't sour grapes ... but why am I telling everyone this?

Because I live about 30-40 minutes outside Buffalo, NY. The closest Con to me is probably in NYC ... which is a 6+ hour drive. Since the closest place that runs Adventure League around here is a little shop, none of you will probably never come here, so I'll never see a copy of this.

Since I'm losing function in my hands, I can no longer play my guitars or video games. Reading my D&D, Pathfinder, and C&C books are one of the few things that keep me sane and my mind off ALS and the inevitable that will happen to me in the next 2-4 years. Knowing that this probably won't make it to PoD, is incredibly unfortunate. In the slim chance that this turns out to be something curable and not ALS, it would be nice to have an adventure for 15-20th level play to finish of my campaign if/when I can DM again.

What about funding more copies through Kickstarter?


First Post
This is very unfortunate.

This past January I was diagnosed with ALS. In the last eight months, my voice is pretty much gone, my right hand is useless (I'm typing with just my left hand which is getting weaker as well), and I'm constantly tired.

This isn't sour grapes ... but why am I telling everyone this?

Because I live about 30-40 minutes outside Buffalo, NY. The closest Con to me is probably in NYC ... which is a 6+ hour drive. Since the closest place that runs Adventure League around here is a little shop, none of you will probably never come here, so I'll never see a copy of this.

Since I'm losing function in my hands, I can no longer play my guitars or video games. Reading my D&D, Pathfinder, and C&C books are one of the few things that keep me sane and my mind off ALS and the inevitable that will happen to me in the next 2-4 years. Knowing that this probably won't make it to PoD, is incredibly unfortunate. In the slim chance that this turns out to be something curable and not ALS, it would be nice to have an adventure for 15-20th level play to finish of my campaign if/when I can DM again.

What about funding more copies through Kickstarter?

Hey! So, I have -some- good news for you:


September 8th, 9th, and 10th... in Buffalo! It's a solid group of folks. I've attended as a guest, and this year other AL people will be in attendance (Robert Adducci for sure, but I won't be). I know that copies will be at the event, but I don't know how they plan on distributing.

The kickstarter question has come up a number of times but due to behind-the-scenes things (legalese, mostly) we can't go that route. POD via dmsguild is still the goal, I assure you :)


First Post
Are there any midwest cons in September or October that will have this being distributed? I wandered around Gen-Con looking for the guy with the hat for part of a day, but missed getting a copy.


I crit!
Are there any midwest cons in September or October that will have this being distributed? I wandered around Gen-Con looking for the guy with the hat for part of a day, but missed getting a copy.
Nuke-Con will have some. We're in Omaha NE

See my signature.
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Are there any midwest cons in September or October that will have this being distributed? I wandered around Gen-Con looking for the guy with the hat for part of a day, but missed getting a copy.

I know Dan's Con of the Vale 18 (Milwaukee WI), Gamehole Con (Madison WI) and Stuffed Cows (Glen Ellyn IL) all in October or November, will have copies.


First Post
I know Dan's Con of the Vale 18 (Milwaukee WI), Gamehole Con (Madison WI) and Stuffed Cows (Glen Ellyn IL) all in October or November, will have copies.

I'm planning to attend the Milwaukee one and play in Lost Tales all weekend. Any suggestions for grabbing a book? I was looking over the con page, it seems that only Judges will be given the module as a prize. I was planning to experience the adventure rather than host it, but I would still like a copy. Will players be eligible, as well?


First Post
GrandCon in Grand Rapids, Michigan is this weekend and will have a few copies.
U-Con in Ann Arbor, Michigan is in November and will have a few copies.

These locations, as with any others, will not have many copies to distribute. Our intention is to reward DMs first but the admin team is free to distribute their copies as they see fit. I would suggest commenting on the AL Facebook group about your intention/ desire so that whichever admin is attending can chat with you. For Milwaukee I would assume that Greg will be there.

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