DDAL Lost Tales of Myth Drannor: DDAL's "Secret" D&D Book For Gen Con 50

Lost Tales of Myth Drannor is an official D&D Adventurers League book containing six adventures for characters of levels 1-20. It is billed as a promo for Gen Con's 50th anniversary, although it will eventually appear on the DMs Guild -- from DDAL's Greg Marks: "It is a book that is a promo for GC50 and cons the admins are invited to. It will eventually appear on the DMsGuild."

Lost Tales of Myth Drannor is an official D&D Adventurers League book containing six adventures for characters of levels 1-20. It is billed as a promo for Gen Con's 50th anniversary, although it will eventually appear on the DMs Guild -- from DDAL's Greg Marks: "It is a book that is a promo for GC50 and cons the admins are invited to. It will eventually appear on the DMsGuild."

Greg also added that "When initially released some are being distributed by BMG at Gen Con (I can't speak to how) and some by admins as promos" and that its appearance on DMsGuild would be "some months later.... PDF and possibly POD".

He added later that "I can't speak to what the BMG folks will be doing with their allotment, but the admins that are there will have some as well (myself, Claire and Alan are attending). The first print run of Super Secret Project 76 (not its real name) will be used by the admins as a promo item that we hand out at cons we go to (an actual book is a pretty awesome promo!). It will eventually go up on the DMsGuild as well, though not immediately. I will continue to tease more info on my twitter (@Skerrit7h3green) up until it is released on August 17th."

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And there's a LOT of them sitting in boxes at Gen Con this week!

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Does "available in a few months on DMsGuild" mean
- by Christmas?
- by Valentines Day?
- by next Easter?
- longer than that because ... well, reasons?

I'm putting together my Christmas List for the benefit some early shoppers. (I shop on Christmas Eve because I've still got time...)

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I'm planning to attend the Milwaukee one and play in Lost Tales all weekend. Any suggestions for grabbing a book? I was looking over the con page, it seems that only Judges will be given the module as a prize. I was planning to experience the adventure rather than host it, but I would still like a copy. Will players be eligible, as well?

I have given some to the convention and I believe in addition given to the DMs running it, they are doing a player drawing each slot for a prize (of which you can choose a Lost Tales out of the pile). I will also have some that I will be giving away at the show via contests on my Twitter (@Skerrit7h3green).

Does "available in a few months on DMsGuild" mean
- by Christmas?
- by Valentines Day?
- by next Easter?
- longer than that because ... well, reasons?

I'm putting together my Christmas List for the benefit some early shoppers. (I shop on Christmas Eve because I've still got time...)

There is no firm date, so I don't want to specify and let you down. I hope that it will hit omewhere between Christmas and Easter. We've gotten all the permissions. Now we need to convert some files, do test prints, review copies, etc...


First Post
Any chance these show up at New York Comic Con? Not sure if WoTC ever has any kind of presence there.

Also, now that it's been "out" for a bit, would anybody who has it be willing to briefly summarize the adventures? Even something small, like just the plot hooks.


First Post
The books come with an admin's attendance. I don't think that NYCC invited any of the admins, so the chance of seeing books there is exceedingly low. There's a chance that an attendee might have one from a previous event, though.


Did this thing come with an iron clad and mystical NDA since we have yet to see ANY for sale....which is amazing considering someone has had to have reiceved one and thought, hey I could see this for some cash to buy that sweet new t-shirt and still have some change left over for some wizkids Nolzur minis and a hamburger! :)

Seen several of the MLP dice sets on eBay (all sadly expensive) but no copies of that yet.

I'd love a copy and really wanted to get to GenCon but lost the housing lottery hard. Just makes me even grumpier I missed out on the convention for stupid reasons (i.e. the hotels are greedy dicks and not releasing enough rooms).


A copy finally hit eBay last night....already at $85 with 6 days to go. Might be too rich for my blood :)

Edit - $106 now
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